Berseker spec

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Postby n0w » Jun 03, 2016 12:07

Is "37(+14) Weapon, 50 LA, 44 Parry" a viable spec for Bersi?

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Postby dabri0n » Jun 03, 2016 12:51

KEy to be viable is to have max LA and enough weapon to hit 50(51 for RR5+) composite weapon spec. Remainder is icing ..

would go 29hammer 50LA 39sword, 30 parry (swapping sword over to parry while gaining RR)
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Postby Capass7x1 » Jun 06, 2016 15:55

dabri0n wrote:KEy to be viable is to have max LA and enough weapon to hit 50(51 for RR5+) composite weapon spec. Remainder is icing ..

would go 29hammer 50LA 39sword, 30 parry (swapping sword over to parry while gaining RR)

Do you suggest sword for druid/cleric damage? I see almost everyone with hammers

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Postby dabri0n » Jun 06, 2016 21:29

Think both is solid. I'd still go sword for better armor resist tables.

Also, with dragon and DF being the only obvious sources for hight end drops, I think sword might be more interesting. But we have to get more solid info on templates and items available.
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Postby hevi » Jun 09, 2016 17:59

I would go with 50 Left Axe, 3x Axe, 4x Parry (Depends on RR so between 39/42 to 34/46)... Axe slower Weapon (4.2) and better table, so more damage... Lack of Back Snare, but anyway there will be someone else in Group dedicated to it...
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Postby Fabulabelle » Oct 02, 2016 13:55

Hi, was hesitating between rolling a skald or zerk at relaunch, really loving both classes.

For zerk, I wanted to play a dwarf for the +5% body resist. I think this resist, added to deter, can be really nice in a train.
Just a precision, the resist % doesn't influe on the duration of the mezz right? only on the chance to resist right?

Anyway for the spec, was aiming:
- 50 LA
- 44 Axe (for havoc and high weapon skill)
- 29 Hammer (for conquer : decent anytime snare)
- 23 Parry

I think this spec is viable, good damage, polyvalence with snare ability, and minimum of parry.
Aiming at RR5 :
- 50 LA
- 37 Axe
- 37 Hammer
- 24 Parry

For same reasons, but to increase Hammer damage and be more balanced against ennemies.

Can I have your opinion on this?

About RA:
- Deter 5,
- Str 3,
- MoA 2,
- Dex 2,
- MoP 3


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Postby Makish » Oct 02, 2016 22:03

Fabulabelle wrote:For zerk, I wanted to play a dwarf for the +5% body resist. I think this resist, added to deter, can be really nice in a train.
Just a precision, the resist % doesn't influe on the duration of the mezz right? only on the chance to resist right?


100sec delve mezz on 0% resist = 100sec mezz

100sec delve mezz on 50% resist = 50% mezz

RA resist and Det is added multiplicative
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Postby Scalado » Oct 03, 2016 01:33

In terms of spec, there is no reason not to go split for different damage types. By changing to a more advantageous weapon type, you can increase damage. You can check out the armor resists and vulnerabilities here: ... esists.php

Race has been discussed many times on these forums, so you can check out older threads. In my opinion, damage potential is the most important thing, and troll simply fulfills that role best (also has the greatest synergy with haste effects). The "new" defence penetration system also favours high strength races.
Size would be a further valid concern, since less targetability is good. This becomes less pronounced when playing against experienced players.

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Postby Fabulabelle » Oct 05, 2016 21:15

Thank you for your both answers. Indeed, troll would be awesome for zerk, but I really like the dwarf skin, little, and body resist.
And trolls have very low dex/qui, what do you think about this?

I guess a dwarf with 2 troll can be as nice as 3 trolls, if body +5% resists +deter :) I just imagine a deter5 + 30% body resist, +16% healer buff would be 46%

On a 80 sec mezz, this would mean 80sec - 46% = 43,2 sec. With deter5 = 10,8 sec. I just imagine that I would not need purge to face enemies mezz. Your opinion? Indeed a troll would lack 5% body only, and it would not be so awful but well... I have to think about this :D

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