Current state of Savage in Uthgard 2.0?
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Now that there is no more Charge/Stoicism, and Determination is the only CC-Reduction (Not counting Purge, but anyway is only 4pt both for Savage and Berserker)...
What is the current state of the Savages in the 1.65? I really don't remember the situation about them. In Uthgard 1.0 I saw many Savages in 8v8 even if they lacked Charge, and the Damage was insane, much times I saw Savages surpass equal RR/Equip Berserkers... Now that Charge is gone, how is the Damage? I still probably know that the Defence-Part is still a lot better compared to a Berserker, and the Side Stun and Back Stun are really valuable compared to a Berserker that does not have them. But in terms of Damage? In terms of Snare-Styles? Please guys, enlight me ![]() |
SVG was always about the lolz.. you get that insane damage once in a while. It is a nice story for a pub ...
Zerk can still manage the vendo spike, which is way better in any real situation. Esp. since SVG groups will be countered by a single shield if this is 1.65 like. Means cookie-cuter HHHShSkSvSv(Sv/W) will mostly live off the insta CC. I remember how warrior became a thing to trade slam/snare/purge windows on the guard tanks against alb and mid hybrid setups. This will be more important, since the general skill level is higher today then it was in 2005 some years into the game. Given that this a free shard.. we are probably in for "the savage wars" take 2.0 .. uwu ~ orz |
Is that completly true?
Well, Savage always had better G-Rate on Styles, both on the Anytime and the Back-Style (We can even count the Side-Style, but that one is hard to pulloff)...
And this is the Patch where Savages have Duelist Reflex, that with the build 50+11 H2H (Without counting RR) the Off-Hand will hit literally anytime without Damage Reduction (And this will undirectly enhance the Chance of Triple and Quad-Hit, more Off-Hand Hit = more Chance of Triple/Quad)... The only cons of Savages is that they don't have the 50% Reduction of Parry/Block/Evade, but the Damage always been higher from a Savage compared to a Berseker... One of the real problem of the Savages is some Patch where they didn't have Charge, so they were useless compared to a Berserker in a 8v8 Scenario, here and in the previous Patch both don't have it... So is literally based on how your Group is created, and it can simply put in that way: Do you have a Hammer Warrior/Berserker in group that can Back-Snare your Target? If the answer is Yes, you will not have any problem. Paladinodimerda <-> 4l2 Avalonian Paladin - LWRP: 1
That mean its important to skill 50 h2h to make more triple/quad hits and less in savagery?
Do you confirm with this: 50 h2h 42 sav 9 Parry or do you only 41sav and rest parry? Its a long time ago I played a savage |
Is your choice, if you want the lvl 42 Thrust Resist Buff you do 42, if you don't care you can do 41, but it doesn't change much, you only get 3 point more in Parry, so you should go 42 for the Buff... And yes, H2H increase the Chances to attack with the Off-Hand, and the Chances to Triple and Quad-Hit, if you reach 70(With Equip/RR Bonus) in H2H there is some kind of Soft cap that unlock even more the Triple/Quad-Hit Chances, some tests run in the past found out that... Anyway there are two build, 49Savagery and 44H2H or 50H2H and 42Savagery... Normally before you get the +20 with Equip/RR, is better going 49Savagery and 44H2H... When you will have +20, you can respec to 50H2H that will be 50+20=70 so you will unlock the Soft-Cap for the Triple/Quad-Hit... Anyway also remember, that people always speak about Berserker Burst Spike with Vendo, but no much people know that the Vendo-Mode is 100% Critical Chances but the Critical Damage of Vendo-Mode is +1% to +100%, and not +50% to +100% like normal Critical Strikes... Paladinodimerda <-> 4l2 Avalonian Paladin - LWRP: 1
hm okay so you mean until I'm RR9-10 its better to skill more savagery?
49 sav 44 h2h rest parry |
this is the h2h cookie cutter spec - unless you want to be 2H there is no good reason to spec differently. uwu ~ orz |
Exactly, if you are not RR10, is pointless going 50 H2H, because if you aren't RR10 you will not reach 70 (50+20)... Paladinodimerda <-> 4l2 Avalonian Paladin - LWRP: 1
Alright! Thanks Buddys
![]() Lets rock rr10 ![]() |
savage will always out DPS a berserker. The thing with berserker though, is you get choose when to spike your dps, with vendo mode. Sav u have to rely on trip quad and crit |
what do u think about 2h savage ?
After some testing yestserday, 2H savage is quite good, but it can never be compared to a H2H IMO. |
Why would you need RR10 to benefit from 50hth? What do you think will happen if you reach 70 instead of eg65?
Normal critical strikes add 1% to +50% damage Vendo mode double that. RIP : Ectoplasme
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