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Postby Mercilius » May 11, 2016 18:03

I played an inf in the early days of daoc before the silly weapon swapping every swing thing that happens now. I really don't enjoy that playstyle (tried it on live for a bit). I was thinking that a possibility on this server would be a shadowblade using the old 'Soulblade' spec...

Here is the spec at rr5
35 Stealth
36 Sword (for 51 composite)
50 LA
34 Crit
13 Env (+4 with auto) 32 total at RR5.

So basically you depend on hitting hard with Doublefrost and not so dependant on poisons (though your poisons aren't totally gimped)
Also, the SBs RAs suck, so you'd be able to put a lot of points in damage increasing RAs.

Do you think this would be a viable spec on this server? Or would I still have to do the weapon swapping thing. I know it would be fine for killing clothies, but do you think it would do ok in the current state of weapons swapping poison ridiculousness when it comes to the stealth wars?

Here's a film of an old soulblade

Also wondering if playing in NA on a server in Germany would be a problem with lag and missing tons of PA's.

Thanks for your input.

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Postby drastic » May 12, 2016 01:50

Wow I can't believe I found someone else who'd actually roll a Soulblade :) Very cool. Guess I'm not the only one that dumb/masochistic/quirky LOL

I have a fair amount of experience playing this spec. I had one on Mordred and on Gareth. I was the only one I ever remember seeing on both servers. I will just say that this spec may not perform as well as other assassin specs, but it always just "fit me." I love the playstyle, like you said, and I also loved knowing that I was doing something special or against the norm. I won a lot of fights too of course - this spec was NOT trash - which made each win even more rewarding.

Again, I may get mercilessly raped - I have no idea what to expect as a solo Soulblade in 1.65. In fact, I'm going to speculate that given the state of SB's in general back then, it'll be a very tough row to hoe. But after playing a solo stealther for years, I've also learned how to accept deaths, learn from them, and be uber patient. If you do end up rolling one, just know you won't be the only Soulblade out there ;)

Good luck brother.
Last edited by drastic on May 12, 2016 05:19, edited 1 time in total.
- Gabe

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Postby drastic » May 12, 2016 02:31

Now that I'm at home and can actually look at the char builder... I think my RR5 spec will look like this:

35 Stealth
36 Sword/Axe (for 51 composite)
44 LA
43 Crit
13 Env (+4 with auto) 32 total at RR5.

I'm a huge fan of big SB 2H perfs... what can I say? If I remember correctly (10+ years has gone by LOL), I think I won almost every fight where I could get a PA off with this spec. I remember the hard hitting PA being pretty crucial to Soulblade success, so I think I'm going to forego the full 50 in LA.

If things are really awful at low RR's, I may just go shadowzerker until I get RR5. I hate to sell out, but I also wanna get kills every now and then ;)
- Gabe

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Postby Dirtyblade » May 12, 2016 18:31

I would recommend you dont go down this route. It depends what you want to kill. Different specs are designed for certain targets.

I cant see you winning many fights vs other assassins specially with low venom. Poison is what assassins are built for and thats where you get the edge over others and havibg extra weapons for this purpose is a must have for an assassin.

Do you plan on soloing or grouping?

If you are soloing. Then you need to get as many stun type styles as that can have a huge impact on a fight.

The spec you have at the mo could be good if you group with other assassins. Personally i just cannot see this working.

In my opinion i think you should aim for lifebane and viper asap.

Spec wise...

39 or 44 la
34 crit
35 vemom
35 stealth
36 swd

Cant remember sb spec points so might need to adjust

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Postby drastic » May 12, 2016 22:18

- Gabe

Alb/Kay, Mordred, Gareth
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Postby th0ms » May 20, 2016 14:23

You guys forget this is classic... Before ToA and the Critblade nerf to sb's ... And i'm now 99% sure Drastic is an infil troll :)

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Postby drastic » May 20, 2016 14:58

th0ms wrote:You guys forget this is classic... Before ToA and the Critblade nerf to sb's ... And i'm now 99% sure Drastic is an infil troll :)

I'm not a troll LOL. But 13 years down the road, I don't remember much about a "Critblade Nerf" or the LA mechanics changes you referenced in the other thread...
- Gabe

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Postby th0ms » May 20, 2016 15:20

drastic wrote:
th0ms wrote:You guys forget this is classic... Before ToA and the Critblade nerf to sb's ... And i'm now 99% sure Drastic is an infil troll :)

I'm not a troll LOL. But 13 years down the road, I don't remember much about a "Critblade Nerf" or the LA mechanics changes you referenced in the other thread...

I see, so it's better for you, to go in the thread you have no knowledge about, and call people trolls and clueless :roll:

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Postby drastic » May 20, 2016 15:34

th0ms wrote:
drastic wrote:
th0ms wrote:You guys forget this is classic... Before ToA and the Critblade nerf to sb's ... And i'm now 99% sure Drastic is an infil troll :)

I'm not a troll LOL. But 13 years down the road, I don't remember much about a "Critblade Nerf" or the LA mechanics changes you referenced in the other thread...

I see, so it's better for you, to go in the thread you have no knowledge about, and call people trolls and clueless :roll:

You sound like an angry European... First of all, I lightheartedly said it felt like some ppl were trolling in the other thread. I guess I didn't realize the posts about using a staff etc. were serious :roll:

And it's hard to tell if people are trolling when you do a ****** poor job of explaining what's behind your "advice" to the OP. For people who haven't memorized patch notes from 13 years ago, and in exact chronological order, your statements were definitely vague at best. And even then, I'd say there's a lot to be questioned (e.g. "Dodger is OP on Shadowblades and should be gotten ASAP")
- Gabe

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Exercia Devoras
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Postby Exercia Devoras » Jan 05, 2017 01:48

I loved my spec then and it is funny that i can use my own old video to see what spec i was :D
Exercia - RR11 - Shadowblade - Lyonesse/Midgard
Drexe - RR10 - Bonedancer - Lyonesse/Midgard
Drechse - RR9 - Valkyrie - Lyonesse/Midgard
Wummz - RR8 - Savage - Lyonesse/Midgard
Kalirien - RR7 - Hunter - Lyonesse/Midgard
Exercio - RR6 - Warlock - Lyonesse/Midgard
Gorbard - RR5 - Thane- Lyonesse/Midgard

Never forgotten and forever missed: Froedel - Buffbot Shaman - Lyonesse/Midgard

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Postby Ajvar » Jan 07, 2017 18:31

Hey guys,i still can't decide what to play ,thinking about SB and this spec seems intriguing,what Soulblade spec would you reccomend on lower RR's?

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Postby nardiam » Jan 26, 2017 22:43

Exercia Devoras wrote:I loved my spec then and it is funny that i can use my own old video to see what spec i was :D

but u was 11L :s

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Postby Griv » Jan 30, 2017 08:05

Im going to spec:

36 stealth
39 axe
39 LA
34 CS
31 venom

Up until rr5 and then take down stealth to put into venom and CS.
I will also adapt the venomblade tactics of swapping out venoms. ^^

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Postby th0msdk » Feb 02, 2017 12:32

Ajvar wrote:Hey guys,i still can't decide what to play ,thinking about SB and this spec seems intriguing,what Soulblade spec would you reccomend on lower RR's?

None, cause soulblade is ****** in v1.65, people who play soulblade, gimp themselves :)

th0msdk wrote:
Ilerget wrote:
th0msdk wrote:Nobody seem to understand we play 1.65, YOU DONT NEED LA on a critblade ffs.... Seriously i need to make a thread about this, before we get gimped trash sb's roaming RvR.....

SB Critblades were the dominating stealther in 1.65, of all 3 realms, for a reason...

Using 2H all the time?

No? Just for PA as usual, or just with 1h, if you prefer that. CS line don't get any bonuses/penalty from LA in 1.65.

RR2 38/38/39/44
At RR5, my spec will be 35/35/39/48, same as every other sane SB. At RR6, maximum you'll have in LA is 4 points :)

Those who made, Shadowzerker/Soulblade, are only gimping themselves, and most don't care, they just want to play a different style or doesn't know any better. But like i said 1000 times, it still doesn't change the facts, that the Critblade build is the ultimate best till you're like RR8-10.

Honestly, if it was a PvP server, i wouldn't give advice, but since it's RvR, i just want my fellow stealthers to succeed better, other than that, i don't give a sheet. Take it or leave it.

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