Theurgist spec ideas?
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Looking for fellow Albions input on spec ideas. I'm inclined to go high earth but open to all suggestions. I'd like to be both PvE and RvR friendly spec, as I plan for this to be my only character. I may need to solo a bit too (PvE). Thank you for the suggestions and I will ask follow up questions I'm sure!
Also RA input would be appreciated too. Thanks, Lorm. |
I've heard so many varying opinions on how to spec; everyone seems to have some stupid-*** opinion; it's ridiculous.
I'm probably going to try (45 Air / 29 Earth). I wanted to get that last DD for small man RVR. With Air spec the pets spells stop at 32 I believe, but their only purpose is to stun the target so the caster can bomb them with DD. It's slow but efficient at soloing mobs. 41 Ice / 35 Earth is probably the most common for 8-man RVR, and this spec gives you the level 35 PBT. 41 Earth / 35 Air is another one, and this spec gives the level 30 AOE mez. This is a lame spec, imo. Like I said, everyone has an opinion and will try and tell you how to play your class. I personally love air. At lower levels if you aren't Earth spec people will b**** and moan because you don't have your PBT yet. Feel free to tell them to kiss your butt. I usually do. Last edited by Zaltor_Kabalen on Jun 25, 2016 10:42, edited 3 times in total.
I'm an American player, so I am assuming the RVR population won't be as high during my peak hours, so I'm preparing for small man RVR. If you want 8-man groups go with the 41 ice / 35 earth spec. You'll get the 2nd to last spec DD, the PBT at level 35, and no mez. Air is a good substitute if there is no sorc in the group that can cast mez. That's my angle anyway. Heavy DPS and an alternative mez, so my small groups won't have to rely on having a sorc if no one is online.
48earth rest ice or wind that's the most common 8v8 spec. No idea where the other guys got their information from
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'Everyone' (in my alliance) told me 41 ice was most common RVR spec on this server. That just goes to show that NO ONE really knows, especially since we're currently in BETA. But I've only been here three weeks.
48 earth is total utility with little to no DPS output (no spec DD). You'll get the last PBT, swing debuff, and earth pet, but that's all. Sounds boring to me personally. That's just my opinion. 48 Earth is a good theurg spec for 8 man if you plan on countering Mid tank trains. However, if you ever want to solo or duo you'll have trouble I'd imagine. I plan on doing a lot of duo / small man, so 48 earth is not the spec for me. If you only knew how many people spewed out persistent, unrelenting opinions about how to spec. This should honestly be an argument of Utility vrs. DPS. |
Nobody will inv theu as dps in a 8man group and if you are spamming nuke instead of putting multiple pets on casters ppl won't inv you again. It's the best interrupter class in game and you need the level 40 earth pets (60 sec) at least to do it effectively. Also mezzing is a terrible idea for 8man. With 35 air you will have 23 sec mezz and it will wear out instantly giving them mezz immunity. High level air/ice specs only work for smallman and solo imo. |
People don't even read anymore. |
You don't even read your own post I guess. You claim those specs to be 'the most common' 8man specs but they are not.
Trust me, they never played theu on Uth 1. The highest ice pet was level 25 so nobody had more than 25 ice at level 50. If they are talking about 'what is common on beta right now'.... well, most people use xp specs even at 50 on beta because we can't respec. %90 of the Hib population is mana spec casters right now and they rvr like that to get some points. Does that make mana 'the most common spec' for menta, eld and chanters as well? |
I've been on Uth for 3 weeks. On Live Ice is still extremely common, so as you quoted me, I was just going by what my alliance mates told me. It's totally situational. An ice theurg is less likely to overextend, imo. The earth pets put more pressure on the enemy, and the ice pets are more subtle. Does the Spec Ice DD still have snare on it on Uth? I don't know; I didn't try Ice out. If it does, that's another pro. Then there's the AE root? Last edited by Zaltor_Kabalen on Jun 26, 2016 11:30, edited 1 time in total.
Ice pets has nothing to do with overextend, they all have 2k range to cast but you cast ice pets more often because of the low duration which may put you in a bad position when you try to recast. You also don't need the last ice pet if you are using it for ranged interrupt. Level 1 version does the same job for the same duration.
Last time I checked the ice pets nuked at 1500 range? Obviously they all have a 2k range original cast. . . Last edited by Zaltor_Kabalen on Jun 26, 2016 11:38, edited 1 time in total.
You still cast your pet from 2k range which has nothing to do with overextend.
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If an ice pet is casting and hitting, you know where 1500 is from your target. It's a good gauge of distance. Not everyone's brain thinks that way though. I'm imagining I won't be casting on just one target? If I have 4 or 5 pets out, I kind of know where I need to be based on where the pets are. If I need to assist with my DD to finish a target, I know where I need to be, fast. No one in their right mind is going to burn all of their power just on pets. I'd hope a theurg lands at least 5 or 6 DD's during an 8 vs. 8. At least I've never unloaded a whole bar on one target during a fight. |
You are talking about using 25 sec duration pets over 60 sec ones. Also assisting with your nuke. And you claim it be more mana efficient? I don't get your point.
You don't do that with earth spec lol |
You picked the wrong class.if you play like that no competitive 8v8 will GRP you. |
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