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Printable maps for Daoc!!

PostPosted: May 08, 2016 00:07
by Gliss

Feel free to add more guys and I will add them to the top!

Sticky PLEASE!

Re: Printable maps for Daoc!!

PostPosted: Dec 31, 2016 09:59
by Splodeyfish
Thanks man, that's awesome!

Re: Printable maps for Daoc!!

PostPosted: Dec 31, 2016 10:01
by Kha
I got that for alb side (don't know if it's better, same, or worse).

That's what i use anyway (i like to have mobe types for charm / bonus malus melee weapon etc, and spawn points are precise enough)

Re: Printable maps for Daoc!!

PostPosted: Dec 31, 2016 12:52
by Dromina
Kha wrote:I got that for alb side (don't know if it's better, same, or worse).

That's what i use anyway (i like to have mobe types for charm / bonus malus melee weapon etc, and spawn points are precise enough)

There is something I just found. On the maps there is a bindstone in West Downs but ingame there is none. Does someone remember if there was a bindstone in 1.65? It is a good starting point for killtasks and leveling with a horse and healer there.

Re: Printable maps for Daoc!!

PostPosted: Dec 31, 2016 13:02
by Kha
Dromina wrote:
Kha wrote:I got that for alb side (don't know if it's better, same, or worse).

That's what i use anyway (i like to have mobe types for charm / bonus malus melee weapon etc, and spawn points are precise enough)

There is something I just found. On the maps there is a bindstone in West Downs but ingame there is none. Does someone remember if there was a bindstone in 1.65? It is a good starting point for killtasks and leveling with a horse and healer there.

© 2002 Kirstena, Knight of The Ancient Order, Albion, Galahad, all rights reserved

And 1.65 is 2003 so ... should be one yes.

Re: Printable maps for Daoc!!

PostPosted: Jan 12, 2017 17:47
by Kallisti
I did a set of maps for the Albion SI zones back in 2003, picking up the mantle from Kirstena who I was on Galahad with back in the day. I always wanted to get to do the Hib and Mid Shrouded Isles zones but never got my speed class toons high enough level to do it well.

My old website is still around but its very out of date so I'll need to do some updating of that before I make it public again :)

Of course the big mapping projects I did were TOA, New Frontiers and Catacombs (even got published in the Prima guides!) so they aren't relevant in Uthgard...

Sunday, 02. March 2025

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