sc-armor for my shaman
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Hey guys,
anyone willing to do it? I wanna use Esmes template. Its attached below. How mucht does it cost and how long do you need? Tell meh! =P (How can i contact you=) skills: 8 Mending 11 Augmentation 11 Subterranean Fokus: Cap-increase: other Boni: Body: Imbue points: 31,0 von 28 (99% Qual) effects: 1 All Magic Skill Bonus, 11 Crush Resist, 5 Slash Resist, 19 Constitution utility: 59,7 Arms: Imbue points: 33,0 von 28 (99% Qual) effects: 1 All Magic Skill Bonus, 11 Crush Resist, 5 Energy Resist, 25 Dexterity utility: 63,8 Head: Imbue points: 32,0 von 28 (99% Qual) effects: 1 All Magic Skill Bonus, 9 Matter Resist, 9 Spirit Resist, 22 Constitution utility: 65,7 legs: Imbue points: 32,5 von 28 (99% Qual) effects: 1 All Magic Skill Bonus, 11 Spirit Resist, 16 Piety, 52 Hits utility: 60,7 Hands: Imbue points: 33,5 von 28 (99% Qual) effects: 1 All Magic Skill Bonus, 13 Power, 3 Augmentation, 5 Matter Resist utility: 66,0 Feet: Imbue points: 33,5 von 28 (99% Qual) effects: 1 All Magic Skill Bonus, 28 Dexterity, 19 Piety, 60 Hits utility: 61,5 Right Hand: Imbue points: 31,0 von 28 (99% Qual) effects: 1 All Magic Skill Bonus, 7 Thrust Resist, 13 Power, 1 Body Resist utility: 57,0 Left Hand: Imbue points: 37,5 von 32 (100% Qual) effects: 1 All Magic Skill Bonus, 3 Subterranean, 5 Heat Resist, 15 Cold Resist utility: 70,0 |
well.if you order the armor it can cost from 2 Platin up to whatever cause you cant say how many tries till you get a 99%
usually its around 5 plat ,but can be much more too if you check the Auctioneer, or watch the chat for ppl selling the 99 while crafting 100% stuff it migt be way cheaper and faster. the SC takes anywere between 2 and 4 hours and will cost you between 2 and 5 p depending on who you ask .So make sure you get a price before giving the order^^ crafters to contact via /tell in game or pm you can find here ... pic&t=8661 |
What benefits do you get from +11aug ?
+aug over 50 is useless
but having +11 in your template has the benefit of beeing able to respec without having to build a new one |
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