#1 Armsman
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#1armsman, Will post my Video's here.
I can't tell you how excited I am to see your videos, i bet we can all learn a ton from the #1 Armsman of Uthgard!
Well #1 armsman to post on uthgard, but I will have to prove myself to be #1 in game.
Except you arent a armsman yet, because uthgard isn't up.
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So if half-ogres are on the way out, will Highlanders be the race of choice?
Would it be + 10 str / dex / qui? Or is con worth throwing points into? |
Most people would've gone for highlander anyways.
Personally i think 15 str 10 qui or 10 str/qui/dex should be fine. I wouldn't go for con, because you have more than enough defense and usually you shouldnt be the target anyways ![]() ![]() |
15 str 10 dex !
[12:46] <Roundhouse_> actualy cathsy and blackbeard the master challenges out on heavytanks [23:52] <Skarz> u are best warrior i seen for long time Samina mina eh eh Waka Waka eh eh |
Does 15 str vs 10 really make much of a difference? especially when compared to 10 points in another stat?
15 str for damage, 10 dex for parry/block. Quickness is kinda useless in my opinion. Con is ok so a 10/10/10 str/con/dex would be fine too.
well quick is more important on this server setting due to no +25% buff bonus/+overcap quick
as long as you are not able to reach 250 quick its not useless but it depends ofc of the personal playstyle |
Proper deftanks wont need dex or con ... if tanks are able to reach their targets while you can use anytime snare or 31 sec snare, then you should probably play some other class
Con maybe in a tank grp when you're going offensive, but doubt its really necessary ![]() |
You can also go 18 charisma for the looks, it doesnt matter at all.
![]() <<< This avatar is handmade by Inotor Wurzelbert : ) Check out the Mampfer-Threads for more. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=25079 viewtopic.php?f=10&t=26934 |
The difference between 200quick and 210 quick is not that noticeable.(highlander 50base quick+75items+75buff=200 quick) 5.1 Speed Polearm(fastest crafted) with 200 quick and 19%haste(theurg). -2.97 speed With 210 quick. -2.89 speed Now 2.8 speed buckler with 200 quick and 19%haste.(for slam) -1.63 speed With 210 quick -1.59 speed Quickness is only great with large amounts, so my personal opinion is Dex and Con are more important as a starting stat if all you get is attack speed. Edit : Also you can't forget about Mastery of arms. With an extra 10 quick at start and Mastery of arms you go below the 1.5speed cap(with shield) so that's another thing to remember and without points u are exactly at 1.49speed. This is if you get mastery of arms 3 which I think is the best. Last edited by Seksy on Mar 08, 2014 10:22, edited 1 time in total.
BTW. fastest Craftpole is 4.4 Speed 15.0 dps but doesnt matter rly!
Zerstörer der Seelen
Destroyer of Souls |
I was talking about level51 but sure. with 200 quick = 2.57 speed with 210 quick = 2.49 speed The 5.1 speed is far better and only a bit slower. |
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