So how is it playing a Bonedancer?

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Postby DisturbedFreak » Feb 19, 2010 22:22

How is it playing a Bonedancer in RvR 8 man? Or perhaps Wilton or Braemar solo. Gimped? Nerfed? Or is it fine?

What is your role in 8 man? Nuke nuke? Can't a Runemaster do everything you can better? Except they dont get TWF

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Postby Satz » Feb 19, 2010 22:27

BD in group? no, you already pointed it out, rm is better at everything bd can plus hes got more tricks up his sleeves.

BD might be possible as a rupter in group due to the low recast time instat spells and his pet. BDs dont have any pets beside commanders here but instead they do have their lifetap trimmed to 4 sec reuse.

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Postby Lintu » Feb 20, 2010 01:45

A "good" BD can kill everything in 1on1 in BGs because of its OP instant LL. But actually never see grouped BDs, especially not in OF.
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Postby Force » Feb 20, 2010 05:25

Pestilenzia runs in 8v8 all the time, and does really well. Of course he's RR11 now so I'm sure that helps. The BD is a good interrupter, with pretty good RA options, and a crappy pet. TWF is not functioning how it did on live (snare and dmg are both less than live like settings), and BAOD isn't as useful when casters under perform relative to live as well (NF RAs so no MoA, but no expansions for cast speed either) and everyone seems to run tank setups in 8v8 so you'd rather have BoF up normally.

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Postby ctrl386 » Feb 22, 2010 07:22

Hello everyone first of all.

Is there perhaps a thread where new players can see the status of a class ?
It is very dissapointing as a new player if you start playing and realize at level 20 that you cant play it the way you want.

in my case its the BD:

- what about the pet(s) ? Are the "special" pets that you get with 40 points in a spec line implemented ? or do i have to stick with my skeleton commander ?

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Postby nixian » Feb 22, 2010 09:49

only 1 BD pet is implemented

and atm there is no updated thread on how classes are doing im afraid


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Postby Hedra » Feb 22, 2010 11:07

Also this pet has no ability and is green at level 50 (was blue on live afaik).

There was a proposition on these forums to give a warning to new players when you create a class that isn't working correctly (especially animist and BD), but no one from the staff replied so.. But I think this would be a nice thing to add.

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Postby ctrl386 » Feb 22, 2010 18:39

thanks for your answers.

i think i have to overthink if i really wanna play BD then..

but i think too, that it is necessary to create a thread where people can look what which class misses. would be nice if a staff member who actually know the classes could do that. else we players have to make one, where everyone can help out with infos over his class.

anyway thanks for the great server. i love it.

greetings ctrl

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Postby Musikus » Feb 22, 2010 18:48

there are enough of such threads...''search##-funktion of the forum might have helped out..

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Postby Sveya » Feb 22, 2010 22:59

question is :

can he use his lifetap every 4 or every 8 seconds?

and does the body debuff interupt?

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Postby nixian » Feb 22, 2010 23:29

Sveya wrote:question is :

can he use his lifetap every 4 or every 8 seconds?

and does the body debuff interupt?

1. 4

2. not sure

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Postby Splamo » Feb 23, 2010 01:02

I guess I understand the lack of the two other pets, but why gimp the BD even further with a green pet?

And does anyone have an opinion on a 39/37 Dark/Supp spec? Would the higher body debuff be worth it if you through in MoF to help with the lower level LT resists?

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Postby Runis » Feb 23, 2010 01:26

answer to the topic question: no pets

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Postby Zail » Mar 09, 2010 17:33

DisturbedFreak wrote: What is your role in 8 man?
Except debuff, DD, instant drain ? nothing interesting. I first thought BD was create by mythic to allow low child or guys with only 2 fingers to enjoy that wonderful game. And it seems it worked cause they made cata class then...

More seriously, i still don't seen the point in playing such class when rm or even sm are so funnier. So if somebody can explain to me, i'll give you a cookie.

Force wrote: runs in 8v8 all the time

After 13M rps farming xpers, i can understand he must be bored of soloing, ok this part is pure flame but so true :twisted: , i can't stop my laugh when i see a BD and think about that poor guy behind his computer pressing the same I-win-button again, and again, and again....

Unfortunately everybody is free to do that, but the easy way is never the most interesting.

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Postby Xantham » Mar 09, 2010 23:30

The ability to interupt two people at once would be huge. insta debuff and lifedrain to interrupt plus the debuffs would be very demoralizing.

Now i know why Pest is one of the highest ranked people on this server.


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