[EVENT] Nysath's Revenge

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Gryphon Knight
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Postby Kazuki » Jul 13, 2006 02:16


Nysath's Revenge

Booming trumpets tear through the peaceful morning calling all citizens to meet at the gathering area. An old herald steps out in front of the crowd with a worried expression on his face. Then he starts to speak:

These are dire times with the war raging between Albion, Hibernia, and Midgard. However, it seems that we'll soon have to face an even greater threat! I am not sure if you have heard of the Legend of Nysath. Our scrolls of history list him as one of the most powerful mages of old times. He once tried to conquer our beautiful realm. The joined forces of good succeeded to defeat him in a long raging battle. Three archmages worked together to transform Nysath into a worm. After that he was banished into hell where he was supposed to remain forever. All followers of Nysath were killed or scattered.

The herald's mind seems to drift off for a while and finally he sighs before he continues his speech.

Recent reports show that we imagined ourselves in false safety. Nysath's followers have regrouped and rumors have it that they collected several powerful items which could be used to bring back Nysath to his former power! Apparently, an evil warlock already summoned Nysath out of hell. He and his followers were seen roaming Caer Sidi. Nysath hasn't regained his full power yet because he is still bound in his worm shape.

The herald takes a deep breath and tries to lift his voice even more.

All seasoned fighters who think themself ready to join in a raid to once again defeat this evil scourge should meet here in a couple of days. Our mission will be to search and kill Nysath and his guardians as well as getting our hands on the powerful items. Your help in adverting danger from our beautiful realm will definitely be rewarded. Messengers have been sent to all towns and fortresses to gather the strongest fighters of our realm.

With these words he leaves the platform and slowly walks away brooding over some strategies how to best approach the enemy.


On Sunday, the 16th July, at 18:00 an event is going to happen in Caer Sidi.
If you want to go there, just use the SI-Portal, which you can find in your beginning city (Cotswold | Mag Mell | Mularn).
Everyone who is level 40+ is allowed to join this event, but this event isn't as easy as you might think...

This is not a X-Realm-Event!
Last edited by Kazuki on Jul 13, 2006 02:56, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby panachier » Jul 13, 2006 02:46

that smells good. we wait the next event for a long time, it ll be totaly welcome.
<img src="http://www.fallenearth.fr/daoc/daoc2.php?player=Panachou">

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Postby PNG » Jul 13, 2006 10:51

Ohhhhh!!! Nice, that sounds like Mobs with Ai/Ki and Spells :D
I think this event will be live-like.
Good job to you Kazuki and to the guys, who worked together with you.


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Postby Gerbald » Jul 13, 2006 13:19

Kazuki wrote:On Sunday, the 16th July, at 18:00 an event is going to happen in Caer Sidi.
If you want to go there, just use the SI-Portal, which you can find in your beginning city (Cotswold | Mag Mell | Mularn).
Everyone who is level 40+ is allowed to join this event, but this event isn't as easy as you might think...

This is not a X-Realm-Event!

I am a litte confused now:
It is not a X-Realm event, but you can go to Caer Sidi from all realms?
I am too young anyway, but i am wondering how it will work, will it be three independant groups, one for each realm? Since it is not X-Realm, will they compety and be allowed to kill each other?

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Postby Phenix » Jul 13, 2006 13:25

instance ?
[v2] Toxik - Cabalist 50 <Fromage>
[v1] Phenix - Friar 50 <French Keeper>

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Postby TheKrokodil » Jul 13, 2006 14:02

yep, there will be "some" mob ai...not sooo much..but some...spells? maybe ;)...

and yep, every realm will get an instance
Be nice. :)

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Postby Phenix » Jul 13, 2006 17:19

The items will be better than the actual crafted items ?
[v2] Toxik - Cabalist 50 <Fromage>
[v1] Phenix - Friar 50 <French Keeper>

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Postby Presto » Jul 13, 2006 18:55

This event is a wonderful idea and exactly the right thing to do. The opener is also great. I'am pretty sure this one will be loads of fun.

clap @ uthgard ;) Show them what you've got :)

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Postby Garoux » Jul 13, 2006 23:52

come in my group for the event Presto... don't leave us !
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Postby TheKrokodil » Jul 16, 2006 19:40

I liked to see how different the realms were...

Alb were the fastest..they needed around ~30 mins to finsih the event..couldn't even switch between the realsm so fast...had to raise the level of the mobs 10-30 level..

Hib did it at the speed as we expected, was organized, really nice..

Mid was a bit slower, we had to set the levels of the mobs down..But also good at the end..

But well, now to the bad part. Some people don't want to play correctly; they collected all drops and then went offline directly....Albion lost so 5 of 8 Boss drops...I think its better to don't give out any rewards anymore in the next event, or, well...no eventsf anymore..

Why do some of you flame that there are "no/so less drops"? Isn't fun the most important part in a event? Giving drops to mobs isn't as good, as it takes four times so long as the real mob spawning/event creating...And also, creating drops for a event which is only done one time isn't usefull...
Be happy that there are actually events - We do this for you and not for us - We aren't paid for this - You don't have to take part in the events.
Last edited by TheKrokodil on Jul 16, 2006 19:42, edited 1 time in total.
Be nice. :)

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Postby BattalGazi » Jul 16, 2006 19:40

ich bin mit meinem neffen in der selben gruppe gewesen...
die ganze zeit haben wir nix bekommen...und sahen wie die anderen immer alles einsteckten...
alle sind sogesehen planlos durchgerannt...
ohne von anfang ne absprache zu halten...
als hauptmob tot war...habtte ich nen stab bekommen..den ich sofort auf nem wizzi ausprobiern wollte...und mein neffe hatte ne robe bekommen die er mir gab..die ich auch sofort ausprobiert habe...

in emain habe ich parr levis gekillt und relogte auf den pala zurück mit dem ich im event da war..und da sehe ich bin im jail gelandet bin
und beim callgm warum ich im jail gelandet bin...fingen die sofort an mit asoziales verhalten an und so...weil ich alle tiele genommen habe und abgehauen bin...
nirgends steht das ich diese teile mit den anderne tielen muss mit dne ich net in gruppe war...ich bindavon ausgegangen das die drops finders keppers ist, aber was grade im jail mir gesgat wurde...war die höhe...das kommt eienr herr und beleidigt mich mit arschloch...
ohne mal richtig die sache aus meienr sicht anzuhören...

wenn mei neffe und seine chars im jail landen und ich beleidigt werde....
sehe ich mich gezwungen, wenn sich der jneige der mich beleidigt hatt net entschuldigt..ich alle chars hier lösche und uthgard den rücken zukehre!

wenn man net der netteste ist...ist es kein grund einen zu beleidigen!
schon garnicht von leuten die im stuff sind...die sollten als vorbilder dienen und net wie cs kinder beleidigend werden!

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Postby BattalGazi » Jul 16, 2006 19:50

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Postby KlacM » Jul 16, 2006 20:02

in deinem punkt mit der beute muss ich dir leider wiedersprechen @hiyarto

normalerweise wird es auf jedem server(egal ob freeshard oder live) mit drops so gemacht, dass jeder, der an einem raid mitmacht und n drop bekommt den drop für andere zur verfügung stellen muss, indem er das drop im chat zeigt und jeder der das haben will mit dem würfelbefehl würfelt und der höchste bekommt das item. das is egal obs da steht oder nicht, bei seltenen items wird das so gemacht.

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Postby Kazuki » Jul 16, 2006 20:02

Ich werde dazu nichts mehr sagen...

Ich werde mich bei dir nicht entschuldigen, bevor du dich nicht bei den Albs entschuldigt hast.

Ich hatte noch einige Events mehr in Planung, die ich nun auch gestrichen habe - Mir ist nun einfach die Lust vergangen :wink:
Falls du dich bei den Albs endschuldigen solltest, werde ich evtl. nochmal drüber nachdenken.

So far,

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Postby TheKrokodil » Jul 16, 2006 20:05

Tjo, BattalGazi ..wieso wir so "nett" reagiert haben? weil leute wie du einem einfach alles versaun.
Be nice. :)


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