Midgard: SC templates(old)

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Postby Gobot » Mar 12, 2011 23:40

Can someone put together a skald template with ancient chainmail taj tank cloak and mp 2hander pls? :) trying to stay away from worm and shark bracers

edit: mp boots/gloves are fine though

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Postby Piemandinga » Apr 05, 2011 16:38

Made this cheap Skald template, with Epic gloves and the choice to wear Taj2 helm if so desired. Obviously not cap all, but in my opinion, for what it costs, still pretty good! Only thing maybe quite expensive being Bracer of Shattering. The idea was to make one that would let u solo pretty well, aswell as group play.

Hope you like it!

(2h Equipped)
Code: Select all
Str:  77  Intelligenz:   0  Hits:  200
Con:  76  Frömmigkeit:   0  Magiekraft   :    0
Dex:  56  Charisma   :  72
Qui:  47  Emphatie   :   0

Crush :  25 [b](Norse 27)[/b] Heat :  22  Body :  24
Slash :  26 [b](Norse 29)[/b]  Cold :  23 [b](Norse 28)[/b]  Spirit :  26
Thrust :  25  Matter :  24  Energy :  26

11 Hammer
7 Parry

Imbue Punkte: 33.5 von 28 (99% Qual) Überladen: 30%
Juwel 1:  3 Parry - 99% (Rough) Vapor Battle Jewel
Juwel 2:  4 Hammer - 99% (Flawed) Fiery War Rune
Juwel 3: 60 Hits - 99% (Precious) Blood Essence Jewel
Juwel 4:  7 Slash Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Watery Shielding Jewel
Nutzen: 64.0

Imbue Punkte: 33.5 von 28 (99% Qual) Überladen: 30%
Juwel 1:  3 Hammer - 99% (Rough) Fiery War Rune
Juwel 2:  4 Parry - 99% (Flawed) Vapor Battle Jewel
Juwel 3: 60 Hits - 99% (Precious) Blood Essence Jewel
Juwel 4:  7 Cold Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Icy Shielding Jewel
Nutzen: 64.0

Head: [b](Same stats as Tajendi 2 Helm)[/b]
Imbue Punkte: 33.0 von 28 (99% Qual) Überladen: 30%
Juwel 1: 60 Hits - 99% (Precious) Blood Essence Jewel
Juwel 2:  7 Crush Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Fiery Shielding Jewel
Juwel 3:  7 Slash Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Watery Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4:  7 Thrust Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Airy Shielding Jewel
Nutzen: 57.0

Imbue Punkte: 32.5 von 28 (99% Qual) Überladen: 50%
Juwel 1: 13 Strength - 99% (Imperfect) Fiery Essence Jewel
Juwel 2: 13 Constitution - 99% (Imperfect) Earthen Essence Jewel
Juwel 3:  9 Crush Resist - 99% (Polieshed) Fiery Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4:  4 Hammer - 99% (Flawed) Fiery War Rune
Nutzen: 55.4

Name: Battlesung Gloves
Stufe: 51  Qualität: 100%
AF:   102  Bonus: 35%
Effekt 1:  18 Strength
Effekt 2:  15 Dexterity
Effekt 3:   8 Body Resist
Effekt 4:  10 Energy Resist
Nutzen: 58.1

Imbue Punkte: 33.5 von 28 (99% Qual) Überladen: 30%
Juwel 1: 25 Charisma - 99% (Flawless) Icy Essence Jewel
Juwel 2: 25 Quickness - 99% (Flawless) Airy Essence Jewel
Juwel 3:  5 Spirit Resist - 99% (Flawed) Vapor Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4:  5 Thrust Resist - 99% (Flawed) Airy Shielding Jewel
Nutzen: 53.5

Right Hand:
Imbue Punkte: 33.5 von 28 (99% Qual) Überladen: 30%
Juwel 1: 25 Quickness - 99% (Flawless) Airy Essence Jewel
Juwel 2:  7 Charisma - 99% (Rough) Icy Essence Jewel
Juwel 3:  4 Parry - 99% (Flawed) Vapor Battle Jewel
Juwel 4: 19 Dexterity - 99% (Facetted) Vapor Essence Jewel
Nutzen: 54.2

Left Hand:
Imbue Punkte: 33.0 von 28 (99% Qual) Überladen: 30%
Juwel 1: 22 Charisma - 99% (Precious) Icy Essence Jewel
Juwel 2: 25 Quickness - 99% (Flawless) Airy Essence Jewel
Juwel 3: 20 Hits - 99% (Rough) Blood Essence Jewel
Juwel 4:  7 Thrust Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Airy Shielding Jewel
Nutzen: 50.5

Imbue Punkte: 33.0 von 28 (99% Qual) Überladen: 30%
Juwel 1: 25 Charisma - 99% (Flawless) Icy Essence Jewel
Juwel 2: 22 Quickness - 99% (Precious) Airy Essence Jewel
Juwel 3: 20 Hits - 99% (Rough) Blood Essence Jewel
Juwel 4:  7 Thrust Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Airy Shielding Jewel
Nutzen: 50.5

Name: Avernal Neckalce
Stufe:  0  Qualität: 99%
Bonus: 0%
Effekt 1:  19 Constitution
Effekt 2:  10 Heat Resist
Effekt 3:  10 Energy Resist
Nutzen: 52.7

Name: Taj Tank Cloak
Stufe:  0  Qualität: 99%
Bonus: 0%
Effekt 1:  19 Strength
Effekt 2:  19 Dexterity
Effekt 3:   9 Crush Resist
Effekt 4:   9 Matter Resist
Nutzen: 61.5

Name: Exquisite Black Diamond Jewel
Stufe:  0  Qualität: 99%
Bonus: 0%
Effekt 1:  18 Strength
Effekt 2:  10 Cold Resist
Effekt 3:  10 Body Resist
Nutzen: 52.1

Name: Belt of the Water Strider
Stufe:  0  Qualität: 99%
Bonus: 0%
Effekt 1:   6 Energy Resist
Effekt 2:   6 Matter Resist
Effekt 3:   6 Spirit Resist
Effekt 4:   6 Slash Resist
Nutzen: 48.0

Right Ring:
Name: Band of Ice
Stufe:  0  Qualität: 99%
Bonus: 0%
Effekt 1:   6 Cold Resist
Effekt 2:   6 Spirit Resist
Effekt 3:   6 Heat Resist
Effekt 4:  13 Constitution
Nutzen: 44.7

Left Ring:
Name: Solidified Silken Ring
Stufe:  0  Qualität: 99%
Bonus: 0%
Effekt 1:   6 Thrust Resist
Effekt 2:   6 Slash Resist
Effekt 3:   6 Body Resist
Effekt 4:   6 Heat Resist
Nutzen: 48.0

Right Bracer:
Name: Exquisite Black Diamond Bracer
Stufe:  0  Qualität: 99%
Bonus: 0%
Effekt 1:  22 Constitution
Effekt 2:  22 Dexterity
Effekt 3:  22 Charisma
Nutzen: 44.2

Left Bracer:
Name: Bracer of Shattering
Stufe:  0  Qualität: 99%
Bonus: 0%
Effekt 1:   9 Constitution
Effekt 2:   9 Strength
Effekt 3:   9 Matter Resist
Effekt 4:   9 Spirit Resist
Nutzen: 48.1

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Postby shortkeen » Apr 14, 2011 13:13

Healer Template, with everything capped except 1% Body
99% Armor / Shield
Please, someone have a look at the Item stats. I hope they are correct

Code: Select all
Konfiguration Report für  Jusanelle

Stärke:   0  Intelligenz:   0  Trefferpunkte:  204
Konst.:  76  Frömmigkeit:  89  Magiekraft   :   27
Gesch.:  75  Charisma   :   0
Schne.:   0  Emphatie   :   0

Schlag :  27  Hitze  :  26  Körper :  25
Schnitt:  26  Kälte  :  26  Geist  :  27
Stoß   :  26  Materie:  26  Energie:  27

11 Mending
11 Augmentation

Imbue Punkte: 33,5 von 32 (99% Qual) Überladen: 90%
Juwel 1:  2 Heat Resist - 99% (Uncut) Heated Shielding Jewel
Juwel 2:  7 Power - 99% (Imperfect) Mystic Essence Jewel
Juwel 3: 28 Constitution - 99% (Perfect) Earthen Essence Jewel
Juwel 4: 60 Hits - 99% (Precious) Blood Essence Jewel
Bonus 5:    Leer
Nutzen: 51,8

Imbue Punkte: 33,0 von 32 (99% Qual) Überladen: 90%
Juwel 1:  4 Augmentation - 99% (Flawed) Airy Chaos Rune
Juwel 2:  7 Cold Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Icy Shielding Jewel
Juwel 3:  7 Slash Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Watery Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4:  7 Power - 99% (Imperfect) Mystic Essence Jewel
Bonus 5:    Leer
Nutzen: 62,0

Imbue Punkte: 32,0 von 32 (99% Qual) Überladen: nicht nötig
Juwel 1: 13 Slash Resist - 99% (Precious) Watery Shielding Jewel
Juwel 2:  1 Power - 99% (Raw) Mystic Essence Jewel
Juwel 3:  5 Thrust Resist - 99% (Flawed) Airy Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4: 10 Dexterity - 99% (Flawed) Vapor Essence Jewel
Bonus 5:    Leer
Nutzen: 44,7

Imbue Punkte: 33,5 von 32 (99% Qual) Überladen: 90%
Juwel 1:  7 Power - 99% (Imperfect) Mystic Essence Jewel
Juwel 2: 52 Hits - 99% (Faceted) Blood Essence Jewel
Juwel 3: 22 Dexterity - 99% (Precious) Vapor Essence Jewel
Juwel 4:  7 Thrust Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Airy Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    Leer
Nutzen: 55,7

Imbue Punkte: 33,5 von 32 (99% Qual) Überladen: 90%
Juwel 1:  7 Crush Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Fiery Shielding Jewel
Juwel 2:  7 Cold Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Icy Shielding Jewel
Juwel 3: 44 Hits - 99% (Polished) Blood Essence Jewel
Juwel 4:  9 Spirit Resist - 99% (Polished) Vapor Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    Leer
Nutzen: 57,0

Imbue Punkte: 33,5 von 32 (99% Qual) Überladen: 90%
Juwel 1:  3 Heat Resist - 99% (Rough) Heated Shielding Jewel
Juwel 2: 11 Crush Resist - 99% (Faceted) Fiery Shielding Jewel
Juwel 3: 22 Constitution - 99% (Precious) Earthen Essence Jewel
Juwel 4:  5 Energy Resist - 99% (Flawed) Light Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    Leer
Nutzen: 52,7

Rechte Hand:
Name: Brimstone Hammer of Chaos
Stufe:  0  Qualität: 99%
DPS:  0,0  Bonus: 0%
Effekt 1:   4 Mending
Effekt 2:  15 Dexterity
Effekt 3:  15 Acuity
Effekt 4:   6 Body Resist
Effekt 5:   6 Heat Resist
Nutzen: 64,1

Linke Hand:
Imbue Punkte: 32,5 von 32 (99% Qual) Überladen: nicht nötig
Juwel 1:  4 Augmentation - 99% (Flawed) Airy Chaos Rune
Juwel 2:  4 Mending - 99% (Flawed) Watery Chaos Rune
Juwel 3:  5 Matter Resist - 99% (Flawed) Earthen Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4:  7 Thrust Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Airy Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    Leer
Nutzen: 64,0

Name: Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 91%
Bonus: 30%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Kodo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 28k, 15k
Effekt 1:   7 Thrust Resist
Effekt 2:   7 Body Resist
Effekt 3:  48 Hits
Effekt 4:   7 Energy Resist
Nutzen: 54,0

Name: Taj1 Caster Cloak
Stufe:  0  Qualität: 99%
Bonus: 0%
Effekt 1:   9 Crush Resist
Effekt 2:  19 Acuity
Effekt 3:  19 Dexterity
Effekt 4:   9 Matter Resist
Nutzen: 61,5

Name: Buch des Blutbundes
Stufe:  5  Qualität: 99%
Bonus: 35%
Herkunft: Herkunft: Klassik-Zone
Fundort: Malmo
Effekt 1:  16 Piety
Effekt 2:   6 Body Resist
Effekt 3:   6 Spirit Resist
Effekt 4:   6 Cold Resist
Nutzen: 46,7

Name: Gürtel des Wasserläufers
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Herkunft: Art: Drop
Mob: Medina
Fundort: Raumarik, Loc 16,8k / 57k
Effekt 1:   6 Slash Resist
Effekt 2:   6 Matter Resist
Effekt 3:   6 Spirit Resist
Effekt 4:   6 Energy Resist
Nutzen: 48,0

Rechter Ring:
Name: Band des Eises
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 90%
Bonus: 35%
Herkunft: Raumarik -> Windstossgespenster o.ä.
wenn man Raumarik reinkommt linke Hangseite halten!
Effekt 1:  13 Constitution
Effekt 2:   6 Heat Resist
Effekt 3:   6 Cold Resist
Effekt 4:   6 Spirit Resist
Nutzen: 44,7

Linker Ring:
Name: Superior Accursed Bone Ring
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 100%
Bonus: 25%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Marbo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 5k, 5k
Effekt 1:   3 Mending
Effekt 2:   3 Augmentation
Effekt 3:  15 Piety
Effekt 4:   5 Power
Nutzen: 50,0

Rechtes Handgelenk:
Name: Bracer of the Blaze
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Yar' in 'Malmohus' at locs 7k, 55k
Effekt 1:   9 Dexterity
Effekt 2:   9 Piety
Effekt 3:   9 Energy Resist
Effekt 4:   9 Heat Resist
Nutzen: 48,1

Linkes Handgelenk:
Name: Shrunken Ribcage
Stufe: 49  Qualität: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Wretch of Winter' in 'Raumarik' at locs 28k, 31k
Effekt 1:  13 Constitution
Effekt 2:  15 Piety
Effekt 3:   6 Matter Resist
Effekt 4:   6 Body Resist
Nutzen: 42,8

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Postby Inside » Apr 18, 2011 16:48

Temp skald with all charge buff on it. Good for soloer

Code: Select all
LOKI Build Report
Default Configuration:
Build Utility: 947.2
Useable Utility: 933.0
TOA Utility:  0.0

STR:75/75     CON:78/75     DEX:79/75
QUI:75/75     INT:0/75     PIE:0/75
CHA:75/75     EMP:0/75

Body: 27
Cold: 26+5
Heat: 27
Energy: 26
Matter: 26
Spirit: 26
Crush: 27+2
Slash: 27+3
Thrust: 26

Battlesongs: 11
Parry: 11
Axe: 3
Hammer: 11
Sword: 3
Staff: 3


Two-Handed Configuration:
Build Utility: 899.2
Useable Utility: 878.0
TOA Utility:  0.0

STR:75/75     CON:78/75     DEX:79/75
QUI:75/75     INT:0/75     PIE:0/75
CHA:75/75     EMP:0/75

Body: 27
Cold: 27+5
Heat: 27
Energy: 26
Matter: 26
Spirit: 26
Crush: 27+2
Slash: 27+3
Thrust: 26

Parry: 11
Axe: 3
Hammer: 12
Sword: 3
Staff: 3


Imbue: 36.5/32 (Quality: 100)
7 Strength
11% Matter
9% Spirit
7% Energy
Utility: 58.7
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 37.0/32 (Quality: 100)
9% Energy
9% Thrust
3 Parry
9% Cold
Utility: 69.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100)
25 Charisma
4 Parry
3 Hammer
9% Body
Utility: 69.7
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 37.0/32 (Quality: 100)
4 Parry
2 Hammer
28 Quickness
9% Body
Utility: 66.7
TOA Utility: 0.0

Hands (<<Haste alchi>>):
Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100)
16 Charisma
5% Thrust
11% Crush
9% Cold
Utility: 60.7
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 37.0/32 (Quality: 100)
9% Spirit
16 Constitution
22 Quickness
9% Body
Utility: 61.3
TOA Utility: 0.0

Right Hand:
Imbue: 32.5/28 (Quality: 99)
5% Cold
9% Heat
5 Battlesongs
1 Hammer
Utility: 58.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Left Hand:
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99)
5% Thrust
6 Battlesongs
3% Cold
2 Hammer
Utility: 56.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 35.5/32 (Quality: 100)
5% Thrust
9% Heat
4 Hammer
9% Cold
Utility: 66.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Neck (greater obstruction neck <<Af charge >>):
Imbue: 25.0
7% Crush
7% Slash
7% Thrust
8 Hits
Utility: 44.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Cloak (tajendi cloak  acuity):
Imbue: 37.0
19 Acuity
19 Dexterity
9% Matter
9% Crush
Utility: 61.3
TOA Utility: 0.0

Jewel (shark gem):
Imbue: 38.5
18 Strength
22 Constitution
15 Quickness
80 Hits
Utility: 56.7
TOA Utility: 0.0

Belt (ravager << Add damage 11.3 charge >>):
Imbue: 41.0
25 Strength
10% Slash
10% Energy
46 Hits
Utility: 68.2
TOA Utility: 0.0

Left Ring (wrou ring):
Imbue: 28.0
10 Quickness
10 Dexterity
8% Spirit
8% Heat
Utility: 45.3
TOA Utility: 0.0

Right Ring (bedlam <<dext/quick 63 charge>>):
Imbue: 20.0
15 Constitution
15 Acuity
6% Matter
Utility: 32.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Left Wrist (bracer dragon << Ablative 150 charge >>):
Imbue: 40.0
25 Strength
25 Dexterity
72 Hits
3 ALL melee weapon skills
Utility: 66.3
TOA Utility: 0.0

Right Wrist (akar barrier <<Str/con 56 charge>>):
Imbue: 44.0
25 Constitution
25 Dexterity
10% Slash
10% Heat
Utility: 73.3
TOA Utility: 0.0

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Postby Mundane » Apr 18, 2011 17:18

HEALER ------ (or shaman...trade + aug for + cave)

Code: Select all
LOKI Build Report
Class: Healer
Level: 50

Dual Wield
Item Utility: 829.0
Build Utility: 829.0
Useable Utility: 822.0
TOA Utility:  0.0
PvE Utility:  0.0

Strength: 0/75
Constitution: 75/75
Dexterity: 75/75
Quickness: 0/75
Intelligence: 0/75
Piety: 75/75
Charisma: 0/75
Empathy: 0/75
Hits: 204/200
Power: 22/25

Body: 26/26
Cold: 27/26
Heat: 26/26
Energy: 27/26
Matter: 26/26
Spirit: 26/26+5
Crush: 26/26
Thrust: 26/26+3
Slash: 27/26+2

Augmentation: 11/11
Mending: 11/11

Chest (Crafted):
Imbue: 33.5/32 (Quality: 99)
   Piety: 16
   Body: 7%
   Slash: 9%
   Thrust: 7%
Utility: 56.7
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Arms (Crafted):
Imbue: 33.0/32 (Quality: 99)
   Dexterity: 25
   Heat: 5%
   Thrust: 7%
   Crush: 7%
Utility: 54.7
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Head (Crafted):
Imbue: 33.0/32 (Quality: 99)
   Dexterity: 22
   Constitution: 13
   Slash: 7%
   Mending: 4
Utility: 57.3
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Legs (Crafted):
Imbue: 33.0/32 (Quality: 99)
   Constitution: 22
   Hits: 52
   Thrust: 5%
   Mending: 4
Utility: 57.7
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Hands (Crafted):
Imbue: 33.0/32 (Quality: 99)
   Slash: 5%
   Crush: 9%
   Matter: 5%
   Hits: 68
Utility: 55.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Feet (Crafted):
Imbue: 33.0/32 (Quality: 99)
   Cold: 9%
   Hits: 36
   Mending: 3
   Augmentation: 4
Utility: 62.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Right Hand (Crafted):
Imbue: 32.5/32 (Quality: 99)
   Energy: 5%
   Spirit: 2%
   Augmentation: 4
   Power: 11
Utility: 56.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Left Hand (Crafted):
Imbue: 26.0/32 (Quality: 99)
   Constitution: 1
   Crush: 1%
   Augmentation: 3
   Power: 11
Utility: 39.7
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Neck (DF Diamond):
Imbue: 30.0
   Body: 7%
   Energy: 7%
   Thrust: 7%
   Hits: 48
Utility: 54.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Cloak (Taj):
Imbue: 37.0
   Dexterity: 19
   Acuity: 19
   Crush: 9%
   Matter: 9%
Utility: 61.3
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Jewel (Bloodbound book):
Imbue: 26.0
   Piety: 16
   Body: 6%
   Cold: 6%
   Spirit: 6%
Utility: 46.7
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Belt (Water strider):
Imbue: 25.0
   Energy: 6%
   Matter: 6%
   Spirit: 6%
   Slash: 6%
Utility: 48.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Left Ring (Band of ice):
Imbue: 24.5
   Constitution: 13
   Cold: 6%
   Spirit: 6%
   Heat: 6%
Utility: 44.7
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Right Ring (Band of ice):
Imbue: 24.5
   Constitution: 13
   Heat: 6%
   Cold: 6%
   Spirit: 6%
Utility: 44.7
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Left Wrist (Bracer of the blaze):
Imbue: 30.0
   Dexterity: 9
   Acuity: 9
   Energy: 9%
   Heat: 9%
Utility: 48.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Right Wrist (Shrunken ribcage):
Imbue: 24.5
   Constitution: 13
   Piety: 15
   Body: 6%
   Matter: 6%
Utility: 42.7
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

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Postby pweet » Apr 18, 2011 17:47

use other bracers, bracer of blaze and shrunken ripcage are way to expensive for a healer/sham temp. sufficient to use crappy DF ones for emerdal seals.

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Postby Laouig » Apr 30, 2011 12:25

Hello there,

Need a cheap SC for SM dark, i'm a poor guy so don't need caps like power (luxury?) or something. I've red this thread, but in some templates there are expensive or hard-to-find items (i guess, i've check prices in housing). I think i can use taj cloak, necklace from DF, bande of ice... and ofc course 99% parts. And then ? Now you can help me, thank you !

(ps : i'm a norseman, so maybe do not need so much constit ?)

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Postby Esme » May 02, 2011 22:03

Laouig wrote:Hello there,

Need a cheap SC for SM dark, i'm a poor guy so don't need caps like power (luxury?) or something. I've red this thread, but in some templates there are expensive or hard-to-find items (i guess, i've check prices in housing). I think i can use taj cloak, necklace from DF, bande of ice... and ofc course 99% parts. And then ? Now you can help me, thank you !

(ps : i'm a norseman, so maybe do not need so much constit ?)

how about this one:

Code: Select all
Mora's Ausrüstungsplaner
Konfiguration Report für Spiritmaster

Stärke:   0  Int:   0  Hits:  200
Const.:  77  Piety:  79  Power   :    4
Dex.:  75  Charisma   :   0
Quick.:   0  Emphaty   :   0

Crush :  26  Heat  :  26  Body :  26
Slash:  27 Cold  :  26  Spirit  :  26
Thrust   :  26  Matter:  26  Energy:  26

11 Darkness
8 Suppression
5 Summoning

   50 Darkness Focus                     


Andere Boni:

Imbue Punkte: 33,0 von 28 (99% Qual) Überladen: 30%
Juwel 1:  1 All Magic Skill Bonus - 99% (Raw) Finesse Primal Rune
Juwel 2: 22 Constitution - 99% (Precious) Earthen Essence Jewel
Juwel 3:  7 Crush Resist - 99% (mangelhaft) Fiery Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4: 28 Dexterity - 99% (Perfect) Vapor Essence Jewel
Nutzen: 62,5

Imbue Punkte: 32,0 von 28 (99% Qual) Überladen: 50%
Juwel 1:  1 All Magic Skill Bonus - 99% (Raw) Finesse Primal Rune
Juwel 2: 16 Constitution - 99% (Polieshed) Earthen Essence Jewel
Juwel 3:  7 Thrust Resist - 99% (mangelhaft) Airy Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4: 11 Energy Resist - 99% (Facetted) Light Shielding Jewel
Nutzen: 61,7

Imbue Punkte: 32,5 von 28 (99% Qual) Überladen: 50%
Juwel 1:  1 All Magic Skill Bonus - 99% (Raw) Finesse Primal Rune
Juwel 2: 11 Slash Resist - 99% (Facetted) Watery Shielding Jewel
Juwel 3:  5 Heat Resist - 99% (Flawed) Heated Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4:  9 Cold Resist - 99% (Polieshed) Icy Shielding Jewel
Nutzen: 65,0

Imbue Punkte: 33,5 von 28 (99% Qual) Überladen: 30%
Juwel 1:  1 All Magic Skill Bonus - 99% (Raw) Finesse Primal Rune
Juwel 2: 76 Hits - 99% (Perfect) Blood Essence Jewel
Juwel 3:  7 Thrust Resist - 99% (mangelhaft) Airy Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4:  9 Spirit Resist - 99% (Polieshed) Vapor Shielding Jewel
Nutzen: 66,0

Imbue Punkte: 33,0 von 28 (99% Qual) Überladen: 30%
Juwel 1:  1 All Magic Skill Bonus - 99% (Raw) Finesse Primal Rune
Juwel 2: 76 Hits - 99% (Perfect) Blood Essence Jewel
Juwel 3: 28 Dexterity - 99% (Perfect) Vapor Essence Jewel
Juwel 4:  5 Spirit Resist - 99% (Flawed) Vapor Shielding Jewel
Nutzen: 62,8

Imbue Punkte: 32,0 von 28 (99% Qual) Überladen: 50%
Juwel 1:  5 Cold Resist - 99% (Flawed) Icy Shielding Jewel
Juwel 2:  5 Crush Resist - 99% (Flawed) Fiery Shielding Jewel
Juwel 3: 11 Slash Resist - 99% (Facetted) Watery Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4:  5 Body Resist - 99% (Flawed) Dusty Shielding Jewel
Nutzen: 52,0

Imbue Punkte: 33,5 von 28 (99% Qual) Überladen: 30%
Juwel 1:  9 Heat Resist - 99% (Polieshed) Heated Shielding Jewel
Juwel 2:  3 Darkness - 99% (Rough) Icy Chaos Rune
Juwel 3: 50 Darkness Focus Bonus - 99% (Perfect) Ice Rune
Juwel 4: 11 Matter Resist - 99% (Facetted) Earthen Shielding Jewel
Nutzen: 55,0

Name: Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 91%
Bonus: 30%
Herkunft: This item can be purchased from Merchants:
Found in:
Darkness Falls
Effekt 1:   7 Thrust Resist
Effekt 2:   7 Body Resist
Effekt 3:  48 Hits
Effekt 4:   7 Energy Resist
Nutzen: 54,0

Name: Blessed Cloak of Alifa
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 100%
Bonus: 40%
Herkunft: Tajendi Caster Cloak (Sub-Quest-Reward)
Effekt 1:  19 Acuity
Effekt 2:  19 Dexterity
Effekt 3:   9 Crush Resist
Effekt 4:   9 Matter Resist
Nutzen: 61,5

Name: Superior Accursed Scroll
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 89%
Bonus: 25%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Marbo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 5k, 5k
Effekt 1:  16 Piety
Effekt 2:   3 Darkness
Effekt 3:   3 Suppression
Effekt 4:   4 Power
Nutzen: 48,7

Name: Bloodstained Silk Sash
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 95%
Bonus: 35%
Herkunft: This item is dropped off Svartalf Bloodbinder
Found in:
Effekt 1:  22 Piety
Effekt 2:   5 Crush Resist
Effekt 3:   5 Slash Resist
Effekt 4:   5 Thrust Resist
Nutzen: 44,7

Right Ring:
Name: Band of Ice
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 100%
Bonus: 25%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'windswept wraith' in 'Raumarik' at locs 38k, 35k
Effekt 1:   6 Cold Resist
Effekt 2:   6 Spirit Resist
Effekt 3:   6 Heat Resist
Effekt 4:  13 Constitution
Nutzen: 44,7

Left Ring:
Name: Band of Ice
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 100%
Bonus: 25%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'windswept wraith' in 'Raumarik' at locs 38k, 35k
Effekt 1:   6 Cold Resist
Effekt 2:   6 Spirit Resist
Effekt 3:   6 Heat Resist
Effekt 4:  13 Constitution
Nutzen: 44,7

Right Wrist:
Name: Shrunken Ribcage
Stufe: 49  Qualität: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Wretch of Winter' in 'Raumarik' at locs 28k, 31k
Effekt 1:  13 Constitution
Effekt 2:  15 Piety
Effekt 3:   6 Matter Resist
Effekt 4:   6 Body Resist
Nutzen: 42,8

Left Wrist:
Name: Giant Alexandrite Ring
Stufe: 46  Qualität: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'reincarnate orm' in 'Vanern Swamp' at locs 2k, 3k
Effekt 1:   7 Piety
Effekt 2:   8 Body Resist
Effekt 3:   8 Energy Resist
Nutzen: 36,7

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Postby Laouig » May 03, 2011 13:08

Very nice Esme, all drops in mid or bought in df. Thank you :)

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Postby Jfree » May 31, 2011 01:19

Can I use this temp for my Frostof Shaman? I would need to take the 8 in pac and put that towards aug and have 11 in cave and 11 in mend. Other than that I think it's pretty good for a shaman as well.

I already have Band of Ice x2, taj1 cloak, and Bloodbound Book. Looking for a easy decent temp. Lemme know your thoughts please. I have mp shield and can probably get mp gloves and boots.

Thanks for any help.

Esme helped me with a really nice temp but some of the items are hard for me to get and seem rare. Just looking for anotehr way.

krasatos wrote:here's my healer template

includes EASY items:
Cloak of Alifa (quest reward)
DF neck
DF ring / BOI
Medina Belt
2x WoW bracer
and easy malmo drop Jewel, Burr's Fang

it caps everything
resists/ con / pie / dex / power / hps
has 11 aug/mend
also has 8 pac (dunno if needed but it's there anyway)
also has 13 str, for filling empty space (can be omitted for cheaper armor part)

it's done with all 99% armor parts +99% weaps

here it is:

Moras Equipmentplaner

Code: Select all
Configuration Report for Zerkie

Strength:      13  Intelligence:   0  Hitpoints:  204
Constitution:  77  Piety:         77  Power:       27
Dexterity:     75  Charisma:       0
Quickness:      0  Empathy:        0

Crush :  27  Heat:    27  Body:    26
Slash:   26  Cold:    26  Spirit:  26
Thrust:  27  Matter:  27  Energy:  27

11 Mending
11 Augmentation
8 Pacification



Other Bonuses:

Imbue Points: 33,5 of 1 (99% Qual) Overcharge: unmöglich
Jewel 1:  1 All Magic Skill Bonus (Mid) - 99% (Raw) Finesse Primal Rune
Jewel 2: 68 Hits - 99% (Flawless) Blood Essence Jewel
Jewel 3:  9 Slash Resist - 99% (Polished) Watery Shielding Jewel
Jewel 4:  9 Crush Resist - 99% (Polished) Fiery Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    empty
Utility: 68,0

Imbue Points: 33,5 of 1 (99% Qual) Overcharge: unmöglich
Jewel 1:  1 All Magic Skill Bonus (Mid) - 99% (Raw) Finesse Primal Rune
Jewel 2: 68 Hits - 99% (Flawless) Blood Essence Jewel
Jewel 3:  9 Cold Resist - 99% (Polished) Icy Shielding Jewel
Jewel 4:  9 Thrust Resist - 99% (Polished) Airy Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    empty
Utility: 68,0

Imbue Points: 31,0 of 1 (99% Qual) Overcharge: unmöglich
Jewel 1:  1 All Magic Skill Bonus (Mid) - 99% (Raw) Finesse Primal Rune
Jewel 2: 68 Hits - 99% (Flawless) Blood Essence Jewel
Jewel 3:  3 Body Resist - 99% (Rough) Dusty Shielding Jewel
Jewel 4: 11 Power - 99% (Faceted) Mystic Essence Jewel
Bonus 5:    empty
Utility: 60,0

Imbue Points: 33,0 of 1 (99% Qual) Overcharge: unmöglich
Jewel 1:  1 All Magic Skill Bonus (Mid) - 99% (Raw) Finesse Primal Rune
Jewel 2: 13 Piety - 99% (Imperfect) Watery Essence Jewel
Jewel 3:  9 Thrust Resist - 99% (Polished) Airy Shielding Jewel
Jewel 4: 11 Slash Resist - 99% (Faceted) Watery Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    empty
Utility: 63,7

Imbue Points: 33,0 of 1 (99% Qual) Overcharge: unmöglich
Jewel 1:  1 All Magic Skill Bonus (Mid) - 99% (Raw) Finesse Primal Rune
Jewel 2: 19 Constitution - 99% (Faceted) Earthen Essence Jewel
Jewel 3: 11 Power - 99% (Faceted) Mystic Essence Jewel
Jewel 4:  7 Spirit Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Vapor Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    empty
Utility: 63,7

Imbue Points: 33,5 of 1 (99% Qual) Overcharge: unmöglich
Jewel 1:  1 All Magic Skill Bonus (Mid) - 99% (Raw) Finesse Primal Rune
Jewel 2: 28 Dexterity - 99% (Perfect) Vapor Essence Jewel
Jewel 3:  9 Thrust Resist - 99% (Polished) Airy Shielding Jewel
Jewel 4:  7 Spirit Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Vapor Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    empty
Utility: 65,8

Right Hand:
Imbue Points: 33,0 of 1 (99% Qual) Overcharge: unmöglich
Jewel 1:  1 All Magic Skill Bonus (Mid) - 99% (Raw) Finesse Primal Rune
Jewel 2:  7 Dexterity - 99% (Rough) Vapor Essence Jewel
Jewel 3: 11 Cold Resist - 99% (Faceted) Icy Shielding Jewel
Jewel 4: 11 Heat Resist - 99% (Faceted) Heated Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    empty
Utility: 63,7

Left Hand:
Imbue Points: 33,0 of 1 (99% Qual) Overcharge: unmöglich
Jewel 1:  1 All Magic Skill Bonus (Mid) - 99% (Raw) Finesse Primal Rune
Jewel 2:  9 Crush Resist - 99% (Polished) Fiery Shielding Jewel
Jewel 3: 11 Energy Resist - 99% (Faceted) Light Shielding Jewel
Jewel 4: 13 Strength - 99% (Imperfect) Fiery Essence Jewel
Bonus 5:    empty
Utility: 63,7

Name: Exquisite Avernal Necklace
Level: 50  Quality: 91%
Bonus: 30%
Origin: This item can be purchased from Merchants:
Found in:
Darkness Falls
Effekt 1:  19 Constitution
Effekt 2:  10 Energy Resist
Effekt 3:  10 Heat Resist
Utility: 52,7

Name: Blessed Cloak of Alifa
Level: 50  Quality: 100%
Bonus: 40%
Origin: Tajendi Caster Cloak (Sub-Quest-Reward)
Effekt 1:  19 Acuity
Effekt 2:  19 Dexterity
Effekt 3:   9 Crush Resist
Effekt 4:   9 Matter Resist
Utility: 61,5

Name: Burr's Fang
Level: 48  Quality: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Origin: Dropped/sold by 'Burr' in 'Malmohus' at locs 52k, 29k
Effekt 1:  21 Dexterity
Effekt 2:  11 Body Resist
Utility: 36,1

Name: Belt of the Water Strider
Level: 50  Quality: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Origin: Dropped/sold by 'Medina' in 'Raumarik' at locs 15k, 56k
Effekt 1:   6 Energy Resist
Effekt 2:   6 Matter Resist
Effekt 3:   6 Spirit Resist
Effekt 4:   6 Slash Resist
Utility: 48,0

Right Ring:
Name: Band of Ice
Level: 50  Quality: 100%
Bonus: 25%
Origin: Dropped/sold by 'windswept wraith' in 'Raumarik' at locs 38k, 35k
Effekt 1:   6 Cold Resist
Effekt 2:   6 Spirit Resist
Effekt 3:   6 Heat Resist
Effekt 4:  13 Constitution
Utility: 44,7

Left Ring:
Name: Superior Accursed Bone Ring
Level: 50  Quality: 100%
Bonus: 25%
Origin: Dropped/sold by 'Marbo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 5k, 5k
Effekt 1:   3 Mending
Effekt 2:   3 Augmentation
Effekt 3:  15 Piety
Effekt 4:   5 Power
Utility: 50,0

Right Wrist:
Name: Shrunken Ribcage
Level: 49  Quality: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Origin: Dropped/sold by 'Wretch of Winter' in 'Raumarik' at locs 28k, 31k
Effekt 1:  13 Constitution
Effekt 2:  15 Piety
Effekt 3:   6 Matter Resist
Effekt 4:   6 Body Resist
Utility: 42,8

Left Wrist:
Name: Shrunken Ribcage
Level: 49  Quality: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Origin: Dropped/sold by 'Wretch of Winter' in 'Raumarik' at locs 28k, 31k
Effekt 1:  13 Constitution
Effekt 2:  15 Piety
Effekt 3:   6 Matter Resist
Effekt 4:   6 Body Resist
Utility: 42,8

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Postby Kirillow » May 31, 2011 09:14

I'm not toooo familiar with Midgard but what item exactly is rare and expensive in there?

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Postby Jfree » Jun 01, 2011 01:43

None. The temp I was working before this one had a few. Vial of Fetid Bog Water and Bracer of Embodiment were a little to hard for me to get.

I think the temp above is good enough for me and my healer buddy. I don't see any reason why not

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Postby Kirillow » Jun 01, 2011 10:58

Yeah, seesm reasonable.. Supporter temps aren't too complicated.. In any realm :)

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Postby Esme » Jun 02, 2011 23:42

Jfree wrote:None. The temp I was working before this one had a few. Vial of Fetid Bog Water and Bracer of Embodiment were a little to hard for me to get.

I think the temp above is good enough for me and my healer buddy. I don't see any reason why not

the Bracer of Embodiment and the Vial is esier to get then the shrunken Ribcage imop

the Deciples drop the Bracers and i think the droprate is higher then the Ribcage also there are more Deciples in Malmo then there are Wretches in Rauma and both Mobs can be done easily with 1 Tank and 1 Supporter.

the Vial can be farmed solo from (for lvl 50) ora or red Broken Jotuns ,although the droprate is very low :/
but that Template up there is nice :)

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Postby Petitpimousse » Jun 10, 2011 12:38


i have make a small sc for a friend:
i can put dragonmight or glacial shard or bedlam
the problem i don't cap parry :?

is it good? someone have the same sc with cap parry and switch?

Configuration Report for Oyozz le weak (Berserker)

Code: Select all
Strength:      56  Intelligence:   0  Hitpoints:  204
Constitution:  77  Piety:          0  Power:        0
Dexterity:     77  Charisma:       0
Quickness:     76  Empathy:        0

Crush :  26  Heat:    29  Body:    28
Slash:   27  Cold:    27  Spirit:  27
Thrust:  27  Matter:  26  Energy:  27

11 Axe
11 Left Axe
4 Parry

Imbue Points: 35,5 of 32 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 70%
Jewel 1: 28 Dexterity - 99% (Perfect) Vapor Essence Jewel
Jewel 2: 19 Quickness - 99% (Faceted) Airy Essence Jewel
Jewel 3:  7 Crush Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Fiery Shielding Jewel
Jewel 4:  5 Matter Resist - 99% (Flawed) Earthen Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    empty
Utility: 55,5

Imbue Points: 33,5 of 32 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 90%
Jewel 1:  3 Axe - 99% (Rough) Earthen War Rune
Jewel 2:  2 Left Axe - 99% (Uncut) Icy War Rune
Jewel 3: 11 Crush Resist - 99% (Faceted) Fiery Shielding Jewel
Jewel 4:  7 Slash Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Watery Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    empty
Utility: 61,0

Imbue Points: 35,0 of 32 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 70%
Jewel 1:  7 Energy Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Light Shielding Jewel
Jewel 2:  7 Thrust Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Airy Shielding Jewel
Jewel 3: 28 Dexterity - 99% (Perfect) Vapor Essence Jewel
Jewel 4:  5 Cold Resist - 99% (Flawed) Icy Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    empty
Utility: 56,8

Imbue Points: 33,0 of 32 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 90%
Jewel 1:  7 Body Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Dusty Shielding Jewel
Jewel 2:  4 Left Axe - 99% (Flawed) Icy War Rune
Jewel 3:  7 Thrust Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Airy Shielding Jewel
Jewel 4:  7 Energy Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Light Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    empty
Utility: 62,0

Name: Bearman Battle Gauntlets
Level: 50  Quality: 100%
AF:   102  Bonus: 35%
Origin: Dropped/sold by 'Gjalpinulva' in 'Malmohus' at locs 20k, 54k
reaktiver heal-procc
Effekt 1:   5 Left Axe
Effekt 2:  19 Strength
Effekt 3:  21 Constitution
Effekt 4:  19 Quickness
Utility: 64,5

Imbue Points: 37,5 of 32 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Jewel 1:  7 Spirit Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Vapor Shielding Jewel
Jewel 2: 28 Constitution - 99% (Perfect) Earthen Essence Jewel
Jewel 3:  3 Axe - 99% (Rough) Earthen War Rune
Jewel 4:  4 Parry - 99% (Flawed) Vapor Battle Jewel
Bonus 5:    empty
Utility: 67,8

Right Hand:
Name: Ornamented Temple Axe
Level: 51  Quality: 100%
DPS:  16,5  Bonus: 35%
Origin: Tajendi2 Temple
lvl 47 95dmg heat dd
Effekt 1:   5 Axe
Effekt 2:  22 Strength
Effekt 3:  22 Quickness
Effekt 4:   7 Matter Resist
Utility: 68,5

Imbue Points: 18,5 of 1 (99% Qual) Overcharge: impossible
Jewel 1:  5 Body Resist - 99% (Flawed) Dusty Shielding Jewel
Jewel 2:  7 Spirit Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Vapor Shielding Jewel
Jewel 3: 20 Hits - 99% (Rough) Blood Essence Jewel
Jewel 4:    empty - 
Bonus 5:    empty
Utility: 29,0

Name: Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace
Level: 50  Quality: 91%
Bonus: 30%
Origin: This item can be purchased from Merchants:
Found in:
Darkness Falls
Effekt 1:   7 Thrust Resist
Effekt 2:   7 Body Resist
Effekt 3:  48 Hits
Effekt 4:   7 Energy Resist
Utility: 54,0

Name: Worm Cloak
Level: 50  Quality: 99%
Bonus: 40%
Origin: Tajendi Tank Cloak (Sub-Quest-Reward)
Effekt 1:  56 Hits
Effekt 2:   8 Body Resist
Effekt 3:   8 Heat Resist
Effekt 4:   8 Crush Resist
Utility: 62,0

Name: Medina's Jewel of Zon
Level: 50  Quality: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Origin: Dropped/sold by 'Medina' in 'Raumarik' at locs 15k, 56k
Effekt 1:  15 Strength
Effekt 2:  15 Constitution
Effekt 3:  16 Quickness
Effekt 4:  40 Hits
Utility: 40,8

Name: Belt of the Water Strider
Level: 50  Quality: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Origin: Dropped/sold by 'Medina' in 'Raumarik' at locs 15k, 56k
Effekt 1:   6 Energy Resist
Effekt 2:   6 Matter Resist
Effekt 3:   6 Spirit Resist
Effekt 4:   6 Slash Resist
Utility: 48,0

Right Ring:
Name: Solidified Silken Ring
Level: 50  Quality: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Origin: Dropped/sold by 'Medina' in 'Raumarik' at locs 15k, 56k
Magical Ability:
  Function: Haste
  Value: 20
  Target: Self
  Duration: 1 min
  Recast: 6 sec
  Cast Time: instant
Effekt 1:   6 Thrust Resist
Effekt 2:   6 Slash Resist
Effekt 3:   6 Body Resist
Effekt 4:   6 Heat Resist
Utility: 48,0

Left Ring:
Name: Band of Ice
Level: 50  Quality: 100%
Bonus: 25%
Origin: Dropped/sold by 'windswept wraith' in 'Raumarik' at locs 38k, 35k
Effekt 1:   6 Cold Resist
Effekt 2:   6 Spirit Resist
Effekt 3:   6 Heat Resist
Effekt 4:  13 Constitution
Utility: 44,7

Right Wrist:
Name: Frenzied Sharkblood Bracer
Level: 51  Quality: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Origin: Dropped/sold by 'Evern' in 'Breifine'
Effekt 1:   8 Cold Resist
Effekt 2:   8 Matter Resist
Effekt 3:  60 Hits
Effekt 4:   9 Heat Resist
Utility: 65,0

Left Wrist:
Name: Worked Wormhide Wrap
Level: 50  Quality: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Origin: Dropped by Beliathan in DF
10x Health Regen Buff: Value 29 Duration 20s
Effekt 1:  21 Dexterity
Effekt 2:   8 Slash Resist
Effekt 3:   8 Cold Resist
Effekt 4:   8 Spirit Resist
Utility: 62,1
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