Ceaseless has FINALLY opened Recruitment! (Take a look)
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...Not to scourge a deceased equine or anything...
I see if this could be a problem for you, but Ventrilo is more or less a staple in the large majority of guilds who utilize coordinated events. I'm the prime example of not needing to speak to roll with the bros. Perhaps one day, gentlemen...one day, I may grace your senses with the sexiness that is my voice.
Nope, it's actually in there! Maybe a problem was caused by an individual or group of individuals missing out on that, but it is most certainly in there.
In the guild recruitment post, there really isn't anything up there that demands for excessive or superfluous time sinks or devotion. We're certainly not asking you to 'sock it' or 'coke bottle it' (or gatorade bottle in my case ^.^) during an extended gaming session or anything along those lines.
Again, we have no rules that demand excessive amounts of your time. Perhaps our definition of excessive differs, but that simply is a difference in our interests. How is there anything wrong with that at all? I'm not a recruitment officer, but I apologize if this has turned you away from the guild. Simply put, we just wish to avoid the so-called 'weekend warriors.' I can ASSURE you from personal experience that the guild does not have a strict qualification for putting in x amount of hours per week as many hardcore guilds do. My college schedule is extremely demanding (yeah, no sleep through classes then study 3 hours the day before the exam for me) and I end up studying sometimes 50+ hours a week, yet I remain in the guild just fine.
Unfortunately, it's not too often we let Barlow out of his cage. Not even to bathe or groom himself. This is the regrettable result of letting him remove his Gimp Suit for more than 20 minutes at a time. As a word of advice to the big man himself...never, ever fart in the Gimp Suit, sir. P.S. - Barlow, your spelling and grammar make Justin Bieber laugh in embarrassment. |
Hyperion aka Jorm, thank you for YER kind WERDS sir. My spelling and grammar are horrible.
But, you hit a few perfect topics here, and I appreciate it. You saved me from having to make another 4 paragraph post about random crap. Yes! I am a high strung leader, but I get the job done. I will always defend my guildies to the best of my ability. I thrive on having good solid arguments about random things...it helps my nights go by. Remember, I am getting married in a few months, so I will have plenty of time to argue IRL! I want everyone to know we ARE still recruiting So please keep the applications coming! PS - Jor aka Hyperion I saw your photo on the Justin Bieber Facebook page as one of his "biggest fans".. until then, I was wondering how you knew who the hell he was. PSS - Hotkeys > you <div>Jerb - aka Barlow - Leader of Ceaseless<br>www.ceaselessguild.com<br></div><br>"<strong>You cannot be a leader, and ask other people to follow you, unless you know how to follow, too."</strong>
Belieber. =D
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