[Crafting] Going nuts with Motogs

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Eagle Knight
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Postby Dirtymind » Feb 13, 2013 10:09


of course I know the motogs crafting calculator, which is perfect for all crafters and also for armor crafters.... But I got one Problem. I got no tailor and either I tell customers to get the leather/cloth prerequisites so I can craft chain or plate or I buy it myself.

Motogs seems to give me no option for this scenario. The tailor work and ac work/ materials are mixed together.

The easiest case:
I get an order for first attempt chain lvl 30 and customer brings along crafted leather. I open two motogs pages... One for ac, one for the crafted leather... Then deduct leather and tell him the price...

Another case... Lvl 30 chain + I buy crafted leather which will be more expensive than listed on motogs as tailor wants to earn smth, too.
So I open 2 motogs again... compare crafted leather price on motogs with price tailor charged... And so on...

Next scenario... I buy crafted leather but customer wants best of 5 attempts... Or any min quali... Now it really sucks to calculate correct prices... It takes so much longer to calc than to craft.

I am quite a bit frustrated and hesitate to craft lowbie armor any more, although I really enjoyed helping newcomers...

Raising a tailor myself is no option... So how can I handle this? Are there alternatives to motogs? Maybe an excel sheet?

I am on Albion side if that matters.


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Postby supastar » Feb 13, 2013 15:41

those who think, the *must* run in crafted plate or chain at low level, should pay for that.
reinforced with some melee resis work better that plate/chain drops with low quali.

simple thing:
calculate leather in that way, that you can pay other crafter, if you get it cheaper its your gain. offer packs of 1st try / 3 / 6 / 9 tries, not to a target quality. meeting a specific quality is too much trouble else. customer can pick the best ones out of that.

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Postby Outphaze » Feb 14, 2013 07:53

Why is leveling a tailor "no option?" It costs around 2p to get to LGM... If you're an AC that will be well worth your time.

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Postby Dirtymind » Feb 14, 2013 14:44

Outphaze wrote:Why is leveling a tailor "no option?" It costs around 2p to get to LGM... If you're an AC that will be well worth your time.

There are several reasons, I won't skill a tailor...

But first, the costs...

Tailoring Cumulative Cost
Skill Gold
100 0.1
200 2
300 7
400 29
500 108
600 277
700 629
800 1,260
900 2,113
1000 3,377
1100 6,971

If that guide is still valid.... but ok, if you dont powerlevel, you could use the crafted stuff for chain armor.

Reasons to not skill a tailor:
- on Live I wasted too much time in skilling crafters and toons (like 10 leg crafters + 20 toons) ... I wont do this here again. Got my AC leg, and my alch high enough to get all relevant pots. I want to focus on my two chars here, and have fun pvp'ing and maybe some pve /crafting
- tailors for "prework" are readily availabe - for reasonable prices - the only problem is the calculating, as Motogs gives no options to calculate tailor stuff done by other players. I also like the interaction with customers and other crafters... especially Uthgard has a very vivid server live. I enjoy this very much.
- I dont need AC to earn money. Especially there is no financial reason to craft lowbie armor, which takes a lot of time (explain customer to get tailor work, then calculate price) for very low income. I solely do this as a favor for new players - or so others can stuff their twinks and xp more easily. As I said - I like the chitchat with others.
- I wanted to make a tailor (for cheap salvaging, and earning some money), but my buddy, with whom I started on Uth already made a tailor (sucks at skill, though), so I started AC - to meet each others needs. He will be legend anytime in (far)future, but even then, I ll have to take his prices into account - as he wont craft for mat costs, when I got a customer (ofc he ll craft for free for me :-) ).

Meanwhile, I found two different excel-sheets (german), which give all the options you need, when another player does the tailor "prework"....

But... I dont have Microsoft Excel, with excel viewer, you cant enter data and Libre Office/Open Office cant handle the built in macros :-)

If there are no other possibilites, I either dont do lowbie armors anymore or I have to create an excel file myself (mabye only for some standard armor sets - 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 - and ofc lvl 51. Wont be too much work.

Last edited by Dirtymind on Feb 14, 2013 15:19, edited 1 time in total.

Ex-Albion-Logres: Bogner [Sankaras Erben] and co
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Postby Akip » Feb 14, 2013 14:55

http://web.archive.org/web/201201040500 ... ting_guide

the page is dieing atm dunno why so i take the wayback machine
( http://camelotvault.ign.com/wiki/index. ... ting_guide )
just orient on the pictures i guess thats what dirty was talking about too

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Postby Elalinvan » Feb 15, 2013 13:07

Isn't there a checkbox to include/exclude tailor costs? Guess this can help with first try orders. -> calc your price and add the price for tailor work.

Even best of 5 should be able to be calculated this way.

For low lvl armors there is a lining merchant in the city where you can buy linings for armors up to lvl 30 if i remember right.

What are you doing with the sellbacks if the customer brings you the linings? You pay for them?

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Postby Dirtymind » Feb 15, 2013 16:15

Elalinvan wrote:Isn't there a checkbox to include/exclude tailor costs?

No - but actually I remember there was one.... the reason it was removed?

Quoted from some website...
You do not, however, need liners anymore to make plate or chain armor, per Patch 1.84

Elalinvan wrote:For low lvl armors there is a lining merchant in the city where you can buy linings for armors up to lvl 30 if i remember right.

This would be perfect - as most guys want lvl 20 or 25 armor - I recommend getting DF emerald armor for lvl 30+ anyway (cheaper, stats, + nice salvage afterwards). Anybody knows the name of the npc?

Elalinvan wrote:What are you doing with the sellbacks if the customer brings you the linings? You pay for them?

90% of all orders are first try orders, so I havent thought about that "problem" too much, but this is funny....
If you need like 50 attempts for a MP, and customer gives you 50 linings, and if you do not charge for your time/retries, but mat only, you gotta pay him afterwards, as for instance for lvl 51 improved chain armor gloves mat cost is 76 gold for ac and sellback is 78 gold :-)

Customer: What is the cost for first try?
Me: 76 gold

Customer: Ok, what is the estimated cost for MP?
Me: Cost? I ll pay you 25 gold if you make me to make mps:-)

Ex-Albion-Logres: Bogner [Sankaras Erben] and co
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Postby Elalinvan » Feb 15, 2013 16:39

i use this link to motogs: http://www.mga-guild.de/crafting/alb_armorcalculator.htm
for albion its german don't know why :D but there is a checkbox for the linings... never proved if that's correct

we need a nerd to clean that up :P

Dirtymind wrote:*******************************************************************************************************************************
Quoted from some website...
You do not, however, need liners anymore to make plate or chain armor, per Patch 1.84

this will never reach Uthgard cause its not in the desired patch range....

The name of the lining merchant is..uhm ...don't know.... but you can find him in camelot next to the merchants where you buy the materials. Should be next to the guy for the armor pad upgrades.

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