@Bards check out AM please

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Postby HulkGris » Dec 17, 2016 02:55

Nezix wrote:Not ignoring, I understand what you mean. But you should be able to find some post-1.62 patch discussion then - anything from "AM is awesome now" to "so glad they fixed AM before it went live" - I'm looking too

I found one from august 2003 (european server) :

07/08/2003 wrote:J'ai testé hier la modification de mélodie bénéfique et je dois dire que je suis super content

Nous sommes passé d'une RA bien mais chère à une RA qui est ce dont je rêvais

Avant : elle soignait environ 1000 pdv sur sa durée.
Maintnant : elle soigne environ 2000 pdv (un peu plus) avec un tick de 1.5secs.

Translation (approximative)
08/07/2003 wrote:I tested yesterday the modification of AM et I must say that i'm very happy about it

We went from a good but expensive RA to a RA which is what i dreamt for

Before : it was healing about 1000 HP on its duration
Now: it is healing about 2000 HPs (a little bit more) with 1.5sec tick.

So, it should be a 100 healing tick every 1.5 sec for 30 seconds.

Btw, i'm not sure to understand the first post and what the RA is doing exactly by now on Uthgard.
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Postby Vlalkor » Dec 17, 2016 03:05

@ hulk, currently on uth its healing for 74.9 HP/1.5 sec

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Postby Loriot » Dec 17, 2016 11:37

Vlalkor wrote:
Loriot wrote:so if it is less than 100 the delve was actually wrong?

its not less than 100 its not even 100, its more than 100, 100 is the level 1 of the new AM on new frontiers, old frontiers was much stronger than the level 1 new RA.

but the delve of the old ra always said 100, i just assumed it wasnt correct.

btw you can never tell the exact value from a video if you don't know the char/server conditions like toa stats, relics etc that influence it.

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Postby Seksy » Dec 17, 2016 14:15

Played bard in beta, am is pretty bad at it's current implementation. If it healed 100 every 1.5 sec then it would be ok, but it doesn't. Pretty underwhelming for a 14 point RA....

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Postby GreenP » Dec 17, 2016 14:31

Another check on that solobard roaming in emain
Toa with old ra, this is 1.66-1.69 blabla i already mentioned it^^
So we know at some point this bard is healing himself for 297(thx to quality) and i tried to find a second situation where the bard is on about the same health before he healed up and another time AM is active.


Second healthbar when AM is running You will notice the healthbar is a tiny bit longer than the first one. If you just watch the video its almost impossible to notice, i think.

First healtbar before he healed for 297

Shortcut: Before and after 297 heal

Shortcut: 3 tics of AM

Weird: Even when the healthbar of the AM was slightly longer, if you compare each healtbar after the 297heal and the 3 tics of AM there stays a small gap on the AM-healthbar but the 297heal put him to 100%ish... so if we can trust this it would mean AM slightly healed less than 300hp in 3 tics.

I dont say uth AM is perfect but noooooooooooooooooway its anywhere close to 200 or even 300 per 1.5sec as some of you people claim. I also played bard in 2003 and i agree with loriots memories. AM was very nice for smallmenrvr and against enemies that didnt run a heavy assist, not more, not less.

AM on uth seems to be at 1500/30sec but according to nayrus quote(2014) it should be 2000/30sec.
Nayru wrote:That's wrong. It's 100 every 1.5 seconds for 30 seconds, so overall you and your group are healed for up to 2000hp each

Last edited by GreenP on Dec 17, 2016 17:20, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby barto22 » Dec 17, 2016 15:24

My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard.

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Postby Shinyuka » Dec 17, 2016 16:26

open an issue with the evidence you found? :D

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Postby Raifs » Dec 17, 2016 17:02

GreenP wrote:Another check on that solobard roaming in emain
Toa with old ra, this is 1.66-1.69 blabla i already mentioned it^^
So we know at some point this bard is healing himself for 297(thx to quality) and i tried to find a second situation where the bard is on about the same health before he healed up and another time AM is active.

200 Base Heal and the rest with 0-25% Heal Bonus 0-20% Relic Bonus 0-28% Mastery of Healing?

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Postby YOLKD » Dec 17, 2016 17:29

if every daoc freeshard researcher got into CSI, i dont think there would be another unsolved case ever again.
Koochi made the beta quit.

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Postby Equade » Dec 18, 2016 14:00

Seksy wrote:Pretty underwhelming for a 14 point RA....

Have you heard about Static Tempest?
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Postby Falken » Dec 21, 2016 10:04

Are we trying to just sweep this under the rug? I mean even GreenP came around and admitted that it could possibly be wrong! 74.9hp/1.5 sec is wrong, lets fix it.
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Postby pweet » Dec 21, 2016 10:08

If you want to get it fixed make a bug report :hammer:

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Postby Falken » Dec 22, 2016 08:05


One was already made, and prematurely closed because they assume they have been right from the beginning, when in reality Hib just didn't have enough fanbois to overcome the Midion zerg of thumbs downs.
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Postby Roxxor » Dec 22, 2016 12:28

wtf? On Uthgard isn´t democracy, why the community have a right of choose here?
The AM is currently not 1.65, so fix it.
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Postby Genjiro » Dec 22, 2016 13:57

Since issue #2447 has been opened, I am going to lock this thread.
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