Hibernian crafters and trinketers list

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Postby Badtzmaru » Jan 25, 2012 21:16

The following posts contain a separate list for every different spellcrafting specialization, plus a bonus list containing people willing to salvage and trinket drops for other people for a fee.
The trinketing service is separated because there might be people only willing to trinket and not crafting or vice versa.

The section will start from scratch. This is because there is nothing worse than a big list of no longer good names.
If you are signed here and want to take a pause, you are kindly requested to tell it to me. I will cancel your crafter from the lists and will put him back on as soon as you come available again ;)
If looking for a crafter, you should not find him online for quite a while, please report it to me. I will delete old names that received more notifies. (Everyone can be put back on the lists in any moment)

- Publishing formula:

The following one is the formula that will be used to classify each crafter. There is no need to specify what kind of crafter whe are talking about, because each specialization will have a different list.

- Name [rank] [mark up] [will craft objects from level] [ (alts names) ] [-CET hours where can be found] [[other crafting services available-]] [positive people feedback | negative people feedback] [*notes]

Following here, we will see two exemples that will be explained later.

Example 1 in the armor crafters list:

- Peter LG N 400 (Conan, PapaSmurf) -19:00/24:00- [***] 0|0

Example 2 in the tailors list:

- Blacksnow 950 15% 0 (Benvolio) -00:00/08:00- [*] 5|0 *will not be available during WE

N Not communicated
* Weapon crafting
* Armor crafting
* Tailoring
* Fletching
* Spellcrafting
* Alchemy
* Trinketing

On the first exemple, the character's name is Peter. Peter is an armor crafter, since he proposed himself mainly as that. He is legendary and has not clarified a specific mark up for the works he does, maybe you have to negotiate with him! He is not willing to craft anything that requires less than 400 skill points (roughly nothing above level 20 then). He is european and will craft happily when he is back from work, from 19 to 24 CET. He also has a weapon crafter, a fletcher and an alchemist of pretty much the same level. That info might come in hand if you need multiple services. Last but not least, his feedbacks. On the left, with the white number, you can see his positive feedbacks, while on the right, with black font, his negative one. He appears to be new to the crafting world, since he has no feedback at all!
That's all, because he left no notes to comunicate you some specific info. (Don't forget to look for him under his alts names, Conan and PapaSmurf!)

On the second example we see what's probably a female caster toon, specialized in tailoring. She is not legendary (+1000) yet, so cannot craft level 51 things. She is also limited on the tailoring of level 50 objects, because people usually want stuff of mp/99% quality, which she cannot provide on many level 50 objects! She is charging not much her work though, because 15% of mark up is below the average. Nice crafter for stuff not level 50/51 then!! Her only main alt is called Benvolio (male name, probably she is not a real girl...). She lives in Los Angeles, California, and so, her availability under CET time is nocturnal, from midnight till 8 in the morning. She also had 5 people confirming she is a good and reliable crafter! And no bad feedback, seems nice! As a side note, she informs everyone that she is not available for crafting, during weekend time ;)
People that will send me their data via forum PM, will have also their forum account linked at the end of their line.

- Reliable crafters are important, but mistakes are around the corner even when dealing with the most honest and precise people. To avoid later arguments, it is always a good idea approaching to a deal having in mind what we are asking, what level it is, how much every try will cost, and what will be its specifics when crafted!

Go here at Motog's crafting site before commitioning a job to someone: http://motogs.redemptionofdivineharmony.net/craftingcalculator.php
You'll be able to see what really suits your needs, what level will be, what will be its specs (speed, damage for weapons, or points healed for potions, etc etc) :wink:


- Check the specs and each try's cost on Motog's site before looking for a crafter.

- Try to contact more than one.

- Never take for granted the info printed on this section. Toons might also be logged on by different people. Ask the conditions again and screenshot them.

- Always make a screenshot when you are giving some money in advance (with clear statements in chat referring to it), or when you are making the final payment (expecially for spellcrafting and alchemy!).

- If you don't feel at ease, when talking with your eventual crafter, don't proceed. Look for someone else.

- If you got cheated by someone, don't risk a ban offending him in /broad, come here and give the community the proofs that he is a liar (you can speak in broad without insulting, but better doing it after you cooled down and having pubblished the terms he did not respect).

- Quality on alchemy stuff is useless. Don't pay more for higher quality procs or potions, it's only a wast of money!

- For overcharging MP stuff (armors, weapons, instruments, etcetc), only 99% quality gems are needed. Don't be fooled into believing that you need pricey MP gems to be safe from explosions. That's not true! Inform the spellcrafter that want to use (and make you pay) mp gems for your work!

- Average prices for crafted 99% objects 'on purpose' varies from 8 to 12 tries (See Motog's site linked above). This is only true for level 50/51 objects. Lesser quality objects require a same amout of work while the material cost might be ridiculous. Do expect a bigger mark up in these cases!

- Average prices for crafted master pieces (MP) made 'on purpose' varies from 55 to 70 tries (See Motog's site linked above). This is only true for level 50/51 objects. Lesser quality objects require a same amout of work while the material cost might be ridiculous. Do expect a bigger mark up in these cases!

- Prices for 99% samples of objects that lot of people want MP, might be very low on the housing market, because during an MP crafting attempt, the crafter usually don't sell back the 99% pieces he get, but put them for sale later at a minimum price corresponding to the materials cost (higher than sell back value). Take advantage of these sales but don't think that other people crafting you 'on purpose' 99% pieces and asking more, are thieves!

- Prices for MP objects that crafters make while skilling or under lucky circumstances (sometimes you craft a MP while trying to obtain a 99% :grin:) can be put for sale at a much lower than average price. Take advantage of these sales but don't think that other people asking more for made 'on purpose' pieces are thieves :wink:

- As a finale note, please, do not post here your crafter name and info. You must tell them to me via PM here on the forum, or via pst in game (my main toons are in my signature) and i will put it in the appropriate list. All the post that will follow, must be made for feedback purpose only. Note also that while for positive feedbacks your word is enough, for negative ones, you must give also proofs that you received a bad treatment (i.e. screenshots).
Last edited by Badtzmaru on Jan 28, 2012 19:29, edited 20 times in total.
On Uthgard 1.0:
Totenpfeil <Ranger> - Vlath <Hunter> - Toten <Eldritch> - Totentanz <Skald>
On Uthgard 2.0:
Totenzweig <Druid> - Totentanz <Skald>

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Postby Badtzmaru » Jan 25, 2012 21:18

Weapon crafters list:

- Umpap LG(1064+) 20% 0 (Um**p) -11:00/19:00- [N] 0|0 - Forum Link: Umpap

Name [rank] [mark up] [will craft objects from level] [ (alts names) ] [-CET hours where can be found] [[other crafting services available-]] [positive people feedback | negative people feedback] [*notes]

N Not communicated
* Weapon crafting
* Armor crafting
* Tailoring
* Fletching
* Spellcrafting
* Alchemy
* Trinketing
Last edited by Badtzmaru on Jun 16, 2012 16:01, edited 6 times in total.
On Uthgard 1.0:
Totenpfeil <Ranger> - Vlath <Hunter> - Toten <Eldritch> - Totentanz <Skald>
On Uthgard 2.0:
Totenzweig <Druid> - Totentanz <Skald>

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Postby Badtzmaru » Jan 25, 2012 21:19

Armor crafters list:

- Umajp GM(925+) 20% 0 (Um**p) -11:00/19:00- [N] 0|0 - Forum Link: Umpap

Name [rank] [mark up] [will craft objects from level] [ (alts names) ] [-CET hours where can be found] [[other crafting services available-]] [positive people feedback | negative people feedback] [*notes]

N Not communicated
* Weapon crafting
* Armor crafting
* Tailoring
* Fletching
* Spellcrafting
* Alchemy
* Trinketing
Last edited by Badtzmaru on Jun 16, 2012 16:04, edited 6 times in total.
On Uthgard 1.0:
Totenpfeil <Ranger> - Vlath <Hunter> - Toten <Eldritch> - Totentanz <Skald>
On Uthgard 2.0:
Totenzweig <Druid> - Totentanz <Skald>

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Postby Badtzmaru » Jan 25, 2012 21:19

Tailors list:

- Fawnna LG(1140) 25% 600 (Fawna, Feran) -15:00/22:00- [N] 0|0 - Forum Link: Fawna

- Umjap LG(1151+) 20% 0 (Um**p) -11:00/19:00- [N] 0|0 - Forum Link: Umpap

Name [rank] [mark up] [will craft objects from level] [ (alts names) ] [-CET hours where can be found] [[other crafting services available-]] [positive people feedback | negative people feedback] [*notes]

N Not communicated
* Weapon crafting
* Armor crafting
* Tailoring
* Fletching
* Spellcrafting
* Alchemy
* Trinketing
Last edited by Badtzmaru on Jun 16, 2012 16:06, edited 8 times in total.
On Uthgard 1.0:
Totenpfeil <Ranger> - Vlath <Hunter> - Toten <Eldritch> - Totentanz <Skald>
On Uthgard 2.0:
Totenzweig <Druid> - Totentanz <Skald>

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Postby Badtzmaru » Jan 25, 2012 21:20

Fletchers list:

- Totenpfeil LG 20% 0 (Toten, Totengeist) -16:00/24:00- [*] 0|0 *On trinketing i get 10% of mark up - Forum Link: Badtzmaru

- Umdap LG(1069+) 20% 0 (Um**p) -11:00/19:00- [N] 0|0 - Forum Link: Umpap

Name [rank] [mark up] [will craft objects from level] [ (alts names) ] [-CET hours where can be found] [[other crafting services available-]] [positive people feedback | negative people feedback] [*notes]

N Not communicated
* Weapon crafting
* Armor crafting
* Tailoring
* Fletching
* Spellcrafting
* Alchemy
* Trinketing
Last edited by Badtzmaru on Jun 16, 2012 16:09, edited 6 times in total.
On Uthgard 1.0:
Totenpfeil <Ranger> - Vlath <Hunter> - Toten <Eldritch> - Totentanz <Skald>
On Uthgard 2.0:
Totenzweig <Druid> - Totentanz <Skald>

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Postby Badtzmaru » Jan 25, 2012 21:22

Spellcrafters list:

- Umaep LG(1004+) 350g/piece (OC/51) 100g/piece (non-OC) 0 (Um**p) -11:00/19:00- [N] 0|0 - Forum Link: Umpap

Name [rank] [mark up] [will craft objects from level] [ (alts names) ] [-CET hours where can be found] [[other crafting services available-]] [positive people feedback | negative people feedback] [*notes]

N Not communicated
* Weapon crafting
* Armor crafting
* Tailoring
* Fletching
* Spellcrafting
* Alchemy
* Trinketing
Last edited by Badtzmaru on Jun 16, 2012 16:19, edited 5 times in total.
On Uthgard 1.0:
Totenpfeil <Ranger> - Vlath <Hunter> - Toten <Eldritch> - Totentanz <Skald>
On Uthgard 2.0:
Totenzweig <Druid> - Totentanz <Skald>

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Joined: Jan 02, 2011 23:55

Postby Badtzmaru » Jan 25, 2012 21:22

Alchemists list:

- Dogsscratch LG(1105+) 20% 0 (Um**p) -11:00/19:00- [N] 0|0 - Forum Link: Umpap

Name [rank] [mark up] [will craft objects from level] [ (alts names) ] [-CET hours where can be found] [[other crafting services available-]] [positive people feedback | negative people feedback] [*notes]

N Not communicated
* Weapon crafting
* Armor crafting
* Tailoring
* Fletching
* Spellcrafting
* Alchemy
* Trinketing
Last edited by Badtzmaru on Jun 16, 2012 16:13, edited 4 times in total.
On Uthgard 1.0:
Totenpfeil <Ranger> - Vlath <Hunter> - Toten <Eldritch> - Totentanz <Skald>
On Uthgard 2.0:
Totenzweig <Druid> - Totentanz <Skald>

Forum Moderator
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Posts: 541
Joined: Jan 02, 2011 23:55

Postby Badtzmaru » Jan 25, 2012 21:23

Trinketers list:

Name [rank] [mark up] [will craft objects from level] [ (alts names) ] [-CET hours where can be found] [[other crafting services available-]] [positive people feedback | negative people feedback] [*notes]

N Not communicated
* Weapon crafting
* Armor crafting
* Tailoring
* Fletching
* Spellcrafting
* Alchemy
* Trinketing
On Uthgard 1.0:
Totenpfeil <Ranger> - Vlath <Hunter> - Toten <Eldritch> - Totentanz <Skald>
On Uthgard 2.0:
Totenzweig <Druid> - Totentanz <Skald>

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