dmg add and dot stack

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Postby Papperlapapp » May 10, 2016 04:32

dmg add on bd pets stack. for instance, the bd line dmg add buff + skald damage add chant stack. is this intended? not sure how it was back then. I thought only 1 damage add can be active at a time.

also, the two dot lines stack. meaning I can cast two individual dots on a mob and they both tick.

just wanted to clarify if this is a bug before reporting it as one.

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Postby Oofig » May 10, 2016 22:04

DOT stacking is normal I believe. Can't speak on the dmg add though.

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Postby Kharlo » May 11, 2016 07:42

Dmg add should not stack. Dots do.. Base dot + spec dot

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Postby Caemma » May 11, 2016 13:56

Kharlo wrote:Dmg add should not stack. Dots do.. Base dot + spec dot

To be more precise, i believe that is about the dot damage type: 2 dots of the same damage type wont never stack, only the higher level will overwrite the lower and not the other way around (it will say already has this effect, or stronger..), if same value, then it will refresh its duration to the maximun again.

That's what i remember
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Postby malleboi » May 11, 2016 14:00

Shouldnt Dmg add chant + dmg add Buff stack?

I remember the stronger one was halved then.

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Postby GreenP » May 12, 2016 16:34

malleboi wrote:Shouldnt Dmg add chant + dmg add Buff stack?

I remember the stronger one was halved then.

Thats how i remember it too. But really not sure atm^^
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Postby Kharlo » May 12, 2016 17:53

Dmg add stacks with AotG

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Postby HatTrick » Jul 06, 2016 14:05

I know this is an old thread but just to answer the question, DoTs do stack if they aren't the same type. In other words, for a BD, the baseline DoT will stack with the spec DoT but the spec AE DoT will not stack with the spec single target DoT because they are both spec spells. A bit confusing to read but in reality it's pretty simple.

Damage adds also stack but as someone else said, the effect of one of them is halved. The only exception I take to what they said is that I believe it is the weaker one that is halved, not the stronger one. Depending on the strength of the weaker one, halving the stronger one may well be less of a total damage add than the strong one alone and that wouldn't make sense. I can say without question that whenever I have had 2 damage adds going, it's always been better than just 1 so that says to me that it's the weaker one that gets halved.
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Postby Rhodala » Aug 14, 2016 18:51

I hear this myst like every day:
It is always the song (pala/skald/whoever sings it in the happy tree land) which is halfed
(patchnotes 1.47 or similar)

Means: Skald in Group -> No Shaman dmg add

This is like it should be. No clue how it is on Uthgard right now :)

Edit knows it exactly:
Patchnote 1.47b
Damage add chants (Paladin, Skald, Warden) now stack with base damage add buffs, but only add half damage when stacked. Pet-only damage adds and shields also stack the same way.

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Postby Effaermon » Jan 15, 2017 21:59

as of this moment, the base and spec dot are both matter....wasn't one of these body?

*the two dots are stacking

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Postby Mad Mike » Jan 25, 2017 16:49

Pretty sure the dots that do stack are of different frequency.
Just to
Clarify, both the base and spec dots are of the same damage type.

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