Out of Memory Error
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When I entered Moire Tomb(halfway load) I will receive Out of Memory Error, similar to the one in this thread viewtopic.php?f=15&t=26597&hilit=out+of+memory.
The differences are I can still play the game(the error didn't happen when I launch the game,unlike in the thread) but if I try to play the character that entered Moire Tomb I will be stuck in the loading screen with a pop up
-Tried restarting and killing unnecessary programs with Task Manager -There are still free memory according to Task Manager -Other characters are playable, only the one that entered Moire Tomb will stuck -If other character enter Moire Tomb, same error will happen I am wondering if the Uthgard staff could transport my character elsewhere(if that possible), I think that will solve the problem.If it is not possible, then I guess I will create a new character and start from scratch(I prefer the first character I created tho, became a bit attached to it because it was the first character that I played this game with, and has rather unforgettable memories with it). |
you should first tell us what CPU/RAM you have, on which OS/version.
Windows 7 32- bit,
4GB RAM, and for the processor, I will just copy it exactly from system properties(not really sure which to take) Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 4300 1.80GHz 1.79 GHz |
Final EDIT/Update: I can now play again. The last two changes i made were, in order, to uninstall the UI i had initially been using (although earlier i'd stopped using it) and to switch the game back to non-windowed mode (something i had done earlier when trying to troubleshoot this.) The first of these changes, uninstalling Bysan's UI which is based on Ghost, didn't make the game very playable because it was still crashing frequently, but at least i could log into Camelot and move my characters around the city for a while and craft two or three (literally 2 or 3, not ten or fifteen) lowbie armour pieces before it crashed. However after also going back to non-windowed mode, with the other changes i've mentioned in older edits below, the game became playable again. Haven't had a SmartHeap error in well over a week now.
Second EDIT/Update: TL;DR: None of the below is happening right now because i'm now getting Injection failed! error and a progress bar at the bottom of an otherwise black screen with stirring music after reinstalling the identical C++ library i had before (same hash). I thought a new client and launcher might help but it hasn't. At this point i feel like i'm not even asking for help; i'm just recounting worn-out tales of a wasted life in hopes that someone'll be able to learn something eventually that will be useful to some whippersnapper. Could all of this be due to that UDP thingy? [Nope. Tried enabling the port and going back through a bunch of the other changes i'd made one by one, then doing the +noUdpForMe thing and again messing with it.] Since i wrote this yesterday over a week ago i've played a lot and crashed a lot a lot. I've had plenty of opportunity to monitor what's happening, with crashes every three to thirty minutes in Camelot and every hour or two outside in the wide open spaces of Albion [And now Hib too]. It seems that the game stutters a bit or even freezes as it goes over approximately 1.1 GB memory claimed (this amount varies.) Finally it crashes at just over 1.4 GB. If i launched the game with task manager running, close task mgr, pull up task mgr again at this point and shut down other stuff (including some things i really would rather not shut down) it will allow the game to resume almost normal play. Curiously this ability to delay the crash never functioned if i didn't start with task manager running, close it, and restart task manager. I tested this part not quite a dozen times each way, though, so this might be mere coincidence. Then (in these instances of delayed disaster) play continued with a few NPC textures missing or something. Sometimes disappearing text in the chat box, sometimes names or even entire NPC characters missing or ghosted, and once my Cabalist's simulacrum was completely invisible -- no spell effects showing even -- but still worked. (Obviously not in Camelot in this case.) So inside Camelot the game became almost unplayable, and now finally is unplayable. Not at first consistently, but now consistently each time i tried to log into a character inside the city it starts in the position and facing in the direction it was on log-out, but several units too low, with its head just below the city's floor. Of course this means i fall through space and the city zooms up into the heavens, disappering into the celestial clip plane above my toon. Repeatedly. Because after falling a few seconds the game repositions me in the log-out position (minus some altitude) and i fall again. The first few login attempts that started like this yesterday ended up correcting somehow, and the game arbitrarily repositioned my toon near the picnic benches by the crafting market. I got a /loc on it but forgot to write it down. [/loc is 27869 22669 dir 263] It's the same spot each time this happened, though, regardless of which toon was falling through space starting in locations all over the city. Now it's often not repositioning me, and instead the game just repeats this skydiving freefall until it reaches SmartHeap nirvana and goes to everlasting shivasana. ...because no chance to logout or /stuck a toon in freefall... You can't logout if you can't sit; you can't /stuck if you can't sit, and you sure can't sit in mid-air. ![]() Back to original comment from yesterday. More complete system info added following: ![]() This Out Of Memory SmartHeap error is happening to me in 2018 on a Win 10 Education 1709 build: AMD A4-5000, Radeon HD graphics, 8GB RAM, gobs of free space on HDD [Cloned to SSD today Dec. 18th before second edit of this post. Same issues occurring with no change apparent before/after HDD-SSD swap.] MOJO's explanation linked in the thread referenced by the OP here makes some sense to me as an amateur computer tinkerer, (address space, not physical nor virtual memory limitations and certainly not HDD clutter as claimed by one peanut gallery denizen on another similar thread) but his temporary workaround isn't an option for Uthgard if i understand what he's saying correctly and where the line would have to be drawn by GM's when trying to catch people skirting the server rules. Incidentally the client has never gotten close to claiming 2GB of memory before these crashes. It uses a lot, sometimes a hair over a gig, (EDIT: Two or three times i’ve seen it go as high as 1467.4 MB, but sometimes crashes well before this) but not close to 2. Instead it is the CPU that shoots up to 99% usage, and mostly not the game. Oddly it seems to be causing weird behaviour in other apps like browser, Skype, aspects of Windows Defender, and some other nonessential and essential things that shouldn't use nearly the CPU bandwidth they end up using when DAoC is starting to accelerate to a SmartHeap error. Skype: For some reason i was sure that app got binned when i first went through this new/old box. Well, with fingers crossed i've removed it (again?). Because during this little saga i disabled it in the run on startup list and the asinine creature autostarts after each reboot anyhow. ![]() I'm not too hopeful about this, as it may just be unworkable on this machine. The last time i had this issue on a computer, though it didn't happen for the first few months of fantasy medieval bliss, once it did there was nothing i could do to prevent it as the problem somehow persisted despite completely deleting and re-downloading the game, launcher, and UI. ![]() EDIT: Graphics Card Manufacturer - Powered by AMD Graphics Chipset - AMD Radeon HD 8330 Device ID - 9832 Vendor ID - 1002 SubSystem ID - 2219 SubSystem Vendor ID - 17AA Revision ID - 00 Bus Type - PCI Current Bus Settings - PCI BIOS Version - BIOS Part Number - 113-C53500-103 BIOS Date - 2013/04/04 15:14 Memory Size - 512 MB Memory Type - DDR3 Memory Clock - 667 MHz Core Clock - 497 MHz Total Memory Bandwidth - 10 GByte/s Memory Bit Rate - 1.33 Gbps 2D Driver File Path - /REGISTRY/MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/Class/{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}/0000 Neither of the following work: Radeon Software Version - 17.1.1 Radeon Software Edition - Crimson ReLive Graphics Chipset - AMD Radeon HD 8330 Memory Size - 512 MB Memory Type - DDR3 Core Clock - 497 MHz Windows Version - Windows 10 (64 bit) System Memory - 8 GB CPU Type - AMD A4-5000 APU with Radeon(TM) HD Graphics Radeon Settings Version - 2017.0424.2119.36535 Driver Packaging Version - 17.10.1731-170424a2-313676E-WU-Template-1710 Provider - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2D Driver Version - Direct3D® Version - OpenGL® Version - OpenCL™ Version - AMD Mantle Version - AMD Mantle API Version - 102400 AMD Audio Driver Version - Vulkan™ Driver Version - 1.5.0 Vulkan™ API Version - 1.0.39 Nor does the latest make any difference though i’ve not played around with any of the settings with the latest version, since doing so made no apparent difference with the outdated one: Radeon Software Version - 18.10.1 Radeon Software Edition - Adrenalin Graphics Chipset - AMD Radeon HD 8330 Memory Size - 512 MB Memory Type - DDR3 Core Clock - 497 MHz Windows Version - Windows 10 (64 bit) System Memory - 8 GB CPU Type - AMD A4-5000 APU with Radeon(TM) HD Graphics Radeon Settings Version - 2018.1017.1354.25035 Driver Packaging Version - Provider - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2D Driver Version - Direct3D® Version - OpenGL® Version - 24.20.11000.13541 OpenCL™ Version - 25.20.14003.1012 AMD Mantle Version - AMD Mantle API Version - 102400 AMD Audio Driver Version - Vulkan™ Driver Version - 2.0.55 Vulkan™ API Version - 1.1.82 ...i wonder, would starting in Linux make any difference? Haven't ventured into DAoC via Linuxlandia yet. [img]https://uthsig.000webhostapp.com/uthsig.php?myceliumrunning+animists+bawd+rearranger+cowarden+vitamix[/img]
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