Remake Minievent Jousts
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Good day Uthgard!
I'm proud to announce that you all can be prepared again, that we might call you monthly to jousts again! it will work like it always did, and for all players who will practice in it for their first time can read through this: What are the level ranges and Types? Bronze Joust - lvl 30 to 35 Silver Joust - lvl 40 to 45 Golden Joust - lvl 50 What do we have to do to participate? 20 players will be chosen to participate in the event after a GM announced it by a broadcast. The participants are chosen in order of incoming /callgms while the /callgm must contain the following informations: /callgm (Joust) (name of the participating char) (level of the participating char) example: /callgm Joust Haldan 36 After a short time the list of participants will be broadcasted and are going to be teleported to the eventzone. The following rules apply while the event is prepared: 1) Even though you should not be able to attack eacht other we advise you to not even try to attack each other. 2) Make it easy for the GM. He has to coordinate up to 20 players and running around doesn't make it easier and will obviously delay the start of the event. Feel free to talk to Wiseman Freki. He will explain you the rules in short detail. How does this event work? The GM will assign you to opposing groups. "Team White" and "Team Blue". After you have been assigned please take position at one of your teams marking stones. You and your team may chose and switch between the marking stones in order to face proper opponents. When everyone is in position the GM will assign your teams to opposing realms and broadcast the start of the Joust! The following rules apply while the teams are fighting each other ... Rules of the Joust: 1) You may not group with anyone! 2) You may not buff other players than yourself! 3) You may not use realmabilities, charges or potions! 4) When you die DO NOT release. The GM will revive you. After being revived please move to the starting position (Wiseman Freki) and do not interfere in the ongoing fight! 5) If you need to immediately leave due to RL issues contact the GM. He will assign you to your natural realm and teleport you back to your starting town. The way of the Joust: When the start of the Joust was broadcasted the Joust begins. It will work as follows ... The opposing players at position 1 (all teams marking stones are numbered) start to fight each other. No other player is allowed to interfere this duel! The survivor of this duel may instantly be attacked by the opposing teams position 2 player. This goes on until we have got a winning team. To give you a better example watch the below added picture. ![]() What are the rewards? Rewards depend on the type of Joust. The rare Golden Jousts will offer the most precious rewards such as unique weapons, respecs or even a reskin while the Silver Joust rewards the winners with xp boosts, level equipment or gold. The loosing team receives a gold-reward. Note that respecs and reskins are high-lvl rewards for the golden joust. Your Uthgard-Team You have an idea for an event? Send me a pm and tell me more about it!
Will this event announcement be a surprise announcement for thoughs online atm? Also will there be any events of this kind during your late night/morning for north america primetime?
Uthgard 1; Mid: jalora-Runemaster-50-RR5l3-Leg SC, jalori-Thane-50-RR 5l1-LGM-Tailor,jalorie-Shaman-50-RR3l9-Barrel Alch, jalorese-Berserker-48-RR3l4-low-WC,jalorea 50 summon SM, 37 huntress - lgm ac Live; home server: Mid Gawaine jalorian-healer, jaloria-bd, many jalor and bot army alts GM of forn sidr "we knew drama" |
Healowner - Alb/Merlin - The Guardians |
The calls will come via broadcast from me, at any time. but during the year each event should have taken place in every timezone.
You have an idea for an event? Send me a pm and tell me more about it!
didnt get how it works, so could be fun though ^^ edi
Last edited by Celteen on Jul 02, 2011 19:12, edited 1 time in total.
![]() <<< This avatar is handmade by Inotor Wurzelbert : ) Check out the Mampfer-Threads for more. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=25079 viewtopic.php?f=10&t=26934 |
It's a team event for 10 people, first 10 that /callgm. It's not like you have to win a duel and then get a reward straight away.
![]() Healowner - Alb/Merlin - The Guardians |
If you read the event description you would know this is not how it works ![]() I must say wizards should be invited more to group ![]() Was impressive Griselda ![]() |
Had many nice fights this time. And yes, Griselda did a really good job, aswell as all the others did, was a hard fight untill the end.
You have an idea for an event? Send me a pm and tell me more about it!
Nice event BUT two things i wanna point out
- Realmbalance : Yes the first 20 /callgm get invited but imo try to make it even... so 6 or 7 of each realm can take part. - Classbalance: Some classes are just useless, others are almost unbeatable if they start to kite. Would be cool to find a better balance. ![]() Formerly known as
Touareg- RR10 noobVW on Uth1. Crossfire- RR7 noobAnimist on Uth1. Ohnoes- RR9 noobAnimist on Lolgins. Click this LINK if you want to see the truth about Hibernia |
Yes we cared about it. it was 6 7 7 and there is no unbeatable class, it was rly nice today ![]() You have an idea for an event? Send me a pm and tell me more about it!
Stupid comment. Your way to play is not the only one. There is a solocommunity, there is a 8vs8 community, there is a zergcommunity and there are ignorant idiots like you. Maybe you noticed that the worst class on Uthgard performed the best (Wizard). Gratz to all winners, thanks for bringing Joust back =) |
+1 The Bard Cait also did very well against Sholah... was so funny watching the Troll run and run and die slowly ![]() |
well there is a huge difference in playing a wiz solo against other classes or in group, since every enemy group is running ATLEAST yellow heat/cold resists, so the dmg will suck. Also if there would have been RA's allowed i wouldnt have killed anything ![]() ![]() ![]() thanks for hosting eleras and trishin and keep it going ![]() |
nice event
cait +2 and did you get rps for killing some1?didnt kill anyone^^ (feuille and sohy with rr 4 reaver ![]() ![]() |
On my only Joust Event on Uthgard I did get some RPs for them ;P Even for the "own realm" ![]() |
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