Just joined hib
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Rolling onto Hib later tonight once game finishes downloading and whatnot. A few things!
Guild recruitment? Any guilds willing to take in someone relearning the game? Semi-hardcore, playing most weeknights and more on weekends. Live in the US by the way. Classes. Torn between Ment, Chanter, and Warden. Thoughts on the three? |
The residents of Hibernia have an insatiable appetite for the treats that a Mentalist dabbles in. It only takes a few intoxicating moments of psychological stimulation for addiction to take hold of feeble minds.
If you can bear the masses of neck scratching, eye-twitching fiends calling out your name around every corner, then Mentalist might be for you. Last edited by Shpongle on Apr 15, 2017 13:54, edited 1 time in total.
<The Gang Makes a Guild>
gnome Ranger |
Cops are often seen sprinkling it on fallen realmmates... who then pop up and skitter off
https://youtu.be/FclScfPoKes?t=23m06s - Love,
Grunkle Mordred <FE> <Validus> // Gareth (Ringer extraordinaire) Try and read between the lines." |
Its kinda ******, cus if you want to level fast, enchanters and ments are the way to go. But once you are 50... You better love sitting in DL for hours.
Most groups are running tank groups not caster groups in NA. Not that caster groups are bad, they are arguably better, but they aren't easy to pug well. So if you don't have a bunch of friends who want to run a caster group with you, my best advice would be to go warden. There aren't a lot of 50 wardens and every tank group wants one. Just my experience from NA prime time to late night. Iradra - Sorc <we wuz kangz> Uthgard
Iradar - Bard <The Last Maul> Uthgard ________________________________________________ Circa - RR7 Warden <Aeon/Liberated> Guinevere Drado - RR6 Shaman <Zenith> Percival Rbiz - RR6 Druid <Nitro> Gareth |
Yea i second that. NA time is no good for pug casters.
Groups and Guilds have been very hard to come by since I've been playing Uthgard. It's not at all like DAoC once was. The game is good, don't get me wrong, there's still fun to be had. But there are hardly ever folks looking to group, NEVER Guild recruiting messages and such. Which is unfortunate, as it was always what kept me playing the original game.
It's not just Uthgard, that's literally just the direction the gaming/MMO industry went. Look at WoW. The design of that whole game right now is anything and everything has to be able to be done by a solo player who has no friends and no guild. So the entire game is queueable with auto group making. That's why it would seem every group that runs around is pugs. You may have some close friends you're in a guild with, but nobody is actually recruiting or anything because you just run with the same small clique and that's that. |
Its actually pretty sad. I'd love to find some people to play with, as most of my friends I used to game with are now big on shooters like CS:GO and overwatch. So we are kinda drifting apart. This is the MMO I want to play probably until CU comes out, and possibly after, but it really is tough to just grind it out solo wihtout at least some guildies to chat with or something. |
I just started as well and rolled a druid. If you want to group or roll some characters together let me know. I've been running into the same thing, it seems weird that there isn't more guild recruitment going on.
Not sure about other guilds but we tend to recruit by levelling with people and inviting them if we get along and they are unguilded or in the starter guild rather than having open recruiting.
Most guilds in Hib do this from my experience. It allows people to observe how you play/act before they recruit you. It also allows you to see what you're jumping into before you blindly accept guild invites ![]() Just keep working on getting/making groups. I got many multiple recruitment tells before I hit lvl 30. - Love,
Grunkle Mordred <FE> <Validus> // Gareth (Ringer extraordinaire) Try and read between the lines." |
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