WTS some Stuff ;) (alb)
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Like the Topic says, i wanna get rid of some Items.
Jewlery : -Gatekeeper Bracer of Oblivion lvl 50 bracer 22 str 60 hits 6% energy 2 parry Dmg add charges 11,3 dmg 10 charges. -Flawless Daemon Fire ring lvl 50 ring 40 Piety 88 hits Acuty buff charges 41 value 2 charges -Bracer if Graceful Adroitness lvl 50 bracer 30 dex 16 hits 6% cold -Gem of Spirit Abhorrent lvl 40 gem 7% energy 7% body 7% heat 7% matter -Opposition Pin lvl 50 gem 15 dex 15 quick 4 stealth -Sladrug´s Bracer lvl 36 (pretty nice braemar // wilton template item) 12 con 12 dex 10 int 20 hits -Supperior Accursed Bone Ring lvl 50 Ring 15 Piety 3 Rejuv 3 Enhance 5 Power -Exceptional Malign Scarab Ring lvl 36 ring 18 str 48 hits -Artificer Stone Weapons : -Legions Flawless Soul Splitter lvl 51 slash pole 5 slash 5 pole 3 parry 15 str lvl 47 Lifedrain Proc 16.5 dps 5.0 speed MP -Basalt Bucker of Chaos lvl 51 small Shield 2 Shields 19 con 19 dex 7 matter 7 heat Haste charges 17% 10 charges 2,8 speed MP -Basalt Staff of Bedlam lvl 51 Staff 7 matter 22 dex 7 Power lifedran proc 4,0 speed MP -Duskwood exceptional Large round shield lvl 51 Large shield 4,2 speed 99% -Duskwood exceptional block shield lvl 51 Large shield 4,8 speed MP -Stonewood exceptional large round shield lvl 36 large shield 4,2 speed MP -Mithril fortified long sword lvl 31 1h slash 10.5 dps 3.2 speed 99% -Asterite Bastard Sword lvl 40 1h slash 13,2 dps 4.1 speed MP -Adamantium exceptional mace lvl 36 1h crush 12 dps 3,8 speed 99% -Asterite Fortified hammer lvl 41 offhand crush 13,5 dps 2,5 speed MP -Arcanium fortified hammer lvl 51 offhand crush 16.5 dps 2.5 speed 99% -Arcanium exceptional Mace lvl 51 1h crush 16.5 dps 3.8 speed 99% -Asterite Long dirk lvl 41 offhand thrust 13,5 dps 2,9 speed 99% -Arcanium Fortified stiletto lvl 51 offhand thrust 16.5 dps 2,4 speed MP -Arcanium Fortified stiletto lvl 51 offhand thrust 16.5 dps 2,4 speed 99% -Tinderboxes lvl 35 -Tinderboxes lvl 45 Pm me ingame on Smokey // Smokeys or here |
bump !
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