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Gryphon Knight
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Postby Autarch » Jun 06, 2016 18:38

Hello and thx for keeping this awesome thread alive.

1) What are the top RA priority for infiltrator, lets say up to rank 5 ?

2) concerning Dodger, do you generaly advice inf to go above Dodger 2 or even 3 ?


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Postby Autarch » Jun 06, 2016 18:39

Double post

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Nef Melody
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Postby Nef Melody » Jun 06, 2016 21:28

Autarch wrote:Hello and thx for keeping this awesome thread alive.

1) What are the top RA priority for infiltrator, lets say up to rank 5 ?

2) concerning Dodger, do you generaly advice inf to go above Dodger 2 or even 3 ?


I have personally never played Assassins alot but my guess would be

See Hidden
Dualist's Reflexes 2

Then Quick2,Dodger2,Mos1
Then Str3 Moa2
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Postby seanbud » Jun 08, 2016 09:03

Nef Melody wrote:
Ilerget wrote:I'm new to midgard and the class, any advice about runemaster old RA progression? (going for 50 supp and still no idea what 2nd line take)

There's no point in going RC after Supp. Darkness for less baseline nuke variance in case you have a cold debuffer in grp

3L8 :
Mcl1 (not a must have)

After these go for dex2,Mota3 followed by dmg ras

I was dark most of the time but I did spec Supp for awhile. There's 0 useful utility from 20 darkness imo. With 20 RC I think you get the first GTAE which was useful in some circumstances. Popping stealthers and interupting lord rooms/mile gates mostly. Not much utility but it's something. In dark you only get a very underwhelming dmg add. If you want your subspec to help with dmg I remember using the base bolt on casters to frontload a bit and 20 RC helps with that.

Only argument for 20 dark imo is if you're running with a cold debuffer all the time.

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Postby Ilerget » Jun 08, 2016 18:02

seanbud wrote:Only argument for 20 dark imo is if you're running with a cold debuffer all the time.

will I do more damage using darkness DDs + debuff than using my supp DDs with 50 spec on it? 8O
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Postby Nef Melody » Jun 08, 2016 22:37

Ilerget wrote:
seanbud wrote:Only argument for 20 dark imo is if you're running with a cold debuffer all the time.

will I do more damage using darkness DDs + debuff than using my supp DDs with 50 spec on it? 8O

Yes, it has the same delve as the spec dd, but spec has a 35% snare. Your basenuke is even better at higher ranks than the supp specnuke because it is 2.6s castspeed compared to 3.0s.
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Postby Ilerget » Jun 08, 2016 22:54

Nef Melody wrote:Yes, it has the same delve as the spec dd, but spec has a 35% snare. Your basenuke is even better at higher ranks than the supp specnuke because it is 2.6s castspeed compared to 3.0s.

no big variance?
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Postby reefe » Jun 09, 2016 14:22

Ilerget wrote:no big variance?

... lol just look up and read

Nef Melody wrote:Darkness for less baseline nuke variance in case you have a cold debuffer in grp

the more you rise realm rank the more variance will reduce

50 sup
20 darkness +11 template + rr skill bonus

it means at rr 12 u will have 20 + 11+ 12 = 43

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Postby Raifs » Jun 09, 2016 15:03

No point to play sup when you have a debuffer in group.

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Postby Pirate » Jun 10, 2016 02:44

What's the best way to fight a Bonedancer if I'm a VW? Should I go straight for the BD? Maybe try to kill the Bone Commander? I mean, I can probably get my parry/evade reactionaries off on the Commander pretty well and kill him quick. But I have no experience fighting a BD with VW so really I'm clueless.

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Postby Forb » Jun 10, 2016 06:39

Pirate wrote:What's the best way to fight a Bonedancer if I'm a VW? Should I go straight for the BD? Maybe try to kill the Bone Commander? I mean, I can probably get my parry/evade reactionaries off on the Commander pretty well and kill him quick. But I have no experience fighting a BD with VW so really I'm clueless.

you can type /release while fighting the bonedancer, save time.

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Postby Zakoraya » Jun 12, 2016 21:14


Here are some Warden questions:

1. My thoughts were to go 49 Nurture, 34 Blades, 28 Regrowth. Do you think that would work?
2. Starting points - how should they be distributed to be optimised for RvR?
3. What would be your priority RA's be as a Warden on new Uthgard?

A final question - when running an 8man setup with 2 Druids, would you agree that it makes sense to have 1 Nurture Druid and 1 Nature Druid?

Thanks for all your help :)

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Postby pweet » Jun 13, 2016 06:41

For GRP spec warden u want to ve the side snare in blades rest heal

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Postby Lucifire » Jun 17, 2016 00:21

Pirate wrote:What's the best way to fight a Bonedancer if I'm a VW? Should I go straight for the BD? Maybe try to kill the Bone Commander? I mean, I can probably get my parry/evade reactionaries off on the Commander pretty well and kill him quick. But I have no experience fighting a BD with VW so really I'm clueless.

Avoid Bonedancers haha

Best bet is to kill that commander asap while attempting to rupt the bd

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Postby Rudi » Jun 22, 2016 14:22

in your uth.v1 videos you always seemed to "loop on inc" on your bard, letting the other group cc first and after the fight was on you came in from behind starting to participate. Was that depending on setup or is that the best way of engaging open field incs? Would you recommend that behavior for sorc aswell?
It is obviously not appropriate/not needed for healers in the current setting.


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