Crazy Scout spec talk...

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Postby Treyt » Apr 02, 2016 22:40

So how crazy would it be to play a scout and not spec shield at all. Do something crazy like 50 Thrust 45 Bow 36(35) Stealth and the rest into shield?

I know that 42 shield for slam is going to be cookie cutter rinse and repeat for all Scouts, especially with 30 minute Purge. I was just thinking of outside-the-box type spec possibilites.


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Postby Nezix » Apr 02, 2016 23:20

I don't want to be negative but archers aren't very good at this patch level :(
The range on See Hidden was huge back then so you are easy pickings for any assassin class.
If you are planning on playing in a stealth team then that's better but in that case I think they are going to want your slam!
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Postby Ilerget » Apr 02, 2016 23:21

50 thrust for dragonfang? you know scout doesn't have as much evade as infi, right?
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Postby Treyt » Apr 02, 2016 23:34

I am well aware of the limitations on Archer classes at this patch level. I have always had a sweet spot for the Scout class though.

I was just thinking of different ways that the class could be played and every single one involved hitting like a pansy with your sword and hoping that you land slam with your shield so you could get more shots off with your bow. I am just merely floating the idea out there of taking the shield out of the equation, building up your bow AND your thrust damage and leaning on Evade III giving you an opening to maybe land your stun that way and actually be able to do some (although still significantly lower than an assassin) damage.

I mean, if the class is going to suck and yadda yadda yadda whatever..... why not try something a little wierd and have fun with it?

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Postby Scalado » Apr 03, 2016 00:30

If you wanna play it, then go for it. Here are my thoughts, though...

in group stealth play, shield is vital for guard and anytime stun. You'll lose a lot of utility for very little gain (others are providing the melee dps). At this patch level, I see the scout's main role as a group supporter in stealth wars.

As solo (1v1), there are 3 basic options. You use True Sight to snipe someone down. Your camo is down and you get attacked (very common). Your camo is up and a "normal" fight ensues, most likely without killer openers like PA or Critshot.

In the first option, you are relying on a high bow skill to do the main damage. The same could be accomplished with a bow/shield spec.

In the second option, you will most likely be dead very fast. Even if you survive a bit, you will want to buy time with a fast stun (take advantage of long purge CD). Waiting on an after evade stun is risky, since dual wield halves evade chance. Even with Dodger V and dex/qui buff, we're talking about ~20% - before defence penetration(!).

In the third option, you are still ******. You'll have time to wait for Dragonfang, which is good, though if they purge, you will lose vital defence whilst waiting for their immunity timer to fade. The problem is that assassins will be evading at very high rates vs. your one-handed weapon. If they don't have purge up, you could just as well do the dps with your bow.

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Postby Ilerget » Apr 03, 2016 14:49

I don't know if block/evade change from Uth 1.0 to 2.0, if its the same can tell you that my scout blocked A LOT more than evaded, fighting a savage in brae could laugh at him because I blocked ALL his hits but 1, vs a warrior was ridiculouse fight because we were blocking/evading nearly everything :lol:
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Postby morry1000 » Jun 21, 2016 22:40

50 shield
45 bow
35 stealth
15 thrust

requires full auto train (ouch)

:grin: or should that be: :wall:

And basically you would melee with....your shield? I am sure I have seen vids of that working.

Plus Brutalize then shoot them in the face...or something like that!

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Postby Trishin » Jun 22, 2016 00:02

Ilerget wrote:I don't know if block/evade change from Uth 1.0 to 2.0, if its the same can tell you that my scout blocked A LOT more than evaded, fighting a savage in brae could laugh at him because I blocked ALL his hits but 1, vs a warrior was ridiculouse fight because we were blocking/evading nearly everything :lol:
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Postby OGCFTW » Jun 22, 2016 00:25

We used to play melee scout/melee ranger duo on Mordred back in the day.

36 Stealth
39 Thrust
42 Shield
35 Bow

Slam, 39 thrust positional, rapid fire 1, and... stealth.

We were RR7 at the time, but hey, it was super fun!

Bow still does enough damage to get some good ol' keep defense and leech RPs.

Now that I post this, I totally want to play it. Haha.


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Postby Iguldi » Jul 26, 2016 01:06

hey my dear crazy-scout-friends!

Im happy to be back here ;)

well... in my experience I will start a scout again when uthgard comes live.... I just love it ^^ maybe Im a little a selfdestroyer...

I cant rly remember how it was on old ra. but it was funny that almost all assasins had no purge rdy -> free rps. and if the retimer is right, it was possible to use the L2 slam. if they purged u have to survive just 6-7 sec to kill them. but Im 1) not sure if it will work on uithgard and 2) not sure that the retimer will be right.
maybe it will be nice without those pd-rangers

on uth 1.0 it was not easy too, and now without any MoS (u are blind like a mole)... and just all 30 min TS for good free xp (killing 2 maybe in a row for sure rps on a bad day^^ (maybe) but for 10 ra pooints? oh dear...) -> scout will be the shortweight-stealth on uth 2.0 again

first I will make a farm-char again like on uth 1.0 (had friar). Maybe this time I make cabby or necro... but I dont like necro very much.

after that I make a scout again... I would make it somehow everytime. Its sometimes very frustrating but than sometimes big fun!

my spec will be again 50 shield 35 stealth (rr3+/37) 45 bow rest thrust. (at or not... doesnt matter rly Imho, becourse I will never need thrust... and on uth 1.0 it have taken ages to get 50 without bow (never a group and its a sickness without bow solo - even full sc-ed. killing a yellow each 2 min solo L40+ full sced is crazy annoying.

but all in all... well.. scout on a elite-old-school-server like uth will be soon again... dunno.... u need to add alot :p

well I cant await the crazy beginning ;)

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Postby Treyt » Aug 19, 2016 21:42

I guess that I am just a masochist because i plan on rolling a Paladin PvE farm bot first and then a Scout for my RvR.

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Postby Hojo1 » Aug 29, 2016 14:50

Has anyone been playing the Scout in this Beta? Are you tempted? Whats it been liek with the MOS changes? Can you ocmpete solo or must you duo with another stealther?


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Postby Thalien » Oct 08, 2016 14:08

If i drop the fotm inf for a scout for nostalgia im going to run

45 LB
42 Shield
35 Stealth
29 Slash
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Postby Equade » Oct 08, 2016 17:31

50 shield
50 composite stealth
45+ bow
rest thrust

Maximize dex and use shield for damage. It will outdamage thrust and it's crush damage.

I had great success with it on Uth1. Maximize your defenses and get a 2nd slam in there if necessary.
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Postby Thalien » Oct 22, 2016 17:16

To the question.

The difference on the training dolls between 32 thrust and 50 thrust is around 20 damage per hit.

So you gain very little more damage and get a not very reliable stun but lose a much more reliable stun and lose defence.
Still the 44 snare could be helpfull. Mainly for escaping. Snare and shoot gonna be hard since 80% of enemies got some range rupt.
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