Ankita's Rivalry (05/19/2011 18:00 CET)

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Postby Xedie » May 20, 2011 05:04

Sonnenschein wrote:GZ to all winners & GZ to all that finished the event :)


Was a really nice event. Had some hours of fun and partly really desperation. But finally we made it under the estimated time and ofc were really happy about it. Thanks for these nice hours of doing smth. different then rvr / tajendi / df raids. I would really like to see more such events in the future :wink:

Keep it up Casinii, well done :)

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Postby Melodexx » May 20, 2011 05:29

Xedie wrote:
Sonnenschein wrote:GZ to all winners & GZ to all that finished the event :)


Was a really nice event. Had some hours of fun and partly really desperation. But finally we made it under the estimated time and ofc were really happy about it. Thanks for these nice hours of doing smth. different then rvr / tajendi / df raids. I would really like to see more such events in the future :wink:

Keep it up Casinii, well done :)

/agree thanks alot Casi

syuveil wrote:Y ;/ 8 Hours work for nothing is a bit frustrating

i won 2 RA respeccs if u want one i'll share it with u :D

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Postby toaky » May 20, 2011 05:58

very well planned event, nice way to see practically all of your realm and the see it again...and again..and.. :p cant believe some of the hiding spots they came up with. also sorry to all those that participated and didnt win anything, but that is often how PvE goes :/

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Postby Bloodwyne » May 20, 2011 07:45

can't remember a more boring day ever here on uthgard... and generally uthgard is quite boring... thanks for the afford casinii, but i have a different understanding of a challenging event, when the challenge is to run around in zones and search for npcs or items like 5 of 7 hours and the rest is riding from one zone to the other. The quests where you had to think logically were nice but it took us maybe 20 minutes to solve all of these. And when i read Blue saying that only the first groups will get the best rewards while in your discription it obviously looked like the first 2 groups would have the chance to win the same, i finally gave up on this waste of time.

Give me 7 hours of my life back!

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Postby Lasastard » May 20, 2011 07:45

Yes, thanks for the event.

As an attempt at constructive criticism, you should consider play-testing it beforehand (more). Some things in the 'quest chain' made little sense or were difficult to understand at best (in terms of direction as well as story).

Having to answer the first clue as written word not numbers simply made no sense. The riddle itself was difficult enough, I'd say

The egg in Sheeroe (speaking as a Hib) was highly frustrating - this is a huge zone with endless numbers of aggro mobs. And hiding the egg in a building was pretty lame tbh

The Moody Pixie - maybe we missed a hint, but we had three groups standing there for 30mins + unable to figure out what the hell we were supposed to be doing.

The connection between steps was a little difficult to follow sometimes. The old lady (Tir nam Beo) tells you to follow the road to Connla - to do what? We eventually found a Firbolg with a pointy head and figured 'Well, this has to be the guy then' - but I dont think that was clear from the story or the directions given by the lady.

Anyway, great effort and looking forward to seeing something similar again some day.

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Postby Tupfer » May 20, 2011 07:53

Xedie wrote:
Sonnenschein wrote:GZ to all winners & GZ to all that finished the event :)


Was a really nice event. Had some hours of fun and partly really desperation. But finally we made it under the estimated time and ofc were really happy about it. Thanks for these nice hours of doing smth. different then rvr / tajendi / df raids. I would really like to see more such events in the future :wink:

Keep it up Casinii, well done :)

Thx for this really nice event... finally a challenge on uthgard... Thx Casinii and Blue... well done :grin:



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Postby Zail » May 20, 2011 08:51

talk to a npc, look fo some stuff, talk to a npc, look for some stuff, talk to a pnc, look for some stuff, KILL A MOB !!!, talk to a npc, look fo some stuff, talk to a npc, look for some stuff.....

As you get it i found this event hell boring as your succes didn't rely on your logical sense, your speed or even the strength of you group but just on your luck to find a needle in a haystack. I think 1 or maybe 2 searching step would have be ok but ALL the quest like that was just frustrating.

I also want to apologize to my group i left against my will: i felt asleep on desk while looking for ... What i was looking for ? i don't even remember.... :bored:

Edit: i just realized this was cassini's first event so i might have been rough in my criticism, so let's hope your next one will be more challenging.
Last edited by Zail on May 20, 2011 18:30, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Tupfer » May 20, 2011 08:59

Trishin wrote:Believe me when I tell you they have a chance to win ;) I doubt anyone will be finished in 6 hours :twisted:

You are right.. we finished it in 5 hours =)



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Postby ruminaz » May 20, 2011 09:31

the event could be nice if we was able to recive more hints or at least give a small ( usful) reward ..... ( at least a pet....).

when i saw that Casinii organized a event i was realliu excited but as the hours was passing my frustration was growing.
i was thinking to an exciting event like answer to some trick ( ofc) kill more mobs got more challenging thing ...

about the EGG part.... is crazy put 1 egg in Malmous where there is no save way to run and run without know what the thing u are lookin for looks like.

about the wind .... that too was crazy... a STINKY MOB? we didnt know what to do whit that thoot ... wasent really well explained ... lot of peopel tried to kill the gnome few time to get more then as left part ( like the mug) ...

the part that i preffered was the mug part that was really well organized.

the next event please make somthing shorter or maybe with more steps but easier or well explained .... and LET US KILL A BIIIIG MOB :D <---- pve fun :P

a tresure hunt will be great but .... well explained ( lot of people maybe got some language problem and some steps can be hard).

Btw GG to all who finished or try to make some steps.

Thanks to the GM that organized somthing different ( and we really need it) ^^ i hope this will be the first of long kind of event.


P.S. Dont disharten ... critic make us grow ^^

Faby :D

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Postby borog » May 20, 2011 10:22

after repeated attempts to enter the first question, and a very frustrating 45 minutes, i resorted to begging someone else for the answer. It turns out that not only was my answer correct, but it actually contained a typo?

How are we supposed to answer a question when the answer provided is wrong?
Since when was "twohundred" a word?

It would be easier if the dialogs were written so that they actually made sense. Maybe next time, have a non-participant proof read it to make sure it contains properly structured sentences.

I only got as far as trying to find mugs in Vanern Swamp. I ran round the whole place 3 times before i gave up and went to do some farming instead. Standing around and waiting for a mob to re-spawn is infinitely more exciting than running from a-b with nothing to do in between.

I don't doubt some of the more sycophantic DAOC players will have enjoyed it immensely; it just wasn't for me, sorry.

I would prefer to do some form of invasion event, where hoards of aggressive, fast spawning, varying leveled mobs attacked the home zones, then everyone from low to high levels could participate.

Thanks anyway

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Postby shade » May 20, 2011 11:55

First of all, nice to see such custom events, and see them mainly for fun and not the BIIIIIG reward thingy (some people seemed to expect).

I was surprised that there was almost no LFG/LFM for this events (at least in hib). Probably the "first solved->reward" info repelled most casual players, and the "daoc veterans" did it with their default setup. Plus, the 6+ hours announcement probably repelled a lot of European players with a job, especially if you do not have the chance to start at 18:00 CET, and have to work the next day. I for sure would have preferred the event during the weekend.

Personally, I went to the first step and found out that it is unsolvable without using google.

The "original" formulation of the problem (as can be found at several places in the internet) contains the information that both swimmers start at opposite "shores" at the same time. Without this info, there is no unique solution to the problem. I sent this to Casinii but got no response -- no accusion, he probably got lots of sends -- but at that point i didnt feel like forming a group :D ... also I was a bit late for starting.

Anyways, hope to see more of that in the future, maybe there is a special way to motivate "casuals" -- don't know what that could be, though.
Last edited by shade on May 20, 2011 11:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Celteen » May 20, 2011 11:56

Was fun till the pixie part. How should you know you have to whisper "Fairy dust"?
And then the wife is on a walk so everyone checks the surrounding areas. But cursed forest come on, then tell us she is on a hike or something. This made absolutly no sense and the riddle parts took like 1h (and thats not the riddle, most time consuming was how to send it lol) while walking was much much much more.
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Postby Healowner » May 20, 2011 12:02

First of all, thanks for the GMs for putting in the work to create this event and the challenges within it. I am sure it was hard work and time consuming and that you did it to give the community something different from the usual gameplay.

That being said, I'll now put down what I think of the whole experience:

- The riddles were interesting and funky to solve, I only realized this morning when I woke up why my answer to the fairy question was wrong (km instead of miles :D);
- The funny factor with the huge rats and the player morph, I giggled some there;
- The NPC names relating GMs, I also giggled a bit at the sight of Abydos with four children dieing of hunger because of those rats. :D

- The whole riding from Snowdonia to Western Cornwall/Lyonesse;
- I didn't like the fact that you only had 4 riddles/puzzles (might be wrong on the number here) and search through entire zones for 7 items/NPCs (again, I might be wrong on the number). It's very annoying to the player and creates an atmosphere of boredom within the groups;
- The fact that players were advised to bring a FG of 50s when you only had to fight one mob easily doable with 4 people;
- The lack of an interesting storyline with the quest, if there would have been a motivating factor with the story people would have got bored a lot harder, there's nothing a geek loves more than taking part in a nice story through his MMO and character;
- The difficulty of the whole event didn't lay in the puzzles/riddles, but in the searching. It was tedious and almost not at all challenging until the wife (we couldn't find her). Searching through zones like West Cornwall makes baby Jesus cry;
- Have I mentioned that the search was annoying as hell?

Overall, it made for an unpleasant experience for myself and, probably, my entire group. Maybe in the future events there will be a bit more emphasis on the storyline and puzzles and a lot less on searching and travelling for hours. :?

Kudos to the winners for staying motivated and being effective at finding the items and such, a well earned victory.

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Postby GreenP » May 20, 2011 12:05

Thanks for the event. Some stuff was really hard to solve, some stuff way too confusing(but at the end really easy ^^) but still a nice event.
Compared to christmasevent these rewards were really op´d but just 6 in a group of 8 won such reward(lame abit^^). Maybe next time just give out 1 OP item per group + all get another basicreward.
Would give more groups the chance and a reason to try a run.
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Postby Casinii » May 20, 2011 12:13

Good morning,

Ok lets start,

First of all: thanks to all who participate in this event. It was a lot of work and a lot of fun to create it. We learned from this event to do some stuff better the next time. It was my first event here on Uthgard and the event should be difficult. Thats why I decided sometimes, that for example, the number 200 isnt the correct answers but rather the word. I posted in the very first thread of this topic, that you really need endurance. It was because of the searching tasks.

I'm sorry for the players who have considered this event as a waste of time. However, it was said from the beginning that only the first two groups would get special rewards. But, we will reconsider in the future the output and the properties of Rewards.

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