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Postby Ragabbash » May 11, 2009 18:50


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Gryphon Knight
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Postby arnius » May 12, 2009 09:43

I've been playing uth for a while now, as a midgard healer i got/get killed a lot by stealthers, even if i'm in group (the nerve, ^^)

solo/duo and small groups are a great population of uthgard and are now left a bit behind, which is a great shame. Non the less, removal of camps is a good thing, cause those zergs camping at your camp didn't improve your morale for playing RvR a few hours. If i we're to sugest some change to increase satisfaction for the solo/duo/small group action, then i would be forced to advice to reinstate agra keep with rp bonus, which automatticly will become a new hotspot.

Furthermore i would also increase the RvR-zone so more keeps become availeble for raiding which is something that can be done in low hours by small groups and in peek hours by organised fg's or zergs.
These extra keeps and towers could be taken in count for df but also for higher rp gain, str/c, d/q acqui (keep) and str/c, d/q, acqui (tower).

If this should get implemented fully solo/duo/small groups could have their hotspot around agra keep, and the zergs would go keep raiding so they get as much rg gain and buff as possible

Arnius aka Johannah

For those who think that this opnion is no good,
plz give a good alternative,
if not plz don't break others ideas, because you want to, or like to
its really demotivating to say anything at all on these forums

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Postby Zarkor » May 12, 2009 11:52

arnius wrote:I've been playing uth for a while now, as a midgard healer i got/get killed a lot by stealthers, even if i'm in group (the nerve, ^^)

solo/duo and small groups are a great population of uthgard and are now left a bit behind, which is a great shame. Non the less, removal of camps is a good thing, cause those zergs camping at your camp didn't improve your morale for playing RvR a few hours. If i we're to sugest some change to increase satisfaction for the solo/duo/small group action, then i would be forced to advice to reinstate agra keep with rp bonus, which automatticly will become a new hotspot.

Furthermore i would also increase the RvR-zone so more keeps become availeble for raiding which is something that can be done in low hours by small groups and in peek hours by organised fg's or zergs.
These extra keeps and towers could be taken in count for df but also for higher rp gain, str/c, d/q acqui (keep) and str/c, d/q, acqui (tower).

If this should get implemented fully solo/duo/small groups could have their hotspot around agra keep, and the zergs would go keep raiding so they get as much rg gain and buff as possible

Arnius aka Johannah

For those who think that this opnion is no good,
plz give a good alternative,
if not plz don't break others ideas, because you want to, or like to
its really demotivating to say anything at all on these forums

I don't think we need neither a keep in agra, nor extra keeps or towers in the frontier zones. In theory it would be nice for small grps and soloers to have that center keep as their hotspot, but in reality FGs and zergs will just as good check it out for any action, thus leaving less room for smaller grps and soloers. Also, even for FGs at speed 5, there's nothing fun in going from bled to beno (or further) without a single inc.
Adding towers and keeps is (imo) a bad idea because it will spread out the action even more and give unneeded bonusses to realms. I don't think we need more relic-like effects on stats to make a PvWood realm more OPed in actual PvP.

I hope to have the new changes attract the RvR population to Agramon without adding more siege to it.

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Postby Zappo » May 12, 2009 15:04

Zarkor wrote: [...] I hope to have the new changes attract the RvR population to Agramon without adding more siege to it.

thats the point!

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Postby Hildorien » May 17, 2009 18:17

2-3 months ago agramon rvr was starting like that.At the morning there was only solos-duos.When 12:00,1:00 trios or more then trios.And when ppls killed by these groups they were starting to build big groups.
Why i am telling this right now?You killed all solos-duos in agramon.Ppls waiting any fg comes to agramon and they can try to build fg too.OR nothing to do in agramon.Raid 10 tower per day ok...But another day you think it will be different??Raid raid raid and wait...


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