<Rare> going easymode!

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Postby [R]Bloodwyne » Apr 10, 2016 19:23

Whats up!

For Uthgard 2.0 Rare will roll Midgard, also known as the easymode realm, zerg realm, Drachengarde coalition, tankspam ftw realm, iwinbutton, jump&dump realm and so on... We mainly chose to play Midgard to have easy to play classes that dont need any coordination or talent to play and still be able to win fights. Ofc our aim is to be successful in 8vs8, and as Rare members lack of everything that is needed to be considered a decent DAoC player the choice is kinda obvious.

Now with the beta coming we just felt to get started to provide some clarity of what realm certain guilds will choose on Uthgard 2.0. We would be more than happy to have other guilds announce their destination so we can finally start the flamewars!

In all seriousnes tho, i actually think Uthgard 2.0 is going to be bigger than most of us have thought after all this time that has passed. Rare was always (and will be) a guild that will take part in every aspect of the game, even though 8vs8 is definately the main focus. I hope we will get along with everybody as we (usually ;)) did in Albion. We are an international guild rooting back to the european PvP Server Camlann. On Uthgard, Rare was found in 2009 and made its way up to one of the most successful 8vs8 guilds of the server. We were never a set group, we have always been a pool of casual, more or less decent players ;), that just love the competetive side of DAoC...and this is what we are aiming for on Uthgard 2.0.

As this will be a fresh start in many aspects, we are also looking for new members that share the 8vs8 spirit, are long-term experienced with the game and arent assholes (we have enough of those already).

Cheers <Rare>

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Postby VadosRockt » Apr 10, 2016 19:27

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Postby Nezix » Apr 10, 2016 19:39

Come back to Alb. We will need good leaders that aren't overly elitist. Embrace the challenge!
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Postby [R]Bloodwyne » Apr 10, 2016 19:43

Nezix wrote:Come back to Alb. We will need good leaders that aren't overly elitist. Embrace the challenge!

Sadly the decision is final. From all realms most of us have played, Midgard is by far the one realm we have played the least. We had a taste of it on Origins and we want to give it another shot. Im sure Albion will find a new and better Griselda ;)

Also i would be way to tempted to roll wizard as first class again... :D

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Postby dongenergy » Apr 10, 2016 19:49

Re: <Rare> going easymode!


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Postby Austerim » Apr 10, 2016 20:20

dongenergy wrote:Re: <Rare> going easymode!

[3:10pm] <myrmidon^> You have to be a c*** to be awesome at daoc
[3:10pm] <myrmidon^> that's what I learnt
[3:11pm] <Frosty_> then why does austerim suck
lordgriffon wrote:Oh by the way... ever seen a group of 8 smite clerics? Or play against a group like that? I have. Absolute devastation. The group that runs up against them can't kill them fast enough because smite clerics have sooooooo many tools at their disposal combined with decent ranged damage with 8 of them dudes doing it!

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Postby pweet » Apr 10, 2016 20:45

You enthusiasm for new games or server releases is quite unique. Where do you pull this off every time? I hope for most classical 3healer gank squad ;)

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Postby [R]Bloodwyne » Apr 10, 2016 22:19

pweet wrote:You enthusiasm for new games or server releases is quite unique. Where do you pull this off every time? I hope for most classical 3healer gank squad ;)

I dont know i just enjoy it ;) 3 healer setup is the plan, definately. Cant just run 2, we need one healer to cast celerity all the time, one to spam his insta cc and run panic circles and one who eventually hits some heal spells with a crippled brain and fingers.

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Postby jeff_daoj » Apr 10, 2016 22:57

dongenergy wrote:Re: <Rare> going easymode!


choo choo - MID MID MID!
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Postby Discotech » Apr 11, 2016 02:37

See you on the battlefield or as an ally! ;)

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Postby Discotech » Apr 11, 2016 02:38

pweet wrote:You enthusiasm for new games or server releases is quite unique. Where do you pull this off every time? I hope for most classical 3healer gank squad ;)

who are you from genesis?

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Postby Galandriel3 » Apr 11, 2016 02:44

time to stick :lol:
[12:46] <Roundhouse_> actualy galandriel and blackbeard the master challenges out on heavytanks
[23:52] <Skarz> u are best skald i seen for long time

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Postby Austerim » Apr 11, 2016 02:55

Discotech wrote:who are you from genesis?
He's Hadokeen from the RR10 Hib "pug" gank squad. 8)
[3:10pm] <myrmidon^> You have to be a c*** to be awesome at daoc
[3:10pm] <myrmidon^> that's what I learnt
[3:11pm] <Frosty_> then why does austerim suck
lordgriffon wrote:Oh by the way... ever seen a group of 8 smite clerics? Or play against a group like that? I have. Absolute devastation. The group that runs up against them can't kill them fast enough because smite clerics have sooooooo many tools at their disposal combined with decent ranged damage with 8 of them dudes doing it!

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Postby Discotech » Apr 11, 2016 03:27

Austerim wrote:
Discotech wrote:who are you from genesis?
He's Hadokeen from the RR10 Hib "pug" gank squad. 8)

gotcha. I may be bring back the good ole pac heal for uthgard!

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Postby holsten-knight » Apr 11, 2016 13:22

I think you will see that mid is far from the easymode realm (in fact the weakest) with bugfree old RA.

Still it is easy to play, but not easy to be successful in 8vs8. For that you will have to play extraordinary good (or hope no active RA ready for the enemy).

And as gala already pointed out, rolling mid will not save you from our adds. The only difference is that you will benefit. 8)

I am looking forward to have a quality leader in mid, so I can just afkstick in reli raids, w00t :D


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