Occupy Svasud (RvR Zerg Event)
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Event Title: Occupy Svasud
Event Host: Player Hosted Event (No Uthalis). No Midgard Leader Appointed When: Saturday, December 3rd, 3PM EST (EST=GMT-5, so 8PM GMT) rally and form groups, 3:30 PM zerg. Location: Odins Gate, Jamtland Mtns, and Uppland. Kick those damned dirty hippies out of your park (or realm as the case may be). bonus points for showing up in blue/black and roleplaying police in riot gear. ------------------------ Posting this here so that Mids might show up as well. Why Odins? -Holiday Themed. Tis the season, let it snow, etc. -Change of location to bring some variety into RvR -Hibs should get to use a portal keep sometimes too -bonus points if at least one zerg v zerg fight occurs at the Glacial Giant |
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