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Postby Celteen » Dec 10, 2015 14:08

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h24SMEQ ... be&t=4m10s

300 per tick would cap him after 5-6 ticks assuming 1700 HP.
Last edited by Celteen on Dec 10, 2015 14:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby jeZe » Dec 10, 2015 14:28

For the range:

1.66 patch notes

- Increased the range on Ameliorating Melodies to 2000.

So it should be something below 2000 on uthgard i guess. Cant find any excact values for pre 1.65 though

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Postby Juri » Dec 10, 2015 16:16

Celteen wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h24SMEQAm6o&feature=youtu.be&t=4m10s

300 per tick would cap him after 5-6 ticks assuming 1700 HP.

Hmmm, tricky: we don't know the values (base con, base hps, template stats etc) and he has purple str/con. Heck, we don't even really know the patch it was recorded on, I don't think we can rely too much on this clip...

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Postby Nezix » Dec 10, 2015 16:43

Juri wrote:
Celteen wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h24SMEQAm6o&feature=youtu.be&t=4m10s

300 per tick would cap him after 5-6 ticks assuming 1700 HP.

Hmmm, tricky: we don't know the values (base con, base hps, template stats etc) and he has purple str/con. Heck, we don't even really know the patch it was recorded on, I don't think we can rely too much on this clip...

Patch recorded on is pretty irrelevant. It's clearly post ToA and the last change to AM before NF was in 1.66, so we don't have to worry about it being before or after some change that would effect the healing.

At the beginning of the fight between the Minstrel and the Theurgist he gets hit for ~319 damage, mezzes the Minstrel and heals himself for 297. You can see how much that heals him. Then when he pops AM he's getting healed for ~1/3rd of that each time it ticks. It would be extremely obvious if it was healing for something like 300 a tick instead of 100.
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Postby Juri » Dec 10, 2015 18:19

Nezix wrote:
Juri wrote:
Celteen wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h24SMEQAm6o&feature=youtu.be&t=4m10s

300 per tick would cap him after 5-6 ticks assuming 1700 HP.

Hmmm, tricky: we don't know the values (base con, base hps, template stats etc) and he has purple str/con. Heck, we don't even really know the patch it was recorded on, I don't think we can rely too much on this clip...

Patch recorded on is pretty irrelevant. It's clearly post ToA and the last change to AM before NF was in 1.66, so we don't have to worry about it being before or after some change that would effect the healing.

At the beginning of the fight between the Minstrel and the Theurgist he gets hit for ~319 damage, mezzes the Minstrel and heals himself for 297. You can see how much that heals him. Then when he pops AM he's getting healed for ~1/3rd of that each time it ticks. It would be extremely obvious if it was healing for something like 300 a tick instead of 100.

Would it? Okay then...

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Postby Caemma » Dec 10, 2015 21:19

Math Vs Pixels


(11px * 6) - 2px = 64px

297hp / 11px = 27hp/px

ToT_hp = 64px * 27hp/px = 1728 hp


Maaan, I was bored! :lol:
There was a time when Uthgard 1.0 existed and maaaany toons and arrpees arose... but now:

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Postby Jerrian » Dec 10, 2015 23:08

Caemma wrote:


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Postby Austerim » Dec 10, 2015 23:25

Caemma wrote:...
[3:10pm] <myrmidon^> You have to be a c*** to be awesome at daoc
[3:10pm] <myrmidon^> that's what I learnt
[3:11pm] <Frosty_> then why does austerim suck
lordgriffon wrote:Oh by the way... ever seen a group of 8 smite clerics? Or play against a group like that? I have. Absolute devastation. The group that runs up against them can't kill them fast enough because smite clerics have sooooooo many tools at their disposal combined with decent ranged damage with 8 of them dudes doing it!

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Postby Celteen » Dec 11, 2015 03:00

My calculation was based on an old school ruler, but yeah congrats on that one :grin:
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Postby Ilerget » Dec 11, 2015 09:10

Caemma wrote:...

Maaan, I was bored! :lol:

and you have to much free time :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Panini » Dec 11, 2015 10:38

Sense was made here. I wish everything could be explained with pixels!
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Postby Connavar » Jan 01, 2016 16:19

I have a question regarding the viability of Mercs and Armsmen as peeler/deftank in an alb group.

I want to play a tank that has viability for all types of group melee/hybrid/caster. As we currently don't know the exact way mechnics will have changed on uthgard i am currently considering either arms or merc as main.

Assuming worst case scenario (for me) that caster groups are seen as the way to go under old RA due to lack of charge and relatively powerful albion casters (with right mix) i am then looking at the deftank/peel role within an alb group:


Access to MoBlock
Easy wpn switch to two hand/ S+B
Anytime snare on pole/ Rear snare from 2Hander

Harder path to 50 (Pala better tank option, merc better dps option)
IF block same as uthgard 1.0 hard to hit with 1H and 2H vs shield/guarded opponent
Possibility groups will take pala in RVR (despite lack of det)
Composition of enemy group may include 6 sec BT negating Pole/2H
Prevent flight not proccing much from 2H pole


Good def penetration with DW vs block/guard target
Good proc of prevent flight from DW
360 degree evade

very hard to snare targets (side snare when already snared very tough) or 2nd in chain snare , again how hard will it be to hit targets on uthgard 2.0?
manual switch to 1h + shield / DW
No MoBlock

My main issue on the merc is snarestyles. If you go pierce you have to then spec 44 pierce for 27sec snare which is off tranq and mens you then cant go 42 shield and 50 DW.. so what gives?
If you go crush and rely on 2nd in chain snare/stun you then lose shield. IF guard was like uthgard 1.0 you dont want to lose shield, but if its like on genesis... then sure lose shield

SO! What would you recommend as the best option, if you want to be able to play deftank/peeler in groups?

I would like recommendation on not only class but race/spec option. For example, pierce saracen merc v highlander crush merc etc.
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Postby pweet » Jan 02, 2016 01:16

Half ogre if possible otherwise highlander arms.
Harder to lvl is not really true and doesn't matter anyway.
No decent grp will take a Pala. Nothing beats anytime snare as a Def tank :D

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Postby Nezix » Jan 03, 2016 01:11

Half Ogre won't exist so go highlander. Dex plays very little into the block formula so a Saracan isn't going to have that much more. And thrust is 50/50 so high str or high dex will even out.

From what it sounds like you want to do, Armsman would be better. You also forgot Soldier's Barricade is a great group RA.
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Postby Ilerget » Jan 03, 2016 11:02

Nezix wrote:...And thrust is 50/50 so high str or high dex will even out...

Hihglander 70 STR + 50 DEX = 120
Saracen 50 STR + 80 DEX = 130
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