Did a pacheal template, need confirmation on the drops

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Gryphon Knight
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Postby QeoSereai » Jul 03, 2016 10:12

Hi, I made a template for my pacheal yesterday and need confirmation if all dropitems exist on Uthgard 2.0

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Moras Ausrüstungsplaner

Konfiguration Report für

Stärke:   0  Intelligenz:   0  Trefferpunkte:  201
Konst.:  75  Frömmigkeit:  77  Magiekraft   :   26
Gesch.:  75  Charisma   :   0
Schne.:   0  Emphatie   :   0

Schlag :  27  Hitze  :  28  Körper :  26
Schnitt:  27  Kälte  :  30  Geist  :  27
Stoß   :  27  Materie:  27  Energie:  27

11 Mending
11 Augmentation



Andere Boni:

Name: Valhalla Touched Hauberk
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 100%
AF:   100  Bonus: 35%
Herkunft: Epic Armor Hauberk Healer
Effekt 1:  16 Piety
Effekt 2:  16 Constitution
Effekt 3:  10 Heat Resist
Effekt 4:   8 Cold Resist
Nutzen: 57,4

Imbue Punkte: 36,5 von 32 (99% Qual) Überladen: 50%
Juwel 1: 28 Constitution - 99% (Perfect) Earthen Essence Jewel
Juwel 2:  9 Slash Resist - 99% (Polieshed) Watery Shielding Jewel
Juwel 3: 22 Dexterity - 99% (Precious) Vapor Essence Jewel
Juwel 4:  3 Spirit Resist - 99% (Rough) Vapor Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    Leer
Nutzen: 57,5

Imbue Punkte: 37,5 von 32 (99% Qual) Überladen: 30%
Juwel 1: 11 Thrust Resist - 99% (Facetted) Airy Shielding Jewel
Juwel 2: 44 Hits - 99% (Polieshed) Blood Essence Jewel
Juwel 3:  7 Crush Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Fiery Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4:  7 Slash Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Watery Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    Leer
Nutzen: 61,0

Imbue Punkte: 33,5 von 32 (99% Qual) Überladen: 90%
Juwel 1: 22 Dexterity - 99% (Precious) Vapor Essence Jewel
Juwel 2: 52 Hits - 99% (Facetted) Blood Essence Jewel
Juwel 3:  7 Crush Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Fiery Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4:  7 Power - 99% (Imperfect) Mystic Essence Jewel
Bonus 5:    Leer
Nutzen: 55,7

Imbue Punkte: 37,0 von 32 (99% Qual) Überladen: 30%
Juwel 1: 25 Constitution - 99% (Flawless) Earthen Essence Jewel
Juwel 2:  9 Crush Resist - 99% (Polieshed) Fiery Shielding Jewel
Juwel 3:  9 Heat Resist - 99% (Polieshed) Heated Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4:  5 Spirit Resist - 99% (Flawed) Vapor Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    Leer
Nutzen: 62,8

Imbue Punkte: 37,5 von 32 (99% Qual) Überladen: 30%
Juwel 1: 22 Dexterity - 99% (Precious) Vapor Essence Jewel
Juwel 2:  9 Matter Resist - 99% (Polieshed) Earthen Shielding Jewel
Juwel 3:  3 Spirit Resist - 99% (Rough) Vapor Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4: 11 Energy Resist - 99% (Facetted) Light Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    Leer
Nutzen: 60,7

Rechte Hand:
Imbue Punkte: 37,5 von 32 (97% Qual) Überladen: 20%
Juwel 1:  9 Matter Resist - 99% (Polieshed) Earthen Shielding Jewel
Juwel 2:  9 Thrust Resist - 99% (Polieshed) Airy Shielding Jewel
Juwel 3: 22 Piety - 99% (Precious) Watery Essence Jewel
Juwel 4:  7 Slash Resist - 99% (Imperfect) Watery Shielding Jewel
Bonus 5:    Leer
Nutzen: 64,7

Linke Hand:
Imbue Punkte: 36,0 von 31 (100% Qual) Überladen: 38%
Juwel 1:  3 Augmentation - 99% (Rough) Airy Chaos Rune
Juwel 2: 13 Body Resist - 99% (Precious) Dusty Shielding Jewel
Juwel 3:  3 Matter Resist - 99% (Rough) Earthen Shielding Jewel
Juwel 4:  3 Mending - 99% (Rough) Watery Chaos Rune
Bonus 5:    Leer
Nutzen: 62,0

Name: Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 91%
Bonus: 30%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Kodo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 28k, 15k
Effekt 1:   7 Thrust Resist
Effekt 2:   7 Body Resist
Effekt 3:  48 Hits
Effekt 4:   7 Energy Resist
Nutzen: 54,0

Name: Jade Moonshone Cloak
Stufe: 48  Qualität: 89%
Bonus: 35%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Arild' in 'Malmohus' at locs 58k, 4k
Effekt 1:   4 Slash Resist
Effekt 2:   6 Constitution
Effekt 3:   4 Crush Resist
Effekt 4:  12 Cold Resist
Nutzen: 44,0

Name: Vial of Fetid Bog Water
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 89%
Bonus: 25%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'broken jotun' in 'Vanern Swamp' at locs 48k, 7k
Effekt 1:   6 Matter Resist
Effekt 2:   6 Body Resist
Effekt 3:   6 Spirit Resist
Effekt 4:  21 Hits
Nutzen: 41,3

Name: Soulbinder's Belt
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 9100%
Bonus: 25%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Yar' in 'Malmohus' at locs 7k, 55k
Effekt 1:  36 Hits
Effekt 2:  10 Cold Resist
Effekt 3:  10 Spirit Resist
Nutzen: 49,0

Rechter Ring:
Name: Superior Accursed Bone Ring
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 100%
Bonus: 25%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Marbo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 5k, 5k
Effekt 1:   3 Mending
Effekt 2:   3 Augmentation
Effekt 3:  15 Piety
Effekt 4:   5 Power
Nutzen: 50,0

Linker Ring:
Name: Superior Accursed Bone Ring
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 100%
Bonus: 25%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Marbo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 5k, 5k
Effekt 1:   3 Mending
Effekt 2:   3 Augmentation
Effekt 3:  15 Piety
Effekt 4:   5 Power
Nutzen: 50,0

Rechtes Handgelenk:
Name: Bracer of Embodiment 1.65
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'drakulv disciple' in 'Malmohus' at locs 31k, 46k
Effekt 1:   2 Mending
Effekt 2:   2 Augmentation
Effekt 3:   9 Power
Nutzen: 38,0

Linkes Handgelenk:
Name: Bracer of the Blaze
Stufe: 50  Qualität: 100%
Bonus: 35%
Herkunft: Dropped/sold by 'Yar' in 'Malmohus' at locs 7k, 55k
Effekt 1:   9 Dexterity
Effekt 2:   9 Piety
Effekt 3:   9 Energy Resist
Effekt 4:   9 Heat Resist
Nutzen: 48,1

The epic quest hauberk is just for style, can be exchanged with a 99% crafted, shield is stattet that it can be exchanged with the runed etched saga shield from dragon later for style too.
Last edited by QeoSereai on Jul 19, 2016 11:29, edited 1 time in total.
Qeo - Pac Heal
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Gryphon Knight
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Postby QeoSereai » Jul 03, 2016 11:16

Confirmed Items:

Jade Moonshone Cloak - exists
Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace - exists
Superior Accursed Bone Ring - exists
Soulbinder´s Belt - exists
Bracer of the Blaze - exists
Bracer of embodyment - was wrong stats, now corrected with the valid stats for Uth 2.0 and temp reworked

Valhalla touched Hauberk - will be implemented with the epic healer quest
Qeo - Pac Heal
Fearegrim - Aug Sham
Thuardo - Warrior
Vobaldt - Sup BD
Scirious - SB
Saemuel - Sup SM
Rodgrodog - Thane
Throelin - Aug Heal
Rodhen - Bersi
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Gryphon Knight
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Postby QeoSereai » Jul 20, 2016 09:36

The Bracer of Embodyment is 2 mend 2 aug 9 Power on this patchlevel, instead of 2 mend 2 aug 9 power and + 21 piety, so i reworked my temp to fit.

Still need confirmation on the Vial of fetid bog water pls.
Qeo - Pac Heal
Fearegrim - Aug Sham
Thuardo - Warrior
Vobaldt - Sup BD
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Throelin - Aug Heal
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Gryphon Knight
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Postby Valfar » Jul 21, 2016 21:31

Any evidence for bracer having these stats at our patch level or? Btw this is a horrible template. Some years ago Yar was easily farmed in duo because it had 20 min repop timer. Now you need more than 2 people to farm it and repop can sometimes be 24 hours or more, so using 2 Yar items in a HEALER template is just brainless, even more so because the bracer's charge has no effect on shaman. I have no clue why would anyone use the epic chest in template, it's the part that gets hit the most and you really want abla proc on it. Also, I understand that in the first template some classes like skald might use epic gloves due to high utility, but there is really no excuse for a healer to use epic parts. Pac healer template without rigid wight claw is just plain dumb. Also, due to Yar repop timer and frequency of dropping bracer of the blaze and soulbinder's belt(haven't seen any drop yet and we killed Yar like 20 times), you're better off using 4-5 MP pieces, probably easier to farm money for those than to drop 2 items from Yar.
It is what it is.

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Postby Hitori » Jul 21, 2016 22:13

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Gryphon Knight
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Postby QeoSereai » Jul 22, 2016 09:00

All drops confirmed valid, can be closed, thank you :)
Qeo - Pac Heal
Fearegrim - Aug Sham
Thuardo - Warrior
Vobaldt - Sup BD
Scirious - SB
Saemuel - Sup SM
Rodgrodog - Thane
Throelin - Aug Heal
Rodhen - Bersi
Jeridian - Skald

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