Theurg Specc for Leveling and RvR

Gryphon Knight
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Postby Amisch » Apr 17, 2016 11:57

3-2-1 GO! What's your preffered Theurg specs back in the days and what's most effective. Still not completely sure but Theurg seems to be my number one choice so far. Any experienced Theurg player here who can give some tips?

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Postby silenced » Apr 17, 2016 16:38

If going solo: usually I would say: Air spec, but you may and finally WILL compete with all the Necromants for the spirit-vulnerable mobs. On the other hand, nec/theurg may be a nice level combo.

If in groups and planning to respec later: Earth + whatever.

For RVR: depends on group setup what may be better. Having a earth specced fend-pet called "theurg" with lots of earthen support pets may be useful, but so will be air or ice spec. In RVR all specs are useful, be it the unrelenting damage by earth pets, the snare and quite some damage by ice-pets or the stun by air-pets ... or simply the other "utility" spells. Hard to make a final decision.

On live I only played with my air-spec (13/25/46 (e/i/a)) theurg. Which was quite some fun, and even the lvl 25 spec ice-pets did a lot of damage on range.
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Postby Hibernianman1 » Apr 18, 2016 01:41

Theurg has lots of options due to great pets and additional spells. Pick whichever line you prefer.

Earth - tough pets and PBT spell

Ice - ranged pets with snare, aoe root and good dd

Earth - spec dd and stunning pets.

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Postby Ohai » Apr 18, 2016 01:44

Earth for 8 man
Air for solo/small man

I play Theurg on live and found these are the best 2 options. Earth pets travel faster and are harder to kill, perfect for 8 man. Air pets are squishy but stunlock, if its a 1v1 or small man, this is the pets to use.

Ice i have problems with 1) target going out of range while pet does its slow cast, and 2) when someone LoS the ice pet, it just stands there trying to cast through the wall unsuccessfully.

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Postby Lasastard » Apr 18, 2016 08:53

Earth/Ice would be my suggestion for 8v8. Ice brings a lot of utility with aoe root. And the ice pets can be a pain to deal with as they are ranged. Air spec is nice for small men for sure, and perhaps leveling. In 8vs8 I'd argue that the pets are only so-so due to them having to run towards their target first while only living for 30secs (?). Likewise, the spec DD will not do a whole lot of damage without debuffs (and that is assuming the theurg will get int buff, which is not guaranteed in an alb group) and the mezz is too short to be terribly useful.

So that would be what, 35 Earth, 40 Ice plus a few points to spare.

Lvl 32 Earth pets, lvl 40 Ice pets, 8sec group BT, 60secs aoe root

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Postby teddie » Apr 18, 2016 09:20

Ohai wrote:....

I play Theurg on live and found these are the best 2 options. Earth pets [...] are harder to kill, [...]. Air pets are squishy but stunlock,[...].

Earth pets have less hp then Air pets on live, since years, but good that you play a theurg there!

Long, long time ago, there was a patch wich reduced the hp from earth pets, but not sure if before, or after 1.65.

Lasastard wrote:... Likewise, the spec DD will not do a whole lot of damage without debuffs ...

209 delve, will do the same dmg as every other specnuke (eld, runemaster, etc.) aside from wizzards.

ot: Ice is also ok for (solo)pvm.

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Postby Lasastard » Apr 18, 2016 09:32

teddie wrote:
209 delve, will do the same dmg as every other specnuke (eld, runemaster, etc.) aside from wizzards.

Yep, very true. I think the point to consider is that mids will always have spirit resist buffs up; Hibs at least some of the time. While Albs will almost never have cold resist buffs (runemaster, eldritch) ; so I would expect to the effective damage to be quite a bit lower on average for Wind theurgists compared to other spec nukers. Also: the Int buff issue (i.e. theurgists unlikely to get an Int buff on a server without buffbots).

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Postby Ohai » Apr 18, 2016 15:34

Lasastard wrote:
teddie wrote:
209 delve, will do the same dmg as every other specnuke (eld, runemaster, etc.) aside from wizzards.

Yep, very true. I think the point to consider is that mids will always have spirit resist buffs up; Hibs at least some of the time. While Albs will almost never have cold resist buffs (runemaster, eldritch) ; so I would expect to the effective damage to be quite a bit lower on average for Wind theurgists compared to other spec nukers. Also: the Int buff issue (i.e. theurgists unlikely to get an Int buff on a server without buffbots).

Then its a good job Mids rarely run caster damage, and that Hibs always run heat debuff trains then :P

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Postby Hibernianman1 » Apr 19, 2016 04:39

Did that answer your question OP?

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Postby Kurtcobain1982 » Apr 19, 2016 15:12

Kind of a Theurg noob here, hey everyone! I was planning to use a theurgist as a first Alb char. And I have a question. When leveling you get less experience points while using pets right? Is this a fixed amount or depends on the number of pets you are using?

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Postby Nezix » Apr 19, 2016 15:19

Kurtcobain1982 wrote:Kind of a Theurg noob here, hey everyone! I was planning to use a theurgist as a first Alb char. And I have a question. When leveling you get less experience points while using pets right? Is this a fixed amount or depends on the number of pets you are using?

It's not about the # of pets but of the % of damage they do compared to you (or your group).

Grab bags about this:
Q: I know pets get a share of the experience when a pet user is fighting monsters. How will that work with the Bonedancer?

A: Exactly as any pet class does. The experience the pet skims off the top is related to how much damage the pet did in the first place. The amount of damage that a pet, or multiple pets, can take is capped at 50% - so the bonedancer won�t share more than half the experience with a pet, no matter how many pets he has up and running. And of course, the more damage he does directly, the less exp the pet gets.

Q: What about the Necromancer? He can't actually do anything without the pet.

A: True, which is why he will be treated as a non-pet class in terms of exp.

Q: Last Grab Bag there was a question about pet damage, and you said that the possible pet exp share was capped at 50%. I thought it was 25%?

A: I should have said "up to" 50%. There are three exceptions to the 50% cap enchanters, spiritmasters, and cabalists all have their pet's exp share capped at 25%. And of course, as I said last week, the necro is his own exception, being that his pet is an extension of him.

Remember, that's up to X% the more damage the pet's owner does directly, the less exp the pet can earn. And of course, these percentages only apply if the pet owner is soloing.

Q: You addressed the share of experience the pet takes when an owner is soloing. What about groups?

A: In a group, the pet gets experience based strictly on the total damage the pet does to the target. The pet is NOT treated as another group member (group member experience is total exp divided by number of players in the group modified by player level vs. the levels of the other group members). It's not much, unless you're using the pet as the main tank for some reason, and even then it would not even be equal to a character's share.

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