Mercenary Spec

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Postby n0w » May 17, 2016 16:34

It may be a stupid question but what about the 50dw/36w/rest parry spec?

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Postby hazelhimself » May 17, 2016 18:41

n0w wrote:It may be a stupid question but what about the 50dw/36w/rest parry spec?

not stupid at all tbh. but imo it only kinda works when going crush (6s stun anytime-followup) so you at least have SOME sort of semi-reliable stun. its basically the optimal spec for lazy mercs who really cant be arsed manually switching to shield.

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Postby Mhenfhis » Jun 02, 2016 17:33

n0w wrote:It may be a stupid question but what about the 50dw/36w/rest parry spec?

This is what ppl run on live now since the slam nerf.

And is kinda nice, but with Old ras(30min purge remember), and 9s slam you will gain more even on 1vs1.

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Postby Calunos » Jun 03, 2016 13:39


Spec 50 DW 50 THRUST (with autotrain) 15 crush (for stunt) 27 parry is avaible or not ?

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Postby Kazvall » Jun 03, 2016 19:00

50 DW, 42 shield, 51 composite weapon, rest parry. It's the only way to go for RvR.

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Postby hazelhimself » Jun 03, 2016 19:05

Calunos wrote:Hello,

Spec 50 DW 50 THRUST (with autotrain) 15 crush (for stunt) 27 parry is avaible or not ?

sorry mate, but its an absolute garbage spec. you gain nothing from the 50 thrust, trying to stun people with your 15 crush...well good luck. also you will hit like a wet rug. its really REALLY not good.

there are only 4 real possibilities (and im not talking about AT now..)

are you lazy?
yes --> 1. dont roll merc or 2. go 50 DW, 36 Crush, rest Parry
no --> go 42 Shield, 50 DW, and either 1. splitspec with less parry or focus on 1 weaponline with more parry.

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Postby eloniel » Jun 18, 2016 20:00

Onze wrote:
Connavar wrote:Can anyone confirm whether when using DW styles on merc, you always use STR as dmg modifier? For some reason i thought it would depend on the weapon you use (i.e. if you use thrust wpns its str/dex) Obviously if i use a thrust style it will then be str/dex, but if i am using only DW styles its only str, even if i am dual wielding thrust wpns?

This will decide if i choose highlander or saracen for launch =p

I *believe* and always thought, that DW style base damage is based on the damage type you use, so slash/crush= str, thrust=dex.

For armsmen with pole it's different, pole=str always, regardless of damage type!

I think DW always based on STR, like 2h and Pole.

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Postby LuriBehindTree » Jun 19, 2016 16:22

Konnig wrote:Again, the way defense works, the extra dex a saracen gets is so minimal it's barely noticable at lvl 50. only around an extra 2% to your defense. the racial resists, extra hits, and higher wpn skill from a selection of 3 dmg types rather than just 1 again make the highlander better for people who want to min/max. The same reason kobolds make bad savages. Yes they have high dex, but it only give's them about a 2% def bonus over troll at 50 and they lose massive wpn skil/dmg that the troll has.

This is wrong about kobold savages. H2H is str/dex. A troll is 67.5 (str+dex/2) compared to 60 for kobolds/norse/Valkyns and 55 for dwarves. Any savage race is viable. The weapon skill/dmg difference is small just like between thrust saracens (65) and (60) highlanders/brits. For Hammers/Swords/Axes then a troll is clearly going to dish more damage then the other mid races due to a 30-50 point str advantage depending on race.

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Postby eloniel » Jun 19, 2016 19:09

Here i have found a page. There u can see. Dual Wield 100% Str

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Postby Onze » Jun 19, 2016 20:09

eloniel wrote:Here i have found a page. There u can see. Dual Wield 100% Str

Still quite sure its wrong information. Pole is 100% str, regardless of damage type. DW depends on damage type... so thrust would be 50/50 str/dex.

Maybe someone else can confirm, but I'm quite sure about this.

edit: btw, two-handed also depends on damage type, in contrast to pole

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Postby dabri0n » Jun 22, 2016 12:01

Onze wrote:
eloniel wrote:Here i have found a page. There u can see. Dual Wield 100% Str

Still quite sure its wrong information. Pole is 100% str, regardless of damage type. DW depends on damage type... so thrust would be 50/50 str/dex.

Maybe someone else can confirm, but I'm quite sure about this.

edit: btw, two-handed also depends on damage type, in contrast to pole

Quite sure the wiki info is correct.

DW/DW/LA and Pole/2H have a separate WS base on Str. Weapon choice does not matter for the stats factoring here. Only thing that is special about Pole/2H in Alb is that your minimum damage is determined by the 1h spec (slash, thrust, crush) and your maximum damage and style damage is determined by the Pole/2H spec.
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Postby Onze » Jun 22, 2016 20:24

dabri0n wrote:
Onze wrote:
eloniel wrote:Here i have found a page. There u can see. Dual Wield 100% Str

Still quite sure its wrong information. Pole is 100% str, regardless of damage type. DW depends on damage type... so thrust would be 50/50 str/dex.

Maybe someone else can confirm, but I'm quite sure about this.

edit: btw, two-handed also depends on damage type, in contrast to pole

Quite sure the wiki info is correct.

DW/DW/LA and Pole/2H have a separate WS base on Str. Weapon choice does not matter for the stats factoring here. Only thing that is special about Pole/2H in Alb is that your minimum damage is determined by the 1h spec (slash, thrust, crush) and your maximum damage and style damage is determined by the Pole/2H spec.

Lets asume DW is 100% str based (I searched intensively, and the link above is the only hint that this is true)... wouldnt it make Saracen/thrust merc totally gimp? I mean... damage output with DW would be lacking behind...

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Postby FioredeiLiberi » Jun 23, 2016 15:13

For every Point spend in DW you have a 0.5 % to hit chance with your offhand weapon. You gain no advantge from Str or Dex .

50DW = 25 % offhand hit chance

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Postby Connavar » Jun 24, 2016 18:01

It will be easy to test this once i50 comes along. Can simply spec 50 thrust / 50 DW and carry out DW styles on a practice dummy., then spec 50DW 50 crush/slash and do the same. Providing your dex is higher than your str (which it should be on saracen) you would do more dmg with the thrust wpn than the crush (assuming same dps and speed) than with the crush spec. If its 100% str then you should do exactly the same dmg.

Then roll a highlander with higher str and compare.

My merc is 49.5 now but no respecs available ;p
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Postby jimsen » Jul 04, 2016 00:54

DW damaged is based on the weapon type but scaled with DW spec points, so if you use Thrust Weaps it is 50/50 Dex+Str, while Crush/Slash is 100 Str only, skill level determines offhand swing chance.

DW hit chance is 25% base + 0.68 % per DW skill point.

DW Style Dmg is also: 100% + .068% per DW skill point modified by individual style growthrate of course

For example: Fresh lvl50 toon with 11 skill -> 50+11=61 DW -> DW Chance = 25%+.68*61= 66.48% chance


Spec depends on preferred playstyle.

For group:

50 DW 42 Shield 51 Base Dmg Type (Highlander Slash or Crush, Saracen or Briton for Thrust, Inconnu are just meh)

Solo or PVE:

50 DW 51 Base Dmg Type Rest parry

I think old Dual Shadows is just too strong solo or PVE to disregard, can be problematic in group RvR because of bleed duration causing CC break issues.

I think Highlander is the best race for RvR, suffers less from DEX/QUI-Debuff and has higher Base Dmg and can with high RR switch easily between Crush and Slash with a composite spec that allows for 51 Skill in both lines in order to take full advantage of enemy armor vulnerabilities or dmg penalties, while surrendering some Parry points.


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