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Postby Xeroz » Apr 19, 2014 17:32

Best race for a Hero?

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Postby VadosRockt » Apr 19, 2014 18:35


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Postby Nef Melody » Apr 20, 2014 12:57

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Postby Xeroz » Apr 20, 2014 13:03

Nef Melody wrote:Firbolg

what reason?

Slower to pull off slam also?

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Postby Nef Melody » Apr 20, 2014 13:53

Xeroz wrote:
Nef Melody wrote:Firbolg

what reason?

Slower to pull off slam also?

dmg is what you want
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Postby Mancav3 » Jul 06, 2014 16:36

Wouldn't it be easier to hit swingcap with celt, shar or even sylvan, though?

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Postby Nef Melody » Jul 06, 2014 17:20

Mancav3 wrote:Wouldn't it be easier to hit swingcap with celt, shar or even sylvan, though?

Shar and Sylvan are really really bad races for a Hero, don't even consider using them. Celt and Firbolg are the only viable ones, and no, Lurikeen Hero aint good if that's your next question.
Firbolg Hero would reach a decent swingspeed with haste, 75 quick and moa, while having 30 more strength than a Celt. 20 More quick will never lead to more dps than 30 str.
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Postby Mancav3 » Jul 06, 2014 17:27

Ok well just release the server cait.

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Postby boborg » May 21, 2016 17:58

So , the Lurikeen Hero with +40 dext than a firbolg is useless? In order to play a peeler defensive block bot in 8 vs 8 fights?

i thought dext level allows you to parry and block. With +40 dext than a firby i will make a better block bot to protec my caster no?

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Postby taylorgang » May 22, 2016 01:27

boborg wrote:So , the Lurikeen Hero with +40 dext than a firbolg is useless? In order to play a peeler defensive block bot in 8 vs 8 fights?

i thought dext level allows you to parry and block. With +40 dext than a firby i will make a better block bot to protec my caster no?

Firbolg all the way. spec 50 shield 50 lw 26 parry 10 blades and 7? spear.. with that you get side snare 1h and back snare with spear. As hero you can peel great with that spec ( also 10 sec block stun ) and also dish out some good damage.
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Postby boborg » May 22, 2016 15:04

Yep players told me that with buff temp etc, luri and firby Will block the same.
With spear specc , the damages are done with 75%strenght and 25% dext or 50/50 as estoc does?

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Postby Ayun » May 22, 2016 19:41

Spear = 100% Str

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Postby Seolan » Jun 08, 2016 17:14

Race alone? Base stats alone? Base resists alone?
-Scroll down for the simple answer-

(using Celt as the constant)
Celt - no bonuses, and no penalties.
Firb - More damage, less defense.
Lurk - Less damage, more defense.
Sylv - Barely more damage, moderately less defense.

Celt - 2%Crush, 3%Slash, 5%Spirit
Firb - 3%Crush, 2%Slash, 5% Heat
Lurk - 5%Crush, 5% Energy
Sylv - 3%Crush, 2%Thrust, 5% Matter, 5% Energy

Scale Armor::
+10% Crush, +5%Heat
-5% Slash, -5%Cold, -5%Energy

Slash, Crush, CS, LW = 100% Str based
Shield = 100% Dex
Pierce = 50%Str + 50%Dex

Defense order::

RvR Defense caps::
Evade - none
Parry - 50%
Block - 60%

-Now the hard part-

(Defense formulas)
Evade (%) = ( ([Dexterity] + [Quickness]) / 2 - 50) * 0.05 + [Evade Level] * 5

Parry (%) = Base + Skill Bonus + Dex Bonus
- Base = 5%
- Skill Bonus = 0.5 * (parry spec + realm rank bonus + template bonus)%
- Dex Bonus = 1 / 40 * ((dex * 2) - 100)%

Block (%) = (((Dex*2)-100)/40) + (composite shield spec/2) + 5% base + MoB + Myth = block rate
((Myth [MAYBE] equals +5% base for having the ability to spec points into shield(for a total of 10% base))

Realm Abilities::
Aug Dex 2(4RA points) = MoB/MoPa/MoP
MoB - 3% base per level
MoPa - 3% base per level

MoPa/MoB - 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 15%
MoPa/Mob - 1,3,6,10,14 = 34RA points at level5

To calculate how much your base stand-alone defense is, against an RvR opponent, requires a lot more math; filling in the above formulas and comparing them to hit/chance of your enemy. These formulas will also help you find your own to-hit chance against an opponent. They can be found here: http://talsyra.tripod.com/daocmechanics ... anics.html

You can increase your hit chance, and defense bonuses easily with RA's, stat caps, and Hero mechanics. You cant as easily increase your damage output as much.

It all depends on your playstyle, but basically...

Firb for damage
Celt for med/med
Lurk for defense

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Postby barto22 » Jun 08, 2016 18:18

I'd go firb
42 shield, 50 LW, 39 CS. 6 Blades

Thats some nice damage with 3 dmg types. And decent defence. I'd say a good offence is a good defence. What ya gonna do.. block them to death? :lol:
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Postby Bubbler » Jun 08, 2016 18:22

I did Firbolg although this is my first hero and only second melee in DAoC. My first melee was my first char and it only made it to lvl 12 or so. So basically a melee newb here.

However, one question, how does threat work? Is it damage based or is it purely based off of threat abilities?

Obviously that doesn't matter much in rvr but pve is at least 25-50% of the game.
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