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Postby chefcook1337 » Oct 19, 2016 16:30

silenced wrote:What will come first? BER or Uthgard? Questions over Questions.

Tokyo Olympic Games I guess ... oO :rolleyes:

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Postby RonELuvv » Oct 19, 2016 23:01

Azoazial wrote:
kpax wrote:But the nf map was definetly the best choice made by goa, which improved options in rvr and keeps, which u didnt have on classic maps that way

I could not agree less...
NF was terrible IMO.

And this just goes to show that no fix, change, balance, or anything will be looked at by all as a good thing. Personally, I also loved New Frontiers, TOA, and New RA's, but kpax only liked NF maps, and Azo hated NF. Thats why I :lol: every time some player on these forums wants to toss out custom changes. They will never work because for every player that loves the custom change, another player will hate it.

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Postby Cipherr » Oct 20, 2016 02:55

You are the first person I have seen that loved ToA. Its almost universally considered the point where the game veered into the wrong direction.

Killed its great combat by making everything a battle of timers instead; as if low timers on RAs were bad enough.

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Postby Ensley03 » Oct 20, 2016 05:01

ToA was my favorite expansion and some of my favorite times in the game. I guess the only people who wouldn't like ToA would be people who had REALLY busy lives or people who just had no friends. I had a great group to play with and played for about 6 hours a day while working full time and didn't have any problems.
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Postby playfull » Oct 20, 2016 06:47

See yall after the holidays :)

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Postby Azoazial » Oct 20, 2016 09:14

RonELuvv wrote:
Azoazial wrote:
kpax wrote:But the nf map was definetly the best choice made by goa, which improved options in rvr and keeps, which u didnt have on classic maps that way

I could not agree less...
NF was terrible IMO.

And this just goes to show that no fix, change, balance, or anything will be looked at by all as a good thing. Personally, I also loved New Frontiers, TOA, and New RA's, but kpax only liked NF maps, and Azo hated NF. Thats why I :lol: every time some player on these forums wants to toss out custom changes. They will never work because for every player that loves the custom change, another player will hate it.

Finally, someone who makes sense, instead of throwing with poop :P
Although, I don't agree with you on the ToA part :D

I played more DAoC during ToA, than any other time, but that's because we were some of the first (Mid Merlin/Mordred) who did the ML's... Some of the ML raids took up to 14 hours, before we completed it.. I get why ppl who had busy days, HATED ToA... I liked it to begin with, but later realized that for me, ToA ruined DAoC.. Everyone was soooo focsued on 25% melee dmg/spd and caster spd/dmg, powerpool, cap stats, blah blah blah.. It was just stupid.. I know they nerfed it to 10% later, but still. You couldn't even get a group if u weren't atleast ML8 on some classes, others required ML10..

I just want the classic game back, which I enjoy, and that will be pre-ToA, wether the game has a MAP, LFG function, HOUSING, Spellcrafting even SI, I dont really care, I just wanna play this damn game :P


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Postby Murak » Oct 20, 2016 23:50

Dear Community Manager,

i would please you to let the Dev's Team know that from Italy we all deeply thank all Staff's Members for the impressively hard work (and time and resources) that you are putting in on a project that mean simply a dream for us all in the past years. We wish to you (and us) the best luck and success on Uthgard and we would like to be more usefull for try to spare a bit of weight that you are carrying on for our entertainment unbelivable free.

Sorry for autotrained eng, i hope you can caught the sense

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Postby DraakOG » Oct 21, 2016 00:04

We can talk TOA all day but it’s irrelevant...because the community was the downfall:

TOA was both bad and great for the individual player. If you had the time and resources it opened doors and utility for your class. If you didn't have the time and resources, then it quickly widened the gap between the serious player and the casual player. How the people responded to this gap is what I consider specifically to be what killed the community around DAOC, or at least really began its demise.

Before TOA it was ROUGHLY: Grind to 50, level a crafter, farm SI / Dartmoor / DF, and pay for your template and boom you could R.v.R when you wanted.

After TOA it was ROUGHLY : Grind to 50, level a crafter, farm SI / Dartmoor / DF, farm artifacts, scrolls for the artifacts... then HOPE to GOD that a raid was in town so that you could start your ML's... and as previously stated, "you were sometimes excluded from a group for not having ML 8 min or worse ml10min". You could get through the grinding part, but the ML's took ages and it was the community of players itself that ostracized the casual player base because of lack of ML's.

We can talk all day about what killed DAOC... but really when you start analyzing the facts... and get to the bottom of things... it's all about how the community responds with the information, skill-sets, and tasks they are given.

The community of players ostracized each other because of a lack of ML or RR. The community ostracized players in R.v.R from groups because there wasn't a perfect fit utility wise. People also chose to not group people for not being able to use TeamSpeak or Ventrillo. People by nature want to win/excel at something and always seek to optimize everything. Striving for perfection and then demanding perfection from anyone else you played with is simply a lot to ask. The interaction within the community and with your realm mates is what makes this game, bugs or no bugs. The same community is what later created the disputes between Uthgard vs. genesis. The community as individuals did not all follow the DOL license originally and essentially self-cannibalized the population by hording code and not submitting it back within the community for all to benefit from
Again it goes back to maintaining the edge, being optimized, and better than others.

Servers spit the population of Classic DAOC lovers by competing over code instead of sharing so that everyone could work towards a common goal.

Does having a template help, yes
Does having TeamSpeak help, yes
Does having a set group of players that all come on the same time help: yes
But not everyone in this game has access to all that. That's why the game came with guilds, alliances, and other community designs. So that the community of players could act like a community and assist each other. I think a lot of people lost site of the whole premises the game: Community, help each other, and care for each other.

People think I'm crazy when I do SC or ALC potions for free for people. I think people who don't want to help their realm mates that have less are crazy... That mentality just encourages them to go find another game where there is a community that is willing to assist them. Help the players around you readjust when they come back new, they have questions ... just like you do when you don't have the answers.

I've run some of the dumbest duo set-ups that didn't make sense... just to give other players a chance to R.v.R on their joy char. Yah we won some and lost some, but we had fun playing and learning together.

So please, enough of the blaming mythic, developers here, x/y/ or even z expansion, and stop blaming QOL changes. Everything in life and in DAOC too has to deal with how YOU as an INDIVIDUAL responds to the situation in front of you. You can ostracize people, players or as I call them "future friends" or you can become one with your community and be a part of what still thrives in this game. If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem...

Just food for thought... not a sermon =P
Your local friendly neighborhood sorc =)

P.S. Devs, thank you for the communication and update. Also, I understand Blue and Trishin both gave back to the DOL community and left from having their code used, modified, and optimized only to not be returned to them to benifit from. So I understand why they broke away from DOL partnership and went on to code by themselves. These people that abused their access to your code are the ones I refer to when I say:
Servers spit the population of Classic DAOC lovers by competing over code instead of sharing so that everyone could work towards a common goal.

Edit: Better Pweet?
Last edited by DraakOG on Oct 21, 2016 02:55, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby pweet » Oct 21, 2016 00:32

Very interesting post. I can't read the very last quote due to color though. Please change that so I don't miss sth.

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Postby riad » Oct 21, 2016 02:45

the blue text still sucks big time

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Postby Trishin » Oct 21, 2016 12:25

P.S. Devs, thank you for the communication and update. Also, I understand Blue and Trishin both gave back to the DOL community and left from having their code used, modified, and optimized only to not be returned to them to benifit from. So I understand why they broke away from DOL partnership and went on to code by themselves. These people that abused their access to your code are the ones I refer to when I say:

The reason is not that we didn't "get anything back". The main reason we split from DOL was because the project went in too many directions. Some wanted i50 servers, some wanted to follow live servers, some wanted to stick to an older patch. We welcome anyone to our team that share our vision and are able to contribute with something. But it makes little to no sense to try and make DOL want the same as Uthgard.
Got any questions? Submit them to me and I will try to get them answered in our grab bag !
Rajnish wrote:Why didn't someone warn me that being GM means lots of boring research, logging, testing and organizing data....
I thought it was all about looking cool....

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Postby DraakOG » Oct 21, 2016 19:46

Trishin wrote:
P.S. Devs, thank you for the communication and update. Also, I understand Blue and Trishin both gave back to the DOL community and left from having their code used, modified, and optimized only to not be returned to them to benifit from. So I understand why they broke away from DOL partnership and went on to code by themselves. These people that abused their access to your code are the ones I refer to when I say:

The reason is not that we didn't "get anything back". The main reason we split from DOL was because the project went in too many directions. Some wanted i50 servers, some wanted to follow live servers, some wanted to stick to an older patch. We welcome anyone to our team that share our vision and are able to contribute with something. But it makes little to no sense to try and make DOL want the same as Uthgard.

Thank you for clarifying. I stand humbly corrected.
Still, thank you guys for all that you do.

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Postby chefcook1337 » Oct 22, 2016 09:21

Until server goes live .... :grin:

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Postby An7ony » Oct 24, 2016 20:14

chefcook1337 wrote:Until server goes live .... :grin:

Well there's 10 hours of my life I wont get back !

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Postby Zappo » Oct 24, 2016 22:03

RonELuvv wrote:
Azoazial wrote:
kpax wrote:But the nf map was definetly the best choice made by goa, which improved options in rvr and keeps, which u didnt have on classic maps that way

I could not agree less...
NF was terrible IMO.

And this just goes to show that no fix, change, balance, or anything will be looked at by all as a good thing. Personally, I also loved New Frontiers, TOA, and New RA's, but kpax only liked NF maps, and Azo hated NF. Thats why I :lol: every time some player on these forums wants to toss out custom changes. They will never work because for every player that loves the custom change, another player will hate it.

Hy ma old boyz.

One thing about Kpax post one just cannot deny:

Uthgard really HAD it's biggest success population and rvr-wise (all kinds of rvr, really) in relation to the time this era lasted while granting access to NF zones including NF port system.

Call it nostalgic but i never understood why people would not want that again.

And then someone comes around the corner and posts the link of an ancient discussion about OF/NF zones that is still stickied without any context or reason and calls that people wanted OF back then and that you will never be able to cater to every single player and damn the solution for that?

I got none, life is sh... im baked and better go sleep soon :gaga: but gimme back NF zones and precious CC display naow! /mememe


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