How to: Dragonraid: Midgard

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Postby Sanni » May 05, 2013 21:27


Dragonraid: Midgard

This tutorial shell show you how you can kill dragon easy and save, whereat everyone gets at least 1 item. I know there are ways to kill her with less people what however will be much harder and needs experienced, reliable and high RR people.

Dragon's Abilities


Cold or Heat (maybe buggy)


"Gjapinulva stares at …………. and prepares a massive attack"
"Gjapinulva stares at ...Sanni... and prepares a massive attack"


"Gjalpinulva looks mindfully around"


"Gjalpinulva gasps and prepares to unleash a blazy storm".
"Gjalpinulva gasps a second time and prepares to unleash a blazy storm".

At 95%; 75%; 50%; 30%; 15%; 5-3%


Scaled Messanger starting at 40% on Pad (above 15% 1 per time, below 15% there can spawn up to 3 simultaneously)

Dragon Lair

Image Image Image Image Image

Minimum group requirements

Since they made a few changes Gjalpinulva is a bit harder now. So I changed group composition, too.

1. Group

Warrior........................................(MoB3 + Det3)
Warrior........................................(MoB3 + Det3)
Berserk / Savage............................(Det4+)
Berserk / Savage............................(Det4+)
Healer.........................................(DI, Pom)
Healer.........................................(DI, Celerity)
Skald..........................................(AotG 2,3)

2. Group

Skald........................................(AotG 2,3)
Skald........................................(AotG 2,3)
Skald........................................(AotG 2,3)
AoE..........................................(RM, SM)


3. Group

Skald........................................(AotG 2,3)
Skald........................................(AotG 2,3)
Skald........................................(AotG 2,3)

Group 3 will hit the Dragon until he is at 43% hitpoints. From then on Group 3 needs stand on Pad and kill the Scaled Messanger that will spawn on Pad. For each escaped Scaled Messanger we will get 4-5 purple Adds, so be sure to kill these Dogs. Group 3 also kills all Adds that spawn close to Dragon (Drakulv Deciple).

What does each class have to do?


- guard each other
- taunt the Dragon
- pull away the Dragon from Support
- change guard if someone else gets Dragon's Aggro

Both Warriors pull the Dragon to the red Dot you can see on the Map and turn him around so Supporters (green Dot) see his Back. Permanently taunt him. If the Dragon somehow changes Aggro, change the Guard fast.

If the Tank that has Dragon's Aggro gets a STARE, all run away from the Dragon (excluding the aggro-Tank).
If Dragon prepares to AOE, the aggro-Tank run toward the Entrance (yellow Arrow). Don't exit Lair or Dragon will reset.


Permanently hit the Dragon.
In case you get Aggro, stay near the Tanks, detaunt and hope they get Aggro back.
In Case Dragon STAREs at you, hide behind a hiding Rock (3-4 Seconds).
In Case of Dragon prepares AOE, run away across the Pad (green Arrow).
In Case aggro-Tank gets a STARE, run away across the Pad (green Arrow).


Place yourself between the two hiding Rocks. As Aug-Healer you need to stand a bit closer to your Melee so you are in Celerity Range.
Always use the smallest Base-Heal you have (Level 47 minor Emendation)
Healers in group 1 use DI before you start healing.
Healers in group 2 create a macro for both Warriors and assist healing.

/macro w1 /target nameofwarrior1
/macro w2 /target nameofwarrior2

Rezz dead People fast.
Dont forget to spam Celerity.
In Case Dragon STAREs at you, hide behind a Rock (3-4 Seconds).
In Case of Dragon prepares AOE, run away across the Pad (green Arrow).
In case you get Aggro, stay close to Tanks and hope they get Aggro back.


Rezz dead People fast.
In Case Dragon STAREs at you, hide behind a hiding Rock (3-4 Seconds).
In Case of Dragon prepares AOE, run away across the Pad (green Arrow).
In case you get Aggro, stay close to Tanks and hope they get Aggro back.

/macro w1 /target nameofwarrior1
/macro w2 /target nameofwarrior2


Always run DmgAdd.
In Case Raid-Leader calls your Name, leave your Group as fast as possible and join his Group.
Turn on AOTG and hit the Dragon.
In Case Raid-Leader calls next Skald, leave the Group and rejoin your old.

In Case Dragon STAREs at you, hide behind a hiding Rock (3-4 Seconds).
In Case of Dragon prepares AOE, hit SOS in group 1 only and run away across the Pad (green Arrow).
In case you get Aggro, stay close to Tanks and hope they get Aggro back.

Gallery: Dragonraid: Midgard

Tools for Raid Leaders

Sannis Raid Tool

With this tool, Trinny made for me, you can easily organize your raids up to 3 groups.
Control who is in which group and who already got an item.

Download at Uthgardpedia
Last edited by Sanni on May 25, 2013 12:06, edited 3 times in total.

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Postby Jojo1337 » May 06, 2013 00:31

you should mention that there are some other stare, stun and aoe messages. also the messengers start spawning at dragon hp 40% (only 1 at the same time), below 15% there can spawn up to 3 simultaneously.
good job with the images :)

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Postby Sanni » May 06, 2013 00:41

Jojo1337 wrote:you should mention that there are some other stare, stun and aoe messages. also the messengers start spawning at dragon hp 40% (only 1 at the same time), below 15% there can spawn up to 3 simultaneously.
good job with the images :)

Done the dog-thing!

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Postby Gorim » May 06, 2013 17:10

You don't need 2 Warriors if the warri, shamans and skalds are not totally gimped...
And i still find it funny that mids play more or less the same raid system with that i started like 2 years ago.... :wall: :wall:

Nice tutorial btw. with good graphics, thumps up :!:

Edit: Hint, there is a way that supporters don't have to run 8) Explore yourself :grin:

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Postby Raggnar » May 06, 2013 17:53

Gorim wrote:You don't need 2 Warriors if the warri, shamans and skalds are not totally gimped...
And i still find it funny that mids play more or less the same raid system with that i started like 2 years ago.... :wall: :wall:

Nice tutorial btw. with good graphics, thumps up :!:

Edit: Hint, there is a way that supporters don't have to run 8) Explore yourself :grin:

Have you done the dragon since the mob damage change? You do need two warriors. Yes, raid is doable with 1 warrior, but carries a lot of risks(stun right before big aoe and so on, when one warrior takes some distance just in case). Also, if you wanna have 2 zerkers spamming their back chain, they need to be protected by 2 warriors. Whenever I added a third zerk to the group, he took aggro after a while, even when detaunting between combos. And yeah, lot of time I got LD's and we ended up doing it with 10-12 people. Btw, back when you started it, ichor worked on dragon, while now you have to maneuver the dragon around the lair. Block rates are funny, rr11 warrior with moparry 4 and moblock 4 still gets hit a lot, even with crossguard. If you wanna do it with minimum amount of people, 2 shield tanks is the best way to go.

So yeah, "your" system got some changes due to game changes like ichor and mob dmg, and we mostly do it with 14 people(unless some regular sends me last moment, then I add up to 16). Problem is that many people slack or don't pay attention(even those with 50 or 100 dragon raids), so it's not all that peachy.

"He was concerned only with the naked fundamentals of life. The warm intimacies of small, kindly things, the sentiments and delicious trivialities that make up so much of civilized men's lives were meaningless to him. A wolf was no less a wolf because a whim of chance caused him to run with the watch-dogs. Bloodshed and violence and savagery were the natural elements of the life Conan knew; he could not, and would never, understand the little things that are so dear to civilized men and women."

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Postby Liss » May 07, 2013 20:08

If you look at the block chances from this raid you will see that only one warrior might not suffice.

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Postby Sanni » May 25, 2013 12:07

Since they made a few changes Gjalpinulva is a bit harder now. So I changed group composition, too.

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Postby Rajnish » May 25, 2013 14:27

Gorim wrote:Hint, there is a way that supporters don't have to run 8) Explore yourself :grin:

Yes, inquiring minds want to know! :)
Know of a Missing Mob,drop or Mob Camp? Then Post it Here!

TheKrokodil wrote: "Never change a running system bugged-system-where-players-actually-don't-realize-that-it-was-implemented-wrong-in-the-first-place, or people will notice."

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Postby Celteen » May 26, 2013 14:38

Sanni wrote:Since they made a few changes Gjalpinulva is a bit harder now. So I changed group composition, too.

Did they remove the customly nerfed drop rate as well?
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Postby Caemma » May 27, 2013 04:36

Celteen wrote:
Sanni wrote:Since they made a few changes Gjalpinulva is a bit harder now. So I changed group composition, too.

Did they remove the customly nerfed drop rate as well?

No of course, nerf cant be un-nerfed! :grin:
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Postby bodoterror6 » May 29, 2013 00:09

you can do it with 2 groups or 12 people if they aren't retarded and can stay focused on the job as follows :
first grp :2x warr 2x healers, sham,2x dps, skald
2nd grp : heal aug,sham, 6x skalds or 4x skalds

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