Level 1 - 20 Albion Guide
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Uthgard is currently based on the patch version 1.65 of Dark Age of Camelot. Before you decide to jump in and invest time into your character, I cannot express enough the importance of making an educated decision in your class choice before starting your adventure. Choosing a certain specialization based on aesthetics alone may leave you not as desirable as others in groups or you may find yourself at times unable to join your fellow realm mates to destroy our foes! Dark Age if Camelot is a hardcore MMO experience unlike any other and if you are willing to learn, you will experience true RVR combat that has yet to be rivaled! I recommend starting at Prydwen Keep as it is located in Camelot hills next to our man city Camelot, your first dungeon, our border keep Castle savage and the player contested zone Darkness falls. If you have any questions in game please feel free to /who 50 or /who <your class> then /tell <player> <question> as most players are more than happy to share their knowledge. For an in quick in depth guide on the basics such as, class rolls, controls and User Interface customization please go here: viewtopic.php?f=65&t=7473 For help choosing your class please read my new player class guide here: viewtopic.php?f=60&t=38412 Here are maps of the starting towns that show places of interest and mob locations: Prydwen Keep: http://imgur.com/a/n41YY Campacorentin Forest: http://imgur.com/a/2TlW0 Congratulations, you've created your character and are ready to get started on your journey! Please keep in mind from here you are unable to change your starting attributes and race choice. In addition, your specialization is only able to be changed once at level 20 and 40 so choose wisely. Levels 1 - 5 Prydwen Keep You will want to do tasks and kill blue or green mobs until you are level 5. After character creation and spawning at Prydwen Keep the first thing you should do is /whisper task to Sir Quait outside of Prydwen Keep. Locate the mob, kill it and a couple additional blue mobs so you level upon turning in the task. For level 2, repeat the process.. Upon hitting level 3 head NW to Cotswold while killing any green or blue mobs along the way while keeping an eye out for these drops: Thin Chert, Flat Chert or Round chert that drop off various mobs(Spriggarns have a higher drop rate chance) turn it into Stonemason Glover at Cotswold for a 100% qual thrust/slash/crush weapon. Clerics and Friars only use Crush so look out for a Round chert. Thin Chert = flint dirk (Thrust) Flat Chert = flint knife (Slash) Round chert = flinthead club (Crush) Note: there is no limit to how many weapons you can get and they are able to be traded. You may want to get an extra for your friend if you are leveling with them or to have an extra dagger for your left hand if you are a dual wielding class upon reaching level 5. If you are a caster class you will not need one of these weapons. (Quest) Head to the Inn and speak with Ydenia whom offers the quest, "Ydenia's Crush" Head back to PK while killing any green/blue mobs on the way back. Get the next step of the quest from Elvar Tambor at PK and then continue tasking with Sir Quait until you level. At level 4 /whisper Task to Sir Jerem inside the house at PK until you hit level 5. I recommend killing as many mobs as you can until you are low in health and then returning to PK to turn in your task in order to minimize downtime. Be careful not to die as you lose your task quest if you die before turning it in. tips: - For melee kill Puny Skeletons for a full set of leather armor, a neck, a belt and thrust weapon. - For casters kill Spriggarns for a staff with cold/earth/matter/body focus: 2 lvls. - For casters at level 4 Kill Faeries located to the E around the hut at lvl 4 for a full set of cloth. - For shield users Kill Spriggarns for a Bark Shield with 5 hits or 1str 2 hits Necklace - If possible avoid killing non humanoid types as they generally do not drop items or coin. - Save a Slash/Crush/Thrust weapon regardless of what you spec in at this level until level 8-10. Humanoid mobs are weak to slash, Animals are weak to Thrust, and undead are weak to Crush causing you to do more damage with auto attacks than using your low level specialization styles and prevents the need to regain endurance points. Levels 1 - 5 Campacorentin Forest (credit: DropOnTheOne) Be careful when fighting around roaming huntsman NPCs as they will kill your mobs stealing XP from you. Kill Task Guard - /whisper Task to Guardian Aron; location = 7123, 12720, 1792 to begin your tasking. Level 1 (Blue con) - location = 9993, 15284, 1684 Tree snake, Gray wolf pups, Dappled lynx, Pixie imps, Robber Level 2 (Green con) - (lowest downtime and these mobs drop better loot for coin); location = 9993, 15284, 1684 Tree snakes, Gray wolf pups Level 3 (Blue/Green) - (low downtime); location = 14420, 12300, 1809 Weak skeletons (night-time only), Dryad twig (standing with forest dryads will drop if killed), Ant drones, Tree spiders, Dappled lynx, Brownie Level 4 (Blue con) - location = 22774, 17151, 1887 | location = 18401, 16295, 1962 Forest bear cubs, Scrawny red lion, Small gray wolf (Blue con) - location = 14219, 20669, 1745 Sylvan goblin whelp (standing with sylvan goblins will drop if killed) Levels 5 - 7 For players that started in Prydwen Keep, head back to Cotswold and turn in the Letter to Ydenia to complete the quest. If you started at a different location locate the nearest Horse Merchant and head to East Camelot Gate. Jump from the horse before the bridge, /bind to this location and head inside the inn to pick up the quest, "Ydenia's Crush". Afterwards, enter Camelot to become the class of your choice and begin your character specialization. Head to Prydwen Keep to continue leveling. /bind here if you've not done so already Map of Camelot hills: http://imgur.com/a/n41YY Once back at Prydwen Keep, continue tasking with Sir Jerem until level 7. (pick up the next step of the quest from Elvar Tambor) (Optional Quest) At level 6, speak with Hugh Gallen to pick up the quest, "Cleric Mulgrut" He and 3 of his minions, 2 decayed zombies and a putrid zombie, walk from between the cemetery and the hill with the tall stone and the large skeletons(From West to North of PK) . If you locate him he will con blue to you at 6, kill him ansd run away after being instantly awarded a belt with 6 hits and a bubble worth of XP. If you are with a buddy you can do this at level 5, but it's easier to just do it at level 6. tips: - At level 6 Studded users should kill Emerald snakes which drop studded vests, gloves, legs and boots which con yellow at lvl 7. - At level 5 Cutpurse mobs (located SE of PK) drop a 2h sword that will con yellow at lvl 7, and a cloth chest with 1 int, 6 hits. - Don't feel obligated to use your styles and resting for endurance during this time as it's not optimal. You are able to do the same amount of damage if you change your weapon depending on the mobs you are fighting. - If you are a Necromancer or Crush user with a ranged pull head to 39k 39k for a great camp of of Large Skeletons that are weak to Spirit and Crush damage. Levels 8 - 10 I recommend going back to Camelot to train before proceeding as it will help eliminate downtime. If you find yourself not having issues with mobs, you may elect to wait until level 10. At this point you are now able to join a group for Albions first dungeon, "Tomb of Mithra" located E of Darkness Falls. If you are unable to join or group or prefer to task on your own head SE from PK and cross the bridge. Locate Lady Aelawen and continue here until level 10 Note: I highly recommend doing the quest Father Hugrath at level 9 as you can easily complete it while tasking. (Optional Quest) Father Hugrath Frip can be found standing next to the bridge near Prydwen Keep, which connects Salisbury Plains to Camelot Hills. Talk to him and he will tell you about how he lost his dad in a ruin nearby and fears he may be dead. Well, he's almost right. Frip's dad, Hugrath, is undead and surrounded by friends. He spawns in the ruins East of Darkness falls. Return to Frip to obtain a Quicksilver Bracer (1 shield 3 quick) ----This is currently a work in progress and I am hoping to finish it prior to launch. If you have anything to add let me know. Also, there may be some grammar issues until I am finished as I am constantly making changes.--- Last edited by Kaudo on Dec 08, 2016 02:23, edited 29 times in total.
If a Paladin uses endurance chant in 1.65, and no one is within 1000 yards to hear it, does it make a sound?
Kai |
I'm looking to provide people with something more than just telling them mob names for each level as you can see from the guide. I want to include tasks and list easy to obtain drops so people have the option to solo as well. If a Paladin uses endurance chant in 1.65, and no one is within 1000 yards to hear it, does it make a sound?
Kai |
you might want to put it all out onto a separate document first, or delete this thread then create another and "reserve" the first 10 posts or so... otherwise this is going to be filled with comments (just like mine) and the meat of the guide will be spread out all over the place
![]() Aside from that, good work. It's good to see someone contributing positively for a change ![]() |
To be honest I was thinking that, but I want to give others a chance to provide input for finishing this guide. Upon completion I am hoping to have it pinned by a GM. If any other players are able to write something for Hibernia and Midgard along the lines that I have we will have the best chance at a healthy community that welcomes new players. If a Paladin uses endurance chant in 1.65, and no one is within 1000 yards to hear it, does it make a sound?
Kai |
I've never really played Alb but do all classes spawn outside PK?
Im just wondering because on Mid you spawn at opposite ends of Midgard depening on your class, so points of reference are only specific under certain conditions. might be worth noting the race/class combos that would benefit directly from the guide; at least to start. |
They don't all start there... I always make Britons so I am a wizard at this area. I state in the beginning though that you should make your way here or just kill/task in your starter area and you may pick up the guide at level 5 if you don't know how to get to PK. I may take a while to list where each combination starts so I may add that at a later time. Last edited by Kaudo on Sep 20, 2016 14:41, edited 1 time in total.
If a Paladin uses endurance chant in 1.65, and no one is within 1000 yards to hear it, does it make a sound?
Kai |
Nice attempt at a guide here. It's a shame that it is attempting to pigeon hole classes into Camelot hills though. Personally I think a more beneficial guide would be short and sweet and targeted at each race/class rather than saying you must got to PK to make use of this guide. Especially sub level 5.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
Love it, Thanks! I agree it pigeon holes players, but the again its a GREAT guy for characters in that area. IF you want, add how to get there from ludlow, then atleast you've covered a couple more races with your guide then
![]() |
I disagree with your comment Barto22 as a player that starts in Camelot Hills provides easy access to DF, Camelot, Mithra, and allows the best chance of running into other players to establish friendships early on. Also in the second paragraph I state that you can kill mobs regardless of where you start and that you can pick up at level 5 when you go to Camelot. This guide is also for players who are not complete noobs and will benefit with making their way to PK as well. If you'd like to create an in depth 1-5 guide for the other starter zones I would really appreciate it though or just 1 if possible. I will link to it and credit you of course. Again, if time permits I will try to do this myself but I am not as familiar with these zones as I usually just kill blues for an hour. Last edited by Kaudo on Sep 20, 2016 14:39, edited 1 time in total.
If a Paladin uses endurance chant in 1.65, and no one is within 1000 yards to hear it, does it make a sound?
Kai |
Once I finish the guide I will try to work on a 1-5 guide with the other starter areas or suggest the best way to get to PK. I know it's hard as you don't start out with silver for a ride so I factor that in... I'll see what I can do once I get a bit further into this guide. I still have a lot of work to do. If a Paladin uses endurance chant in 1.65, and no one is within 1000 yards to hear it, does it make a sound?
Kai |
You don't need to get on the defensive. I'm just putting my input. That's why this guide is on the forum right?
I think it would be great if we could take a very basic and very general gist and then elaborate on the points included. I'm not an expert guide writer by any means but I do know a thing or 2 about the beauty of simplicity. 1-10 kill blues and yellows either solo or in a pair. 10-15 kill entrance mobs solo or duo or build a group and go deeper in tomb. 15-20(45) head to the next appropriate dungeon (or DF) As for gear, use what you have found or ask a crafter for your appropriate level first try craft using what gold you have made. Just an elaborate version of this is sufficient enough for new players. Class and race guides are a separate concern. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
A good initiative.
The wall of text, however, is a problem. Try to break it up with headlines, colours, underlined, and the like. That way, people don't have to read everything or waste time searching for a specific thing. |
Thanks, I agree it's a bit hard to read at the moment. I will format it once I'm happy with certain parts. If a Paladin uses endurance chant in 1.65, and no one is within 1000 yards to hear it, does it make a sound?
Kai |
Very nice work so far, i hope you will continue and fill it out! Just something i'd like to point out.
I saw you had a map-link in your post, i recommend using http://www.valmerwolf.com/mappe/mappe.htm It has very nice colored maps +OTD mobs (something which you should add to this good looking guide). Ive found these maps really useful for leveling/finding locations of dungeons/mobs/OTDs etc! |
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