Berserker vs Savage

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Postby Raifs » Apr 28, 2016 13:32

Heguero wrote:
Kiteri wrote:
eXe wrote:How does Skald compare to Berserker/Savage in terms of damage? I recon Skald will be behind said classes although are they still looked upon to be part of RvR groups?

Or what else can you tell about Skald in 1.65 patch? (Might be offtopic but whatever, better than start a new topic I guess :D )

I am new to Uthgard, but I played alot back in the days on EU/Excalibur server. As far as I remember Skalds were not popular in 8man groups. Aug healer/RM speed + permasprint was enough for roaming. Apart from speed5 skald brings nothing essential to the group. No determination, low weaponskill, no shield spec. Skalds became popular when new RAs were introduced, when skalds got SoS and AM.

true hybrid grps are the strongest and best way to do it in mid is dropping the skald. anyway most people are to lazy nowadays for these tryhard setups. prolly we will see alot full melee push till infinity with speed6 grps, they are slightly worse as a hybrid grps but also needs way less effort

I think it has alot less with people being lazy to do than with their evolved play style. Midgard Hybrid is argueably the weakest of all possible Hybrid Setups and not as strong as a tanker for this Patch Era. And if you are running a Tank Group you will need a skald to close the distance versus caster or hybrid groups, which is the one of the few weak spots a 3 healer mid tanker has, because Skalds always sucked from a 8v8 perspective besides the ARS Servers :oops:

Ontopic: Solo Offensive Tank = Zerker More Tanks = Get one of each at least

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Postby Heguero » Apr 29, 2016 11:37

midgard weakest hybrid is not true ppl should stop crying about hibs with there grppurge advantage and being the only realm able to play hybrids because of nearsight, its simply not true. what u wasting in this setup is only the skald over an sm wich is just superb. u can debuff nuke, get another demezz,have debuffs, another pet etc and if nearsight is happening u still having a bomb in the backline which is super awesome as well. atleast better as having a perma cced skald which only real usage is in a group that are forced to push allday because they have no caster on there own. yes fullmelee maybe stronger in certain 8v8 situation but rly u dont want to play a setup that rely on certain situations, it can be countered easily by good grps aswell. especially if u not even get a rm for decent range dps, ns (even if it's only to waste some purges), single bt spam, qc rooter and so on. hybrid is the strongest setup otherwise there wouldn't be so many diffrent (mid)groups dominating with it in the past. and no we werent' all retarded back in the days, ns was already a known thing and had a huge impact but not taking any caster at all is maybe one possible but definitive not the only viable and imo not even the best solution.

3th healer or zerk/svg for last slot

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Postby Raifs » Apr 29, 2016 12:03

RM and SM as a caster duo is just god awful at this patch level.

1) No PBT AND Red Debuff
2) Lack of Damage when you don't have the 50% debuff
3) No Specc Nuke (47 Dark) with Mezz Cure (28 Sup)
4) If you want all the toys they have to offer, you will have 2 people nuking on a yellow debuff

I'm not saying Mid Hybrid is not a viable option it's just the weakest hybrid setup out of all realms and the 3 healer mid tanker, with or without a solo sup rm is not only alot easier to play but also in most pure 8v8 fights alot stronger.

What did or did not work during 1.65 on the live servers is irrelevant because alot has changed since than, and from a todays perspective I wouldn't rate most of the 8 mans back than any higher than some random LFG Channel PuG nowadays.

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Postby Heguero » Apr 29, 2016 12:22

the rm should go trispecc obviously and it works great played it successfully on diffrent servers in diffrent grps. yes u have to compromise on few things compared to hibs but that will always be the case. hybrids also are way more comfortable to handle adds and not just need to sit down but i understand your point of view so lets just agree that both setups are viable with having diffrent advantages in diffrent situations and lets go back to topic.

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Postby Llaw » Apr 29, 2016 12:39

Glelle-Instagard wrote:A Kobold Savage with Red Evade Selfbuff will not need much Dodger to be on Evade cap i guess....but still hard to Hit :D

If my math serves me right, the (base) Evade Chance difference between a Kobold, and let's say Troll, is only ~2% (25% vs 27%, unbuffed, with capped D/Q from SC). I'm not including buffs since they would apply additively to both races base Evade Chance.

I never really understood the hype of going Kobold Savage. You lose so much damage and survivability (hit points).

Kobolds are funky and all, but I don't think they're that great as Savages.
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Postby pweet » Apr 29, 2016 13:51

kobis are the best svgs since much harder to target. thats much more important than having some con more.
but i know everyone is such a pro here that it doesnt matter for him to see/target a troll over a kobi 8)

same goes for that hybrid is better than tanker if played well. Not true at all, mid tanker is much easier to play, stronger and not as prone to adds as caster setups.

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Postby Heguero » Apr 30, 2016 11:31

well i hope your right and all mids go full tank. will makes it much easier for our alb group 8)

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Postby Valfar » May 02, 2016 19:32

pweet wrote:kobis are the best svgs since much harder to target. thats much more important than having some con more.
but i know everyone is such a pro here that it doesnt matter for him to see/target a troll over a kobi 8)

same goes for that hybrid is better than tanker if played well. Not true at all, mid tanker is much easier to play, stronger and not as prone to adds as caster setups.

Yeah, most people take kobolds cause they are tiny, not because they have any significant advantage in dmg or some extra hit points over any other midgard race. The only thing I dislike about the kobold savage is the awful racial resists kobolds have. Valkyn has the best resists, followed by Norse. Still, no buff shears on this patch level so trolls are ok. Personally, I don't like trolls because they are so huge and you get a much better overview of the fight with a smaller char.
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Postby Murax » May 11, 2016 08:48

wasn´t there a thing with Savage doesn´t get access to determination?
Midgard players don´t just simply play Daoc - we play Daoc to riun the game for Alb and Hib

RvR is what happens while you are here complaining

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Postby casiii » May 11, 2016 16:44

Top wrote:Zerkers get PF, which cannot be understated on OF. I think most of you don't understand how much the outcome of 8vs8 revolves around this single RA.

Zerkers also have access to conquer and frost hammer....again, when played at the highest level of utility (and specced for it), although most people would be better off just spamming LA styles.

All an its contrary in 2 lines... In a row.
14 pts for Prevent Flight ? Srsly ? I prefer Deter 4 at this point and go Hammer spec.

Prevent Flight was "given" after that for free because of some hib/alb whiners that didn't get a backstyle snare :D (All their snares were sidestyles) and had to throw 14 points away :)

And then came the "all the same" updates (side stun, etc.)
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Postby pweet » May 11, 2016 17:06

Valfar wrote:
pweet wrote:kobis are the best svgs since much harder to target. thats much more important than having some con more.
but i know everyone is such a pro here that it doesnt matter for him to see/target a troll over a kobi 8)

same goes for that hybrid is better than tanker if played well. Not true at all, mid tanker is much easier to play, stronger and not as prone to adds as caster setups.

Yeah, most people take kobolds cause they are tiny, not because they have any significant advantage in dmg or some extra hit points over any other midgard race. The only thing I dislike about the kobold savage is the awful racial resists kobolds have. Valkyn has the best resists, followed by Norse. Still, no buff shears on this patch level so trolls are ok. Personally, I don't like trolls because they are so huge and you get a much better overview of the fight with a smaller char.

yes true, valkyn is also very good choice. a little bigger but by far the best racial resis

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Postby Mancav3 » May 11, 2016 22:43

I think 2 bers, 1svg would be ideal (personally).. It gives the a train a stun, and spike dmg. You get your consistency and vendo-mode spike dmg from zerks.

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Postby Moonpie » May 12, 2016 15:46

Will 2 handed troll svg be that strong again ?

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Postby cheese01551 » May 15, 2016 19:19

no one uses 2h as a savage

no one

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Postby Llaw » May 16, 2016 11:58

Moonpie wrote:Will 2 handed troll svg be that strong again ?

The reason 2H Savage was a thing was because of a bug where you could tri/quad hit with it.

I think it was fixed before 1.65, and I doubt they'd keep it in if it were.
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