Wasabi Spellcrafting, Weaponry and more!
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Hail fellow northerners!
We proudly present you: our reliable crafting and spellcrafting services in Midgard! You just hit RR5 and need a MP weapon? Perhaps you need it spellcrafted right away ? Or you just started off with the game and need some Low-lvl first try armor set? We from Wasabi can offer you any weapon or armor you need in any quality, moreover we also provide a reliable, fast and trustworthy spellcrafting and salvaging service. Our services in short: - Weaponcrafting and shields (no fletching atm) - Armorcrafting (Chain, Studded) - Clothing (Leather, Cloth) - Spellcrafting (OC, non OC, lowlevel) - DF-Seal and Asterite rebuy at reasonable prices - Salvage services So how do you ask a price or make an order? a) You can contact us ingame /who Wasabi --> speak to Abuzkar/Weaponsmith or Lail** (we mostly play EU TZ) b) Just write a formless email to wasabi-crafting@gmx.net, we answer within 24 hours! We already have a lot of satisfied customers and we are looking forward to working for you so Midgard grows even stronger! See you on the battlefield - or in Jordheim ![]() |
There's no better weaponcrafter than a weaponcrafter named Weaponsmith
What about alchemy. My skald needs a full suit of alchemy.
Atm we only offer proc crafting and selling, as our alchemist has limited online times.
(But we are working on a reliable apply-my-proccs-service, may have one in the near future!) In your case: please contact me ingame or via the stated email and we can work some details, perhaps we can help you anyway! Best Lail |
the lie detector results have come back and "Crafted by Pillager" Is the #1 Pillager - Savage
<Reign> Midgard |
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