Spec progression while level!

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Postby Luner » Jun 03, 2016 06:30

Hey all! Boy it's been a long time since I have leveled an infi so I've kind of forgotten how to spec while leveling and I'm a bit more cautious I guess you could say now because of the only respecs are at lvl 20&40, so I'm just curious as how I should spec while leveling? Keeping CS at lvl and weapon and stealth trailing behind? Or do I need envenom for leveling? If I can get any help on the matter it would be very appreciated it! Thanks guys!

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Postby onizukasensei » Jun 03, 2016 09:49

If you can find a group to tag along and level (which will not be a case on the release) pure DPS will be the best thing to focus on.
I would suggest head for DW - Weapon line - Envenom and let the rest behind until higher level (Stealth autotrains so...).
Doing so, you will give the best possible DPS output to the group - (almost as a Merc) without the stealth opening downs.
CS is an option if you aim to level solo or duo since the growth of CS styles is very strong, but compared to a group xp steady pace, its a hand down DW win.
Depending on the end spec you aim to have at 50, you can play around so at 40 to respec for it and learn to play around it.
At low RRs CS is the only way to go in my opinion. DW is viable mostly if you duo-trio (if you are going to solo RR5+ is a must), but still i would suggest to try it at higher RR (about RR 4+) so you can have
50 DW
50 Weapon (Thrust for DF is a huge pro on Infils)
50 composite Envenom
50 composite Stealth

I hope this info helps.

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Postby Paulberios » Jun 03, 2016 14:05

You really do not want to level solo.. Merc spec all the way up. Respec out of DW at 40 and start towards your final spec minus the stealth. Let it finish AT to 48

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Postby OGCFTW » Jun 03, 2016 16:10

I can echo the previous posts: if you plan on grouping, merc spec (DW+Weapon at level, rest in CS/Env, AT stealth). Solo crit spec (CS + Env at level, weapon the rest, remainders in DW)

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Postby tommi01 » Jun 03, 2016 18:11

onizukasensei wrote:CS is an option if you aim to level solo or duo since the growth of CS styles is very strong, but compared to a group xp steady pace, its a hand down DW win.

can someone please enlighten me, why DW and not CS if the growth rate is so strong of CS?

thank you

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Postby hazelhimself » Jun 03, 2016 18:40

tommi01 wrote:
onizukasensei wrote:CS is an option if you aim to level solo or duo since the growth of CS styles is very strong, but compared to a group xp steady pace, its a hand down DW win.

can someone please enlighten me, why DW and not CS if the growth rate is so strong of CS?

thank you

just look at the CS styles and then look at the DW styles. its obvious that for chain pulling and constant dps DW styles are far superior. easier to use, better dmg/endu used and thus more damage over time, which is what you are looking for in grp leveling with a tank grp. also lets not forget the %hit chance for your OH.

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Postby Paulberios » Jun 03, 2016 21:36

90% of the CS chain is worthless if not from stealth and not holding aggro. Use the DW positionals

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Postby Luner » Jun 09, 2016 02:56

@paulberios @OGCFTW @onizukasensei thank you guys for the info! Sorry for the late thanks! Think my bud is gonna level up a necro or cabby and just PL my inf if that is even ok, but none the this info helped a ton!

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Postby Paulberios » Jun 09, 2016 03:49

PL don't work. Grouping is best. Best wishes

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Postby Luner » Jun 09, 2016 07:03

@Paulberios thanks bud good hunting to you as well!

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Postby Autarch » Jun 09, 2016 08:26

Mercinfiltrator spec is best spec for group.
Full DW/THRUST and rest envenom.
Tons of dps, awesome positionals.
CS line is great but garrote Achille requises tons of Endu, no positionnal, awesome evade chain but it means you take agro to finally use it (at the opposite at DW positionnals) and cleric will hate u for this.

Respec at 40 from DW to CS.

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Postby ShepDex » Sep 22, 2016 18:03

I am seeing in posts that CS/crit spec is more viable for solo leveling, but I have to ask, if one is ATing stealth wouldn't that make full dw/weapon spec more viable for solo leveling since most of CS skills are stealth based? I would think with no stealth the hamstring/leaper chain is all you'd really benefit from in cs line and it doesn't seem worth it to me. Am I wrong in this analysis? are the low AT points to stealth enough to really use CS line while leveling?

TLDR: Solo spec leveling while ATing stealth: CS or DW/Thrust?


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Postby peter1986 » Sep 23, 2016 00:59

ShepDex wrote:I am seeing in posts that CS/crit spec is more viable for solo leveling, but I have to ask, if one is ATing stealth wouldn't that make full dw/weapon spec more viable for solo leveling since most of CS skills are stealth based? I would think with no stealth the hamstring/leaper chain is all you'd really benefit from in cs line and it doesn't seem worth it to me. Am I wrong in this analysis? are the low AT points to stealth enough to really use CS line while leveling?

TLDR: Solo spec leveling while ATing stealth: CS or DW/Thrust?


- Shep

DW spec for leveling until 40 then respec into CS. The argument for hamstring is a good one, but you don't have the evade rates early on to make full use of it.

You can have DW at level, thrust a few points behind and still be able to use the max DoT poisons for your level. The poison is what makes soloing mobs way easier, you should always try to have the max +envenom so you can spec higher thrust.

lvl10: 10DW 7Thrust 7Env(+3)
lvl20: 20DW 17Thrust 16Env(+4)
lvl30 30DW 27Thrust 23Env(+7)

At 40 you swap over to CS in place of DW, now having Evade 6, and utilise Hamstring>Leaper. Depending where you leave CS (39/44/50) it may be better to use some thrust styles along with the hammy chain.

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Postby ShepDex » Sep 23, 2016 15:55

Peter -

Now that's a very well articulated response to the exact question I asked. Thank you sir!


- Shep

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Postby Docz » Dec 24, 2016 14:53

Considering BGs and AT til lv48, imho:

Code: Select all
LV, Sth, Pois, Wpn, DW, CS

lv19: -, 17, 15, 18, 3
lv24: -, 22, 21, 21, 4
lv29: -, 25, 23, 29, 6
lv35: -, 35, 24, 34, 6

------------- RESPEC DW -> CS
lv40: -, 35, 34, 6, 38

--------------AT ends at lv48 -
lv50:   37, 37, 50, 14, 44


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