Any BD made it to lev 45 so far?
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I mean, without being bored by the xp issue (#1647). Mine is still lev 42-43.
I really wish to know what is the total petlevel one can summon with the lev45 commander, to know if we're going to be restricted to one green subpets and two greys (which i really fear >_>) or whatever else. I am not asking about what should be.. i just want to see someone who reached 45 tell me how it is now. And after that, we may try to find evidences if it has to be like that or not. Thankees |
Yes, i am now level 45.
What would you like me to try? |
I can summon two level 39 spell fossil guardian. max level for these is 33
33 x 2 = 66. i can NOT summon either 18 healpet or 15 fossil guardian with these as a third pet so i cant add even 15 levels to this. Cap is hardcoded at 75? |
Anyone know what it is supposed to be? I think it was 3 green healers? (Don't remember levels) |
As i feared >_<
ISSUE #1566 (my comment is the long one) |
Here's your evidence that sub-pets have a level cap of 75: ... ions.4626/
Member of Vanquish
Midgard Tristan from day 1, now a Hib (the pacifist realm) :P |
I'm really trying to remember since its been 14 years, did BD's use 2 heal pets or 3 in RvR?
Well, thank you Hattrick for confirming that i was wrong. I'm going to ditch this class, or use it just as a farmer, still with hope that the xp issue with healers will be treated and fixed. |
I was one of top 5 bds on mid/merlin waaaay back in the day (Theshepard) I used 2 healer pets + 2H hammer commander. Take it for what it's worth. Advice is worth what you paid for it. /cheers -Shep |
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