[Mech] Tips to work with Moras

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Phoenix Knight
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Postby Esme » Feb 03, 2009 22:31

Lots of ppl use Moras Calculator for doing their Templates.
Also many dont know the few little tricks, to take out the most utility as possible.

since more and more players join Uthgard, i get to see more and more Templates
Lots of them are really perfect, but the major part ...well i say: ok let´s do this over^^

I am not trying to be a smartass here.
and dunno how it is for other Spellcrafters here^^ but sometimes i take an hour trying to explain these things per /send
and end up doing it by myself afterwards xD

So this is just a little help for those people wich do their Templates for the first times.

i will try to explain how to do a decent Template
as well as some of the most mistakes done and how to avoid them ;)

First of all find out wich stats/resis/skill lines are most important for your character
so you can set priority into capping them.

Here is Nixian's Charbuilder

I know some will say :lol everyone knows that!
but just recently i was asked by a warrior to add Piety to his sword oO and simular things so
obviously not everyone does.

just a few simple examples for Mid ( i am not too familiar with the other Realms) :

-if you play a 50 in Aug specced Healer, no need to waste any imbuepoints in the Augumentation Skill line.It

wont make your Buffs any better (50 Composit Spec is cap for Skill lines wich dont do dmg)

-Pacification is not nessasary (in your SC) nor are the gems implemented, cause it won´t increase the strength

of your CC Spells ect.

-Battlesongs or Stormcalling is a waste,cause the little more Dmg you do with these Skill lines cap,
is simply not worth it ( so only if you really have slots to spare,wich is hardly ever the case)

-same for Beastcraft it wont make your Selfbuffs or Charm any better (thx Rector)

So for Alb and Hib better ask some experienced Players if you are not sure .

Different kind of Armor is sensitive to different types of Dmg and so on...So be sure to cap the dmg types your
armor is Vulnerable to.


So enough blah.. lets get to the Template crap ^^

I prefer the old Moras Version 1,72vand 1,73 ,but the versions up to 1,74 or even 2,4 work fine also.
these newer Versions starting with 1,74 show more then 4 imbue slots.
On Uthgard you can only use 4 slots on each item.
if you prefer to download Moras complete in english, wich finds and imports drops from your chatlog into your database , you can skip the next step :)
next step ---> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=108488&package_id=117147

Moras can be set to English or german
here is were you select the language you prefer:



Here you activate crafter mode and fixed window mode:


Then you select Your Realm,Class and Race and the Level your Template will be for.(on top in the middle^^)

Next you select your Armortype here:


or you can do it manually here:

make sure you select exactly the armor/weapon you have.
Otherwise it might show a wrong amount of imbuepoints
and you will end up doing it all over

Now you start selecting the drops you want to wear.

Here you can manually insert them into Moras:

try to avoid overcapping with just the drops anything more then 1 or 2 points
Perfect would be, if you can get any resis/stats cap with drops in order to gain more imbue slots.
for example like this:

and remember concerning the drops: less can be more in a lot of cases.

any quality or level of armor can be overcharged by 5,5 points
the number of impuepoints you have on your Item showes on the bottom left.
as soon as you start overcharging,you will see a number% on the right side bottom.
this shows how much chance the spellcrafter has to succeed in imbuing the item
(this is not the chance to explode !)

The chance to explode, depends on the quality of the gems the Spellcrafter uses.
For example 4X 99% gems on 99% armor= 1% chance to see your poor little Spellcrafter
go up in flames and take your armor part including the gems with him ;)

4x 99% gems on 100% armor you are on the save side
same for 3x 99% 1x 100% gem on 99% armor

When overcharging, always use all 4 imbue slots,
because if you use only 3, the 4th empty slot will count as a 94% gem >>BOOM in most cases ;)

the more you overcharge the darker the item shows on the right(yellow >>Red).
If it turnes black ,you are over the max.

here are some examples of templates i got recently wich contained the most common mistakes

very nice one of how it´s NOT supposed to look like.
In this case i replaced a very hard to get Bracer with a simple Bracer from the Df Diamond Merchant,
devided resis and stats evenly like i will explain in the next Template
and gained almost 50 more Utility.



This one isnt bad,but just by evenly deviding the stats you see,
what can be done with exactly the same Armor and Jewels.



Noticed what i changed?^^

here is an example of the crush resis from the original Template

13/3 = +16 resis used 26 imbuepoints

now lets devide that into lets say 7/9 = still +16 already down to 22 imbuepoints

make them even smaller and devide by 3 7/7/2 = +16 but only 19 imbuepoints

Also with Stats 28/1 = 19,5 while 16/13 use up only 15,5

Same for Skill lines, Hitpoints and Power.

of course there are exeptions:
for example

after adding jewelry, you are missing exactly 76 Hits or ecactly 28 Str or 11 in any Resi.
In this case, i would try not to devide these first,in order to gain an extra imbue slot.

and one last tipp :

if you end up on one part lets say with 34 in a 99% part (impossible)
and on other parts with 32,5 or 33 on 99% parts (1 or 1/2 point more you got)

go ahead and search these parts wich are only overcharged with 32 and 33
for gems wich have only one imuepoint less and simply exchange them.

like change +9 Resi (16 ip) with +4 Skill (15 ip)

as you can see its all a matter of calculation and patience^^
dont try to have it done in 30 minutes ,take your time
and when you think you are finished, move your mousecursor over the stats one by one
on the left again ,to see the imbues pop up on the armor parts.

If they all look pretty much evenly split up you can be almost sure
that you took the best out of your expensive armor you could :)

So have fun calculating ;)

very nice Moras tool for Spellcrafters wich are tired of selecting every single Gem and putting it in the quickbar :)
it will fill your quickbars with the gems you want to craft

this little program was only supportet by sourgeforge up to client 1,87 , i manipulated it to make it work for our actual client
I have been using it for over a year now and it works perfect.

just download >>install>>launch>>select your electronics arts folder (It finds The spellcrafter itself) >>enjoy ;)
for some reason it shows the Spellcrafters Name -Dartmoor but thats the one you should pick if it shows different options

your Spellcrafter has to be logged out before clicking on GO
the char selection window is enough.

for Hib >> http://www.mediafire.com/?tt98749ehdya7w7

for Mid >> http://www.mediafire.com/?45e28tizoipxgh2

for Alb >> http://www.mediafire.com/?c7oroqb96z43qir


hope i didnt forget too much
and if you find mistakes, or important things missing please correct me :)
Last edited by Esme on Mar 13, 2017 02:30, edited 22 times in total.

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Postby Duke » Feb 03, 2009 22:44

wow very nice Esme, I guess this should be a sticky, maybe one could translate it for germans / french people aswell.

Sth. which is missing is to save drops you have found ingame, but this is just an idea.


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Postby nixian » Feb 03, 2009 22:52

*cough* Lokis 1.4 is much better *cough*

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Postby Esme » Feb 03, 2009 23:22

Thx Duke edited :)

@Nixian no ^^

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Postby Stahlhagel » Feb 05, 2009 09:30

/clap Esme :-)

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Postby Funzel » Mar 24, 2009 10:56

timesaving good explanation! many thanks!

gott sei dank hab ich nun nen link auf den ich die leute hetzen kann ^^

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Postby nixian » Oct 25, 2009 13:30

De-stickied and moved to tutorials

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Alerion Knight
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Postby Rector » Oct 25, 2009 17:31

nice work Esme :!:

- There is also no need to put Imbue Points in Beastcraft, as a Hunter. It doesnt make buffs or charms better.

- Importing the items from the chatlog in Moras never worked for me, either :-(

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Postby Esme » Oct 25, 2009 19:37

thx i added that one :)
also took the part with inserting items via chatlog out 'cause it really dont seem to work for anyone.

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Postby Satz » Oct 25, 2009 19:42

Id like to add something...
Moras calculator might containg a different database so that you might get wrong template by using it.

Exel does not make such mistakes. Just write a small table with the items youve got, and add the sced bonuses yourself to max out your potentual.

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Postby Esme » Mar 20, 2010 01:52

Satz wrote:Id like to add something...
Moras calculator might containg a different database so that you might get wrong template by using it.

Exel does not make such mistakes. Just write a small table with the items youve got, and add the sced bonuses yourself to max out your potentual.

what i would do is, delete the original Moras database and just insert the items i find or see at the Auctioneer .
or even better: ask around for the already existing db ,and make sure i have these drops before i do my template to compare the stats with these in the Uth Moras db

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Postby Esme » Dec 08, 2010 01:06

added the seupcraftbar tool
the links i posted once are lost in the forum jungle.
only for mid and hib now but im working on the alb one atm
if anyone in Alb can sell me some artificers stones i would appreciate it xD

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Postby Esme » Dec 08, 2010 16:13

the Alb one is in now

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Postby boulderbolg » May 18, 2011 20:12

Link removed


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Postby Sonnenschein » May 24, 2011 19:32

@Esme: Nice tool! Wtf I should have used this so much earlier!!! (QQ?) :D


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