What are Templates?

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Postby ookete » Aug 29, 2013 18:35

I'm new and I see some folks talking about "templates", and I'm not sure what that is. Is it just the gear that the character has? Is it their skill build?

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Postby Fortyseven » Aug 29, 2013 19:07

A template is a set of equipment (usually composed of drops and crafted items, the latter imbued with a spellcrafter's gems and potentially an alchemist's tinctures) to maximise a character's attributes, skills, resistances, hit points and power pool.

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Postby _Oglop_ » Aug 29, 2013 22:46

A set of gear that maximizes your characters attributes.

Filling these stats will enable your character to deal more damage and receive less damage or dampen the negative effects of some abilities.

Mind, not all of these stats need to be utilize by every class and character specc. Also note,there is absolutely NO benefit to going beyond the cap of each attribute. I'll give a brief description of what each stat does below.

Code: Select all
STR:0/75     CON:0/75     DEX:0/75
QUI:0/75     INT:0/75     PIE:0/75
CHA:0/75     EMP:0/75

Body: 0
Cold: 0
Heat: 0
Energy: 0
Matter: 0
Spirit: 0
Crush: 0
Slash: 0
Thrust: 0




Strength wrote:STR: 0/75

- Increases Melee Damage
- Increases Maximum Encumbrance (Ability to carry heavier items)

Constitution wrote:CON: 0/75

- Increases your Hit-Points, thus allows you to take more damage
- Increases your Absorption

Dexterity wrote:DEX: 0/75

- Increases Casting Speed
- Increases Evade-Rates
- Increases Block-Rates
- Increases Parry-Rates
- Increases Damage (Only for certain Weapons)

Quickness wrote:QUI: 0/75

- Increases Weapon Swing-Speed
- Increases Evade-Rates

Intelligence wrote:INT: 0/75

*A Hibernian and Albion Caster-ONLY attribute. No class in Midgard benefits from this stat.
- Increases your Power-Pool size
- Increases Spell-Damage

Piety wrote:PIE: 0/75

*A Midgard and Albion ONLY attribute. No class in Hibernia benefits from this stat.
- Increases Concentration-Pool size (Number and type of buffs a Support-Class may distribute.)
- Increases Power-Pool size
- Increase Spell-Damage

Charisma wrote:CHA: 0/75

*A "Song-Class" ONLY attribute.
- Increases Concentration-Pool size, this bonus is for Bards (Number and type of buffs a Support-Class may distribute.)
- Increases Power-Pool size
- Increases Spell-Damage

Empathy wrote:EMP: 0/75

*A Hibernian - ONLY attribute. Only Wardens and Druids benefit from this stat.
- Increases Concentration-Pool size (Number and type of buffs a Support-Class may distribute.)
- Increases Power-Pool size
- Increases Spell-Damage

Hit-Points wrote:Hits: 0/200

- Increases your Hit-Points, thus allows you to take more damage

Power wrote:Power: 0/25

- Increases your Power-Pool size

Melee Resistances wrote:Slash: 0/26
Crush: 0/26
Thrust: 0/26

- The maximum amount of each resist you may benefit from for your level is calculated with this formula: "(Character Level / 2) + 1 = Cap"
(Ex: Level 50 Character ( 50 / 2) + 1 = 26 %
- Decreases the amount of damage you receive from melee-combat

Magic Resistances wrote:Body: 0/26
Cold: 0/26
Heat: 0/26
Energy: 0/26
Matter: 0/26
Spirit: 0/26

- The maximum amount of each resist you may benefit from for your level is calculated with this formula: "(Character Level / 2) + 1 = Cap"
(Ex: Level 20 Character ( 20 / 2) + 1 = 11 %
- Decreases the amount of damage you receive from whichever spell-type your enemy is using
- Reduces the duration of Crowd-Control spells, depending on which spell-type the spell your enemy is using

Skills wrote:Skill: 0/11

* Many Skills are capped at composite 51. Meaning, a combination of what you have trained and what you have from your item bonuses.
*Having +Skill in some lines may do nothing or have very minimal effect. (Ex) +Pacification Skill will do nothing for a healer)
- Increases the amount of damage that line of spells will deal
- Increases the amount of damage that weapon line will deal
- Reduces the variance in damage that line of spells will deal
- Reduces the variance in damage that weapon line will deal
- Increases Stealth-Movement Speed (+X Stealth Skill)
- Increases Stealth-Detection (+X Stealth Skill)
- Decreases the range other players may see you while Stealth (+X Stealth Skill)
- Increases Block Rate (+X Shield Skill)
- Increase Parry Rate (+X Parry Skill)
- Increases the benefits of Concentration-Based buffs

Focus wrote:"____" Magic Focus: 50 Levels

*This is a Caster-ONLY attribute.
- Decreases the amount of power consumed when casting a spell

Bonus wrote:
*This is only acquired through Trials of Atlantis content (A later Expansion of Dark Ages of Camelot), therefor, not implemented on Uthgard. Ignore this area.

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Code: Select all
Imbue: 0.0/28 (Quality: 99)
Jewel 1:
Jewel 2:
Jewel 3:
Jewel 4:
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 0.0/28 (Quality: 99)
Jewel 1:
Jewel 2:
Jewel 3:
Jewel 4:
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 0.0/28 (Quality: 99)
Jewel 1:
Jewel 2:
Jewel 3:
Jewel 4:
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 0.0/28 (Quality: 99)
Jewel 1:
Jewel 2:
Jewel 3:
Jewel 4:
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 0.0/28 (Quality: 99)
Jewel 1:
Jewel 2:
Jewel 3:
Jewel 4:
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 0.0/28 (Quality: 99)
Jewel 1:
Jewel 2:
Jewel 3:
Jewel 4:
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Right Hand:
Imbue: 0.0/28 (Quality: 99)
Jewel 1:
Jewel 2:
Jewel 3:
Jewel 4:
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Left Hand:
Imbue: 0.0/28 (Quality: 99)
Jewel 1:
Jewel 2:
Jewel 3:
Jewel 4:
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 0.0/28 (Quality: 99)
Jewel 1:
Jewel 2:
Jewel 3:
Jewel 4:
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 0.0/28 (Quality: 99)
Jewel 1:
Jewel 2:
Jewel 3:
Jewel 4:
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

This is where Spellcrafters imbue jewels to give crafted items attributes. In many cases, a player may choose to have a particular dropped item instead of a Crafted-Item in their template,
whether that be for a particular Proc, Charge, Look, better attributes . . . whatever. Keep in mind, if you do not have something equiped, you will not benefit from the stats (A 2-Handed sheathed sword's stats
will not affect you when you have your Sword/Shield equiped. Your Sword/Shield stats will not effect you if you have your 2-Handed weapon equiped. So adjust the stats accordingly.)
* Also note, Dropped-Items are not bound to only have 4-Slots of attributes.

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Code: Select all
Imbue: 0.0
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 0.0
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 0.0
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 0.0
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Left Ring:
Imbue: 0.0
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Right Ring:
Imbue: 0.0
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Left Wrist:
Imbue: 0.0
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Right Wrist:
Imbue: 0.0
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

This is where you insert whichever jewels found in-game to aid you in your templating process. Some items may have low attributes but have particular Charges to make it desirable to use.

Here is a list of a few desirable Charges that may be found on items
Charges wrote:- Damage Add
- Damage Shield
- Armor Factor (Spec) Buff
- Strength/Constitution Buff
- Dexterity/Quickness Buff
- Acuity Buff
- Heal
- Direct Damage
- PBAoE Damage
- Debuff Dexterity/Quickness
- Debuff Strength/Constitution
- Power Regen
- Health Regen
- Ablative
- Damage Over Time
- Haste
- Lifedrain

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

These are important attributes ALL Templates RvR-Focused Templates should maximize, in addition to whatever other stats your class requires. Some resistances are more important than others
depending on the realm you have chosen and what you plan to do (Full-Group RvR, Solo PvP, PvE . . .)
Code: Select all

Body: 26
Cold: 26
Matter: 26
Crush: 26
Slash: 26
Thrust: 26

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Other Notes wrote:- When making "Leveling Templates", it is not necessary to cap everything. Just cap whatever your class needs to thrive.
*Ex: (Hib Caster) Dexterity, Intelligence, +Skill to (whichever line you specialize), +X Focus Lines (Whichever lines you use / all lines you use) |Bare Minimum|
*Ex: (Mid Warrior) Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, +Skill to (Whichever Weapon-Line you specialize), Slash/Crush/Thrust Resists |Bare Minimum| *Notice Tanks need Con/Melee Resists as they are going to be tanking monsters.
- It's not always possible to maximize every single attribute for your character. When something is not capped, it is known to have a "Hole"
- You'll find Hybrid and Stealther classes are much more difficult to maximize due to requiring more Stats to cap.
- Use Higher-End items and Masterpiece Armor (100% Quality) to make templating easier. This comes at a cost of course.

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

I hope you found this to be a thorough introduction to a "Template"
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Postby Ilerget » Aug 30, 2013 09:40

_Oglop_ wrote:...

really nice info (I hate congratulate u :angry: )

I will add/modify 2 small things:

- Where u talk about the benefits using drops u can add that they can have way more utility than a crafter can imbue on crafted items.
- Where u talk about the important attributes to cap u could add DEX because ABSOLUTELY EVERY class need DEX
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Postby ookete » Aug 30, 2013 16:53

Oglop, what an amazing reply, thank you! Very very helpful.
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Postby HulkGris » Sep 16, 2013 10:23

Yes, great answer, should be put in a post-it imo.
But there's 2 errors :
- CONstitution doesn't increase absorb, that's an old urban legend
- STEALTH skill doesn't really increase range detection of other stealthers (only your level is taken into account + detect hidden given at 16 stealth to assassin-like)
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Postby Barlox » Sep 16, 2013 11:27

Ilerget wrote:
_Oglop_ wrote:...

- Where u talk about the important attributes to cap u could add DEX because ABSOLUTELY EVERY class need DEX

Except skald and Zerker, they can use it but its the least important stat. Same goes for slash/crush BMs/Mercs.

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Postby Ilerget » Sep 16, 2013 16:08

Barlox wrote:
Ilerget wrote:
_Oglop_ wrote:...

- Where u talk about the important attributes to cap u could add DEX because ABSOLUTELY EVERY class need DEX

Except skald and Zerker, they can use it but its the least important stat. Same goes for slash/crush BMs/Mercs.

take off all their dex and u will see how much they evade/parry/block and how much hits they land on a class with higher dex than them :P
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Postby HulkGris » Oct 14, 2013 14:25

Ilerget wrote:and how much hits they land on a class with higher dex than them :P
You're wrong. Dex is completly useless for that.
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Postby JNO » Jun 07, 2016 22:17

It should also be mentioned that Spellcrafters cannot make jewellery, rings, amulets, belts or bracers so deciding on (and probably acquiring) those parts first is usually a good idea. Then add any armor/weapon slot pieces with specific abilities you want or which offer a particularly high number of overall stats or just the stats you are low on so far.
Once you have nearly got all your pieces decided and balanced with each other then you fill in the rest with custom designed Spellcrafter pieces to finish the template. The fact that most people will end up with completely different demands from the Spellcrafter is why Spellcrafters will probably insist you build the whole thing in the Spellcrafting program of their choice yourself and send them the save file to work from.

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Postby Ganaka » Dec 14, 2016 18:55

Is Oglop's post still valid for Uthgard 2.0?

DEX determines block rate with shields? What determines the damage of shield slam?

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Postby Nezix » Dec 14, 2016 19:06

Ganaka wrote:Is Oglop's post still valid for Uthgard 2.0?

DEX determines block rate with shields? What determines the damage of shield slam?

DEX is a contributing factor to both of those.

- Increases your Absorption

^^ I don't think so (for players anyway).

I think everything else is accurate.
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Postby Koleriker » Dec 22, 2016 07:37

Nezix wrote:
Ganaka wrote:Is Oglop's post still valid for Uthgard 2.0?

DEX determines block rate with shields? What determines the damage of shield slam?

DEX is a contributing factor to both of those.

I think everything else is accurate.

I thought str determines the damage of your shield styles?

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