WTB Event Remains on Hibernia
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I would like to purchase any of the event remains (including Megaladon/Phoenix) except Talos and Muxog since I have those 2 allready. I can pay in plats or in Uthalis. Send me a message in game or over these threads. Characters listed below.
Zacknafein Do'Urden- lvl 50 Ranger- 10L1
Jarlaxle Baerne- lvl 50 Blademaster- 5L8 Marshal Mathers- lvl 50 Bard- 3L8 Neighborhoodfriendl AlchemistbotSuperwarden- lvl 36 Warden- 2L2 Barrabus TheGray- lvl 6 Nightshade- 1L0 Zacknamid SorryaboutkillinguonHib- lvl 50 Hunter- 8L1 Cadderrly Bonaduce- lvl 50 Friar- 4L2 |
Get me a Phoenix trophy for an early Christmas present.
[3:10pm] <myrmidon^> You have to be a c*** to be awesome at daoc
[3:10pm] <myrmidon^> that's what I learnt [3:11pm] <Frosty_> then why does austerim suck
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