RvR ask me anything
Why not just get it overwith, and run 6 mincers and 2 buffclerics. Oh the instant dd carnage.
If you want to do it right run 1 spirit cab for body debuffed dds |
There will be no buffbots and two clerics cant buff fg. Friar could help there too.
Missing specbuffs can be charged, or the cleric can use blue ones for less important buffs. |
Pots for endu, charges for buffs. Alb looks tempting
![]() Fabienne - Blademaster
Junia - Bard Audrina - Ench ----- Zoe - Sorc Stella - Pala Devon - Scout |
Only Minstrel had access to a S/C charge at 1.65 ! ![]() [3:10pm] <myrmidon^> You have to be a c*** to be awesome at daoc
[3:10pm] <myrmidon^> that's what I learnt [3:11pm] <Frosty_> then why does austerim suck
That doesn't change anything |
How do you honestly see alb doing in the 8v8 game? Cheers,
Sailor --- ![]() |
Albs should win the majority of fights where sos is up, but generally speaking I'd say it's kinda like rock/paper/scissors Hib beats Alb, Alb beats Mid and Mid beats Hib. Allthough the Alb vs Mid matchup becomes increasingly difficult for Alb once the mids reach higher rr. Hib is always superior vs alb because alb relies too much on their caster(s) and thus easily beaten by NS (even if you play a cab and win the NS duel vs the eld, hibs have 3x purge available to get rid of that and you're doomed with 1x Purge on a 30min timer) Alb is definitely bottom tier without sos up, but they should still do fine vs mids unless they have 3xhighrank healer. Hib is pretty much only beatable with sos (assuming equal player skill levels and optimal setups) |
I see the advantage from SOS shrinking significantly against both hib and mid as they gain RR. I also wonder how you think caster vs. tank groups will play out on hib/alb. A lot of the euros who didn't play Genesis seem to think casters will be completely worthless, but we both know that wasn't even remotely true on genesis. It will definitely be more difficult playing a caster/hybrid setup with root immunity giving snare immunity and debuff nukes not doing cap damage, but I don't see them being obsolete. The hib 3caster 2 tank setup will still dominate IMO, no? Cheers,
Sailor --- ![]() |
exactly, on genesis. i get your point and personally i think casters will just be as viable as on new RA setups but probably more difficult as already stated. we can only wait for the beta and/or release to see what it will be really like on uthgard. 2/10 euro bashing attempt, ive seen better ![]() |
Hib Caster grps will still be dominant because they're almost invulnerable to Nearsight. Alb Castergrps could be able to dominate Midgrps that play without supprm then it's 50/50, given that the Mids are not hilldiving to get a perfect inc with insta cc. I don't see alb casters standing a chance vs a hib castergrp of equal skill unless you have purge up on all your casters/supps to get rid of Nearsight.
Haha it wasn't a bash - there's just a lot of euros here that didn't play genesis and they don't really have any idea what old RAs are like, whereas lots us have spent over a year playing old RAs on Genesis and know what to expect. Cheers,
Sailor --- ![]() |
Yes because the implementation of old ra's on genesis was 100 % correct! - Honey Badgers
- Winkz |
it hurt to click the like button but i had to laugh too hard
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [12:46] <Roundhouse_> actualy galandriel and blackbeard the master challenges out on heavytanks [23:52] <Skarz> u are best skald i seen for long time |
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