Dark Age of Camelot The Atlas
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First like to greet all.
Secondly I would like to share with you all, a book a masterpiece in category tutorial. Have fun in reading ![]() https://www.dropbox.com/s/ovmej5hpt67mkdj/Dark%20Age%20of%20Camelot%20the%20Atlas%20-%20Prima.pdf?dl=0 Sent from AMG using Crtical Shot
Bistravoda = Clean Water |
Holy ****** thats awesome, thanks man!
It's also very outdated and in many cases just wrong. So be careful when using it for anything related to Uthgard.
Got any questions? Submit them to me and I will try to get them answered in our grab bag !
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But it is from 2002, which covers the patches from 1.40 to 1.58. So i had my hopes high, that it would nicely display the world at around that patch. Looking at todays resources mostly refers to a much later time and patch. Last edited by Gerbald on May 04, 2016 16:40, edited 1 time in total.
sure trishin its 2002 atlas without SI expansion, maybe loot %, quest, or some location mobs are outdate. Sent from AMG using Crtical Shot
Bistravoda = Clean Water |
Some of the later versions gave tips on classes and abilities as well, and when you see a guide saying that if you have problems with spells being resisted, you could try and use a lower tier spell, then you know that guide is pretty much useless and inaccurate. (page 167 in the revised prima guide talking about elds)
So be careful taking prima guides as gospel when it comes to item drops and loot %. Got any questions? Submit them to me and I will try to get them answered in our grab bag !
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where is the gospel of trishin?! :p
Ecati - 50 Cleric, Leg SCer - Deleted |
I do not understand why so negative, I think not only in terms item drops and loot %, atlas give you much more information, just must be careful read. What I mean this book have much valuable information for players but also for who wants to return this game to the former time. just one small example https://www.dropbox.com/s/8o9hcwfh50k3h96/imena.jpg?dl=0 how much valuable data on just one picture, who understands will understand. Sent from AMG using Crtical Shot
Bistravoda = Clean Water |
Well it's called the Atlas for a reason, not the Complete Guide to DAoC Game Mechanics
![]() I recently bought the atlas, the classic and the SI prima guide used for a few euros and I have been enjoying reading them. |
After 2 days, in the beta, I can only say that over 90% same positions mobs in start area. especially now where there are no maps, helps a lot.
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Bistravoda = Clean Water |
Sadly I still have one of the old books sold years and years ago. Could never bring myself to donate it to some half price book store, etc. Wife tried to make me but I just couldn't do it.
Well doll, who's laughing now?!?! ![]() Bist, I still love watching your scout videos. You're awesome. Please don't shoot any mid with the name Spring in it please. ![]() -----
Spring - Healer (Myth) Policegirl - skald (Myth) |
See also: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=36815
Alkabor <Nerouj> Ywain Cabalist
Venril Sathir - Uthgard Cabalist |
I actually have this hard copy, it comes with a nice map, good for what it is
Thanks, Bistravoda buddy for sharing with us.
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