@Bards check out AM please

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Postby Falken » Dec 14, 2016 23:57

The RA of Ameliorating Melodies feels really gimped, compared to what it was or should be. Everybody says this is a major perk of being Hib outside of Group Purge (can't break that one thankfully). The tick frequency seems right, but its like its the same healing just doing it faster, which wasn't the intention at this patch level according to 1.62 notes:

Bard Changes

- Ameliorating Melodies now heals twice as much (its tick frequency was halved from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds).

The initial part of the change should be interpreted as, AM was not performing how it was supposed to and so we doubled the amount it heals. This was done by halving the frequency it healed, so you should see the same heal/tick, but it happens twice as often now.

Maybe my English comprehension is lacking.

Currently data mining and looking for old bard videos to possibly find a log with some #s or at least an organized 8v8 where we know what people's hp is fully templated out to math out a rough figure, because as it stands now Uthgard's version appears wrong.
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Postby Nezix » Dec 15, 2016 00:24


May 9th, 2003:
Tested AM on pendragon a bit today and it heals for around 1000 hp in 30 seconds, only in shorter tics for 30 seconds.

So they halved tick time and hp healed is now worse then on live?

Hope its a bug then :(

*edit* tried again and specifically tested tick time and it seems its still 3 seconds, and once again healed for about 1000 hp, and I tested by jumping of towers stryfh :)

Heh, I just tested it as well.. Delves as Stryf says..
I had 1456 HP buffed, jumped off the wall to 1hp, (one regen tick before I hit AM) and it took me to 3/4th's almost exactly.

1456/.75=1092 ..so, AM is doing 1K heal over 30 seconds.

that of course sucks and I am sure
that it is a bug.. gotta be or they nerfed us.

Ok I did a test of AM on Percial Obviously before patch

buffed I had 1429 Hitpoints
I jumped off of a tower it took away 80% of hp's left me with 286 - Hit for 1143
I hit my stop watch and hit AM at same time.
when 30 secs was up I was not completely healed so I did a major heal spell, and it was only able to heal for 143 to fill me up.

So basically AM healed 1000 points for me.

That's 3 different players testing AM on Pendragon before those 1.62 changes hit live.

TL Report 1.62:

Ameliorating Melodies – The benefit of this RA is still not on par with the cost. The range is too low, and the timer is too long. Increasing the range to 2000 to make it in line with heals and either decreasing the cost to 10 points or decreasing the timer to 15 minutes would make this RA worth the cost.

You can look here as well for video evidence and breakdown:

You need to provide evidence and not just ignore the existing evidence that has been presented. The current evidence provided is a post from 2008 that isn't even AM specific.
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Postby Vlalkor » Dec 15, 2016 00:29

"that it is a bug.. gotta be or they NERFED us."

Meaning it was MORE than that PRIOR to TESTING on pendragon..... And it was supposed to be BUFFED not nerfed at that patch...

Testing on pendragon- did not make live servers... it was a BUG value on pendragon which is why there are so many posts about it. They fixed it before the patch dropped. How are people ignoring that fact?

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Postby Time » Dec 15, 2016 00:31

It's not a mid ability, move along. Nothing to see here.

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Postby Nezix » Dec 15, 2016 00:35

Vlalkor wrote:"that it is a bug.. gotta be or they NERFED us."

Meaning it was MORE than that PRIOR to TESTING on pendragon..... And it was supposed to be BUFFED not nerfed at that patch...

Testing on pendragon- did not make live servers... it was a BUG value on pendragon which is why there are so many posts about it. They fixed it before the patch dropped. How are people ignoring that fact?

Not ignoring, I understand what you mean. But you should be able to find some post-1.62 patch discussion then - anything from "AM is awesome now" to "so glad they fixed AM before it went live" - I'm looking too
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Postby Vlalkor » Dec 15, 2016 00:39

http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/old-f ... 250241609/

scroll down and read the AM realm ability.

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Postby Nezix » Dec 15, 2016 00:47

Vlalkor wrote:http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/old-frontier-ras.250241609/

scroll down and read the AM realm ability.

Again, a post from 2008 with no source. No dicussion, just a copy paste from somewhere at some time.
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Postby Time » Dec 15, 2016 01:36

So by that logic, a post with no source... Every RA on that list is up for discussion.. Meaning none of the RA's currently in game/on Uthgard are official.. making them custom? Not understanding here.. Most if not all of those RA's listed on that IGN post are accurate.. so why would one automatically assume that AM is of incorrect value?

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Postby Falken » Dec 15, 2016 02:06

A random comment in that thread of them talking about old RAs - "I miss the old AM on my Bard, that was godly."

He must have been talking about the 50 heal per second he was getting from AM... so pre 1.62 you guys actually believe people spent 14 RPs on a group 25 heal per second? The lack of logic being used by the people behind the scenes is kind of mind blowing, but it is hib realm and not mid realm so it is okay if it isn't 1.65 accurate.
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Postby dabri0n » Dec 15, 2016 02:14

300hp per tick @1.5 sec for 30sec = 6000hp / party member. Where do I sign?
uwu ~ orz

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Postby Nezix » Dec 15, 2016 03:51

Time wrote:So by that logic, a post with no source... Every RA on that list is up for discussion.. Meaning none of the RA's currently in game/on Uthgard are official.. making them custom? Not understanding here.. Most if not all of those RA's listed on that IGN post are accurate.. so why would one automatically assume that AM is of incorrect value?

Not every one of those RAs was changed a few patches before 1.65.

I have nothing against Bards, Hib or AM - But when people point at:
"I miss the old AM on my Bard, that was godly."

I can only shake my head. That is not a number, not even an estimate of a number. Actually try to do some research - I read almost every post on that bardsofcamelot website after the post testing AM during 1.62 for about a years worth of dates and found absolutely nothing. Watch some OF Hib videos and look at their buffs bars for AM if you got some time. Do something other than claim you "remember" it being some way.
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Postby Pyat » Dec 15, 2016 09:47

Is this a valid source for everyone here?

https://forums.freddyshouse.com/threads ... es.121505/

It is from Apr. 2003 so still 1.61 right?
If the 2000 hp over 30sec is correct it means 200 per tick every 3sec.

So it should be 200 every 1.5sec after Patch 1.62, making it 4000 hp over 30sec

just tested it on Uth:

I started with 1498 hp. After i jumped, i lost 75% which is 1123.5 hp.
With AM it took me about 20sec to reach full hp.
Lets take 19.5sec, which is 13 ticks. 90hp per tick gives me 1170hp.
That would mean current AM gives 1800hp over 30sec

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Postby GreenP » Dec 15, 2016 14:00

Nezix wrote:
Time wrote:So by that logic, a post with no source... Every RA on that list is up for discussion.. Meaning none of the RA's currently in game/on Uthgard are official.. making them custom? Not understanding here.. Most if not all of those RA's listed on that IGN post are accurate.. so why would one automatically assume that AM is of incorrect value?

Not every one of those RAs was changed a few patches before 1.65.

I have nothing against Bards, Hib or AM - But when people point at:
"I miss the old AM on my Bard, that was godly."

I can only shake my head. That is not a number, not even an estimate of a number. Actually try to do some research - I read almost every post on that bardsofcamelot website after the post testing AM during 1.62 for about a years worth of dates and found absolutely nothing. Watch some OF Hib videos and look at their buffs bars for AM if you got some time. Do something other than claim you "remember" it being some way.

Thanks. But now watchout! Or people call you a trolling midgardplayer that is trying to nerf hib :lol:
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Postby Loriot » Dec 15, 2016 14:06

AM couldn't stop a tanktrain but it definetly forced enemys to build a train and stopping there splitpushes. it was also very often used to deal with (stealther) adds which made them rarely killing anything for 30secs. i'm almost 100% sure it healed for 250~ per tick at some point at atleast, maybe it got nerfed later on but i really can't remember any pre toa nerf on AM (bards cried alot about the low heal value on NF though).
Last edited by Loriot on Dec 16, 2016 00:41, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Nezix » Dec 15, 2016 16:32

Pyat wrote:Is this a valid source for everyone here?
https://forums.freddyshouse.com/threads ... es.121505/
It is from Apr. 2003 so still 1.61 right?
If the 2000 hp over 30sec is correct it means 200 per tick every 3sec.

Yes, but keep in mind that Freddy's was mostly/all European players which meant they were playing GoA, which means they were maybe 3-4 months behind US servers date wise. I'm not entirely sure of how far they were behind at any point but it's something to keep in mind. Also GoA occasionally added/changed things in DAoC that were NEVER in US servers (like barrels I believe).
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