Help to train our Dragon!
Dear players!
The hills have been quiet for ages. Abandoned and unkempt, yet peaceful. Many assumed the King was dead or a myth. While the civilians of Hibernia were asleep, they were awakened in the dead of night by a familiar tone. The roar of the Glimmer King. Cuuldurach has returned. After years of gathering information, countless hours of implementation, we have managed to piece together our first Dragon. He is ready and available to test. However we encourage players to join during a scheduled test under staff member supervision so we can make appropriate adjustments and fixes if necessary. We need a few samples of player raids to get an accurate feel for a live server Uthgard raid. This will be a thorough test and thus need players that are able to dedicate a reasonable amount of time [two to three hours] to allow adequate testing. We can safely say to you that this is one of the final major issues blocking the relaunch and thus would love your help on completing this chapter of the BETA. We will be providing players with adequate equipment to make this test as suitable and seamless as possible. Players participating in the raid should create their chosen character in advance with the name used in the sign up below. This will allow us to provide you with the needed equipment to participate in the raid. Players should still equip themselves with the free items provided from the city merchants - we will handle the rest. Gnome and Genjiro will meet those signed up for the raid on Monday 28th of November (today) at 20:00 CET . They will be with you to teleport you should you die and also provide you with the items needed. We realise how last minute this is thus if we unable to get enough names at such short notice we will do our best to re-schedule. We would like to run a second date on Friday the 2nd of December at 20:00 CET. If you would like to sign up to the Friday test please follow the procedure above but specify: We have attached our sign up sheet below, the dragon raid will have to take place at this specific time and day in order to allow our staff members to be present to assist you. Should you wish to join the raid please reply to this forum thread using the example below: #Signup Jimmy, Hero. ... edit#gid=0 We will edit the google document and add your names. #Signup Jimmy, Hero - Friday 2nd. ... edit#gid=0 Many thanks, Your Uthgard Staff People coming together as a community can make great things happen.
With all due respect. I can't help but to feel like these are "countless hours" that would be better spent on working towards a release. The game has never been about PvE anyways.
The dragon is a great addition to the game, however it will be weeks or even months before enough players are ready to take it on. I don't see why this project should not have been put on the back burner. Open the server, and work on it. Implementing it much later. Grumble grumble.. /rant off Still looking forward to the server opening, but it is an open forum. A lot of things worthy of praise here, but criticism as well. |
I love the PvE of the game. Dragons are super important to folks like me man. Edit: Yall need to put this on the front page, I nearly missed this. Edit2: Looks like I just caught this post early, its already on the homepage now ![]() Last edited by Cipherr on Nov 28, 2016 04:48, edited 1 time in total.
Dragons... test it boys.
![]() |
I love the game. I wouldn't say i love the PvE. I like the teamwork it takes to do PvE. i just think dragons should be a bit further down the list, when there are people (once again) losing interest in the project. I've been telling my friend that they should get into it, and a lot of them are ready to go..and we're still waiting. You have to strike when the iron is hot. There was a lot of interest in this server 2 years ago. Now, not so much.. I'd love to be able to play this game with my younger brother, but its getting harder to persuade him when every time he asks me if "that game" is still in Beta, and i have to tell him yes. "Let me know when its out of Beta" is the response i'm getting when i try to promote this server. I'm trying to recruit people here, and the delays are making that difficult. |
You mean Monday the 28th Correct, Not 29th considering you put today in there.
Just wanted to make sure. |
So is this only Hib dragon your testing I only have Mids or are you doing all 3 at same time I am confused Sorry would love to help no matter what just unsure of how to change realms if I have to
them moving on towards dragon testing suggests housing is finished, and aside from dragons, there are only acouple of epic lines still in need of looking at. would be crazy if we saw a late december/early january release :p
Only Hib dragon at first, when we polish it we can move it's changes over to the others. You can easily change realms while in beta and you can make instant 50s for testing. Go to and click the tab "Realm Transfers". Ignore the bit about it taking 7 days. |
Hell yeah. Lets do this!
To all the cry babies on this forum: If you do not participate in these arranged tests, then you have absolutely no rights to say a word about release date coming late! #Signup Steffen, BM. |
#Signup Jacob/Nuhsa, Druid Healer/Buffer.
Got 1 question tho. Never played much Hib, and only killed dragon on Mid, så I have no idea where to go ![]() |
Do not worry! I will help testers to get there. Just make sure to switch your account-realm (if necessary) and create/equip your toon. News || Getting Started || Rules || Issue Tracker
Coloured text represents my personal opinion and is not associated with Uthgard Staff nor is it an official statement. |
Do you have any requirements for specs of the different classes? |
I am signing up:
#Signup Uzkrak, Blademaster. for Monday 28th |
#Signup Grimhound, Ranger - Monday 28th.
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