Best pac healer spec?
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I think put my points like that:
44 pac 31 mend 4 aug But what about 48 pac? Any ideas? And mb variants with more smart points sharing between aug and mend for pac healer? tnx |
Imo its 33 mend 19aug 38 pac. u dont need red mezz, noone will stay in grp fight as long as ur mezz duration is. with mof u are fine using the lvl 34 mezz. and u still can use cele if ur aug healer cant cast it.
hm. and what about resist on this server? on last server higher lvl mezz = higher chanses to mezz w/o resists. so, different lvls of mezz is just different time mezzed (and area)? |
My pac´s spec is 38 pac 36 mend rest aug. I think this works fine and with 36 in ment i have yellow group heal. And 48 in pac for 10 sec stun instead 9 sec is waste of points only. I can understand 44 for last mezz or 45 for pom 5, but 48 is waste of points.
yellow group heal is not bad idea, i thought about this spec too. but what u think about exping from 40 lvl, when i should respec aug for mend? leave haste till 50 lvl then pay for respec? or pac healer can exp in grp 40-50 too? tnx |
I think that depend many on your playstyle and in what groups you play and also on skill. There are different good specs, i try to explain that a little bit. You should have 31 in mend, because you need the 31 spec heal, else it will be very difficult to heal a target with a 2-3 Tank AT. The highest pac should be 44. The red AoE mezz is nice, but not a must have. In many situations the time different between the red and the yellow AoE mezz will be like 2 - 5 secs. The resist rate isn't that much higher. More then 44 is cool, because you sometimes have the red aoe instant cc, that have lesser resist rate and a better radius, but then you don't get 31 in Mend. If you have 19 in aug you have green cele. That sounds not so good, but green cele is 24% haste. On 33 Mend you get the yellow slow spec heal, that helps you to save your mana. You will have to heal in random grps very often, so you should have strong heals. Some things also depending on skill. So if you are new to pac healer and have to train first a little bit, i would recommand to go on a higher lvl of mend to save your group. 36 pac 40 mend rest aug If you are you are a good healer it is enough to have the blue heals and want strong cc, i would recommand: 44 pac 31 mend rest aug If you can handle to mezz some targets with single mezz, heal your grp fast and do sometimes cele, i would recommand: 38 pac 33 mend 19 aug Greetz Luydor |
thanks for new tips in choosing spec! i think here is a lot of information, now my turn - decide. p.s. last question: and what spec is yours? |
You will ever have group for xp, healer still healer. Its better kill slow than die or no kill. My pac healer was my fastest leveled char, and i got rvr groups in emain in level 48-49 yet. |
I d go aug/heal at least till 40. just form tank grps and dont get any caster. buy pom potions of ur lvl and u ll do fine.
and for spec take Luydor advices, he knows best what he is talking about. |
really good classic server and responsive community, my respect /bow |
My spec is 38 pac 33 mend 19 aug, but i played long time with 44 pac 31 mend. If you have some more question about paci, just ask. Greetz Luydor |
i thought so ^) i've played 2 years 44/31 a long time ago, but ur new vision of 38/33/19 is great, never really thought about this spec. |
I much prefer the 36/35/19 spec. 3 insta CCs should be plenty and you don't want to give a group stun immunity for a minute right off the bat. You also get the improved Group Insta which is pretty nice. You do lose ST root but most/all groups should have a RM/Shaman to do that if ****** hits the fan, otherwise your tanks should be peeling with melee snare.
To each their own I suppose. |
I am a fan of the lower pac spec aswell. My suggestion is get the 2nd spread heal (smart heal) and put the rest in pac. Healing is so important - much more than a higher mezz. In high RR groups everyone is purging, SoS'ing and atleast det4 but no RA can slow down a healer with MCL2 and spread heal 2 healing the group to full every cast. Cost alot of mana so get pots.
There is no escape but death - Your life is just a murder train a-comin'
+1 There is many Spec's in the End none of them is *best* - you gotta check out which one is best for you (or for your group setup) |
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