[Mech] Autotraining help
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Berserker AT would look like this?
Spec Hammer + Left Axe to level ----> Axe AT, Then respec to Axe at 48 after last AT points awarded? Dearyo Drum
<Rare> - Midgard Realm ranks don't cure stupid. |
berserkers dont autotrain
Because I never understood the point of rewarding a player who stepped out of his natural role for the whole leveling process. And it's no fun to play a gimp character for 50 levels to get those few extra auto train points that might be very important in the long run. and the fact that if I never use my bow, I will be better at it in the end, where is the logic in that? |
It was a bad idea Mythic came up with because they didn't want people to accidentally gimp themselves. Then it got turned into a way to get some extra points by hardcore players. So is it stupid? Yes. But Uthgard will be as 1.65 accurate as it can be so that's how it will work. Nezix - 50 Minstrel <The Band>
Merlin: Arthur, what is best in life? Arthur: To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their Lurikeens. |
The argument that something has to be the way it was in 1.65, because Uthgard being as close to 1.65 as possible, gets weakened when on the other hand custom changes will be made for ... reasons. oO
Yeah we had that discussion at Uthgard 1.0 times, like daily.
Over and over again... and again... and again... It's just the way it is, deal with it. Kaasi - Shaman
just get rid of autotrain already its torture for power gamers
So if I understand this correctly if I auto trained (say a paladin) to lv 48 on slash / chants I would get the auto trained pts twice?
ie: upon respeccing at 50 I would get 77pts x 2 = 154 pts? (but they would remain in the auto trained lines?) |
yes, you only take profit of AT if you use that lines, if you go crush the 77 in slash will remain there It's the thrill of the chase
and I'm coming after you. |
So if I was to auto-train a paladin then I could potentially do the following:
Auto-train both chants & slash to lv40 (granting an additional 108 pts). This would mean lvling with crush. Then use the free single line respec to go from crush to slash.. Then simply start speccing both slash & chants from that point onwards? This would mean I would not need to acquire a respec stone, nor go through the turgid auto-train chants until 48 process? Or should I really consider going for full lv48 auto-train on both and then try and get a respec stone? |
this depends on the spec you are aiming, just 50 or at higher RR, if you finish AT at 40 you lose the last 23 points of that 77 total in each line, try using a charbuilder to make the maths considering all your RR carreer in this one you can add bonus points to calculate stopping the AT at diferent levels http://play.nixian.eu/index.php?page=charbuilder&class=paladin. Remember:
It's the thrill of the chase
and I'm coming after you. |
I see what you are getting at, however if I was to auto-train both lines until lv48 I would need a respec stone yes?
After release yes It's the thrill of the chase
and I'm coming after you. |
Or you could just not use the points while autotraining. FYI slash taunt is on lvl8 (=lvl32). This is usually done while being power leveled. uwu ~ orz
https://tinyurl.com/y75vcqqm |
What would be the reality then of attempting to level solo whilst relying on auto-training skills?
Assuming that I would not always be in a group say, and it is probably quite unlikely I would be getting PL'd ![]() Lv8 slash trying to xp in Stonehenge Barrows say, lv36+ (and on the assumption that my chants is at a similar lv) Would it be ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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