Uthgard 1-day PvP-event
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One day of Chaos and then a one day Rollback, just to be sure nobody gained an unfair advantage.
That would be fun. |
Well, save the time and effort to prepare (and clean up after) this - that's what I'm saying. If I'd wanted PvP then I wouldn't be playing on Uthgard. PvP day = one day without DAoC
![]() Happy hunting!
----- <img src="http://www.uthgard.the-bart.org/Kazu/Avatare/T-Man.jpg"/><img border="0" src="http://metty.the-bart.org/other/daoc/sig.php?name=Tamurel&s=9" /> Other characters |
Without rollbacking that day - not with me.
:bet: same for me. Realm versus Realm means:
Everybody of some Realm, against everyone of the other Realms.. <img src="http://opakwertheim.mine.nu/sig.php?chars=Fortius;Jelhenna;Mhaerion;Elkhas;Kheran;Geneva;Deheaeniera;Kaeron;Throgrus;Colibri;Khalinos;Rhelaine;Kheldan;He |
i think this event will be great. i hate uthgard RvR, because you can make only good RvR with your guild grp...
atm i can only go solo with my eld and i havent any chance to make some rps, because i have never seen solo people, all run with their grp. so i logout and play on other server... in this event some solo player will have a chance to make some rps, without any imba-guild grp... |
Deutsch | German:
Als ich die Idee von einem PvP Event hörte habe ich mich riesig gefreut, erstmal mein Lob an den Staff - das ist ne geile Idee. Jedoch muss man sich dabei auch überlegen welche Folgen das haben kann je nach dem wie man vorhat diesen Tag zu gestalten. Will man an diesem Tag in jedem Reich wie in einem Bürgerkrieg alle gegeneinander Kämpfen lassen, sodass die Highs die Lows abfarmen oder will man dass im RvR Mischgruppen enstehen mit den besten Kriegern aller drei Reiche. Beim ersten wäre ein Rollback sehr vernünftig, beim zweiten eher nicht von Nöten. Die dritte Variante wäre wenn ich Sethor richtig verstanden habe eine Mischung von beidem - hörte sich auch sehr nett an ^^, aber dass ist kein PvP sondern Realm Invasion oder? (ICH MÖCHTE DASS DAS DAS NÄCHSTE EVENT WIRD!!! ![]() _________________________ Englisch | English: I was very happy when I have heared about the idea of a PvP Event, first of all thanks to the staff - that's a fantastic idea. But you have to think of any consequences that might happen in any way you create this day. Do you want to do it like a civil war and every body in his realm kills his lows and the people he had trouble with or do you want to have mixed groups in RvR who are fighting against each other? A Rollback would be intelligent at the first suggestion but I don't think you really need one at the seccond The third oppertunity would be like Sethor explained before on the first page - This sounds very nice too, but that is not PvP - That's Realm invasion isn't it? ( I WANT TO HAVE THIS IN THE NEXT EVENT!! ![]() Duke |
hmm, changing uthgard into a pvp server for one day isn't something i'd participate in, especially if they're will be a rollback.
my idea for a nice pvp event would be kind of a paintball/lasershooting-like event: - one zone is a pvp zone, i would suggest avalon city since it has a nice urban warfare setup, where everyone can group with anyone for whichever realm. - there are 4 starting points (north, east, south, west) and each round 4 teams participate (each team wears a different color cloak to identify the teams) each starting from a different location, last team standing wins the round. the whole thing will have a tournament setup with pre-arranged teams who have to enlist themselves before the event starts. once the event has started teams can nolonger be changed. - the top 3 teams recieve a price or prices (perhaps a trophy to put in their houses or a reskin) this way you have a much more controlled event, less chance of abuse, no need for a rollback thus players who participated have something more than just a fun memory just an idea ![]() edit: depending on how many players participate there could be serveral tournaments, 'team deathmatch' as described above, 'capture the flag' speaks for itself and 'battle royal' where everyone is given 5 or 10 minutes to spread out and noone is allowed to attack, after that period of time everything goes, no rules, last man standing wins |
I like Luv´s Idea´s.
In addition I have a PvM Idea Imagine a good old Roman Arena.. Grp inside, visitors outside able to watch. Doors open some Mobs enter Arena which have to be defeatet, maybe 2 min break till doors open next time , more higher Mobs enter arena and so on. The grp who survive the longest or killed highest Mobs wins. This can be done with FG, solo, 2 or whatever |
@ luv and the winner is the stealth group
@murax and the winner is the shaman after 5 hours <img src="http://www.fallenearth.fr/daoc/daoc2.php?player=Panachou">
hmhm right pana i just want to see the stealhter grp beating a buffed optimized grp --> LOL
and i want to see the schamy beating solo 2 or 3 lev 60 mobs, which may be able to disease or somethin like that. First thinking then answering |
To me its a big pile of work, a big pile of /rofl spamming and lots of time cleaning up...
i say CO-OP PVE !!!! ![]() No rlly , PvP = Bad |
DAoC = PvP/RvR just for you to know if you still haven't managed to find out.
With regards Sethor Characters:
Midgard: Nothing atm Albion: Nothing atm Hibernia: suxx ^^ |
maby for 1 day mids albs and hibs are able to join forces to maby try fight gm s
![]() but gm s make them selfs like lvl 100 (im still noob so correct me on good lvl ) or up and all realms team toghether to kill the gm s (or at least try) ![]() i think it willl be fun for all players and gm s and maby gm s are able to record the players participating and give them prize later like respec/reskin/money/cool gear. ![]() |
GM's are not that tough
![]() On the contrary ![]() |
ule be suprized me and a few hibies where in brae i think about 1 fg and a gm comes and is good sport
(we ahve taken keep and no enemys come so we veeeery bord) but gm is good sport and we ask if we may attack him he says yes so we attack him and we get him about 50% life in like 10 min so they are kind strong ![]() |
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