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Postby Infinitum » Dec 18, 2016 13:12

How do you think Infinitum will fare as a Shadowblade on Uthgard 2.0? <3
The Lone Assassin

Formerly: Infinitum - Uthgard 1

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Postby Nezix » Dec 18, 2016 16:53

Infinitum wrote:How do you think Infinitum will fare as a Shadowblade on Uthgard 2.0? <3

I will change my pet around so your deaths will be versatile at least. :D :D :D

Nezix - 50 Minstrel <The Band>

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Arthur: To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their Lurikeens.

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Postby Falken » Dec 19, 2016 10:50

Weapon type of choice for this patch level and why? From the perspective of a BM.

No SI drops/quests either.

Pierce vs. Crush. vs Slash.
Hib - Falken (BM) / Sneakster (NS) / Kalfen (Enchanter) - Currently Inactive

Alb - Djfalken (Minstrel) - Inactive

Mid - Tooeasynothanks

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Postby CowwoC » Dec 19, 2016 15:50

what is the "best" way to start, if you want to play a stealther mainly?
level up a other class first? if yes, which one(all 3 realms) - and why?

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Postby Llaw » Dec 19, 2016 16:11

Falken wrote:Weapon type of choice for this patch level and why? From the perspective of a BM.

No SI drops/quests either.

Pierce vs. Crush. vs Slash.

Never Crush.

Pierce is the best since it has +damage vs all healer-type enemies except Friar, and +damage vs many of Mids tanks and Mercs.

Slash comes in close second since it is very good vs the Mid tank train.

Crush being Neutral against Mid and good vs Alb leather/reinf and plate just isn't enough to make it viable.
Siege - Warrior
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Postby pweet » Dec 19, 2016 18:16

Falken wrote:BM.
Pierce vs. Crush. vs Slash.

It depends on your grp setup. If you play meele heavy and you focus on supps with your BMs then thrust.
If you play in a kite grp more caster heavy then slash and beeing a firbolg imo since you will focus on light tanks.

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Postby mogdude » Dec 19, 2016 20:40

Nef Melody wrote:
mogdude wrote:Want to play tri spec healer! What's the plan for race/stats/skill 1-50/ ra's? Thanks in advance!

Dwarf 15dex 10piety

Core Ras at 5L5

The Ra progression depends on whether you want to spend a respec or not, but I would suggest using one.

With Respec :
Mcl2 -> Respec at 4L8 to

Leveling spec

Lvl5 : 4Pac 3Mend
lvls 5-15 Mending to 14
15-21 Pac to 15
21-24 Mending to 18
24-31 -> If you feel that your heals are sufficient for the type of exp grps you get in to, Pac to 25
31-36 Mending to 25
36-42,5 -> Again, if you feel that your heals are good enough, Pac to 35 if you feel that you need more healing power, go for 33Mending first.
At 46 you should have 33Mending and 35Pac, after that you can go for 18 or 19Aug and then put the remaining points into Pac until 50

Feel free to ask further questions if I have not covered everything you'd like to know. Keep in mind that there are other spec options, this is just based on what I believe to be the best way possible

Thanks for the detailed answer Nef. I'm not sure anymore on playing trispec... Yes, it is a very balanced build, most versatile spec imo... but idk if that will be thing :) Maybe you can tell me same as above for aughealer? From what i understand it's way more easy to start with.

Id like to ask for starting attributes as a troll warrior too if you dont mind. Do you think it's wise to go +15 str + 10 quick?

Appreciate your help buddy!

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Postby slowpoke68 » Dec 20, 2016 02:49

isocleas2 wrote:
slowpoke68 wrote:Just read through this 40 page thread, all very interesting. Thanks for doing this. I used to play competitively in an 8 man group back from 01-03. Really excited I heard about this server launch and excited to play...will be playing NA CST mostly. Trying to pick my class.

Wondering if you could list a couple of classes from each realm that will have the greatest chance of getting into 8 mans, based on need vs. likely population of that class. (For example, lets say an Albion Sorc may be greatly desired for groups, but there are going to be a ton of people likely rolling them. Or X class may be highly desirable, but a lot of people won't be rolling that class because of whatever reason.) Back when I used to play I ended up maining Warden because every rvr group wanted one and there just weren't that many on the server.


These are imo the classes that are desired for RvR on all 3 realms.

Always wanted for groups:
- Pac healer
- Aug healer
- Aug Shaman
- Zerker (no one runs mid caster group)

Usually wanted for groups:
- Warrior (Almost included it in the Always wanted category)
- Skald (Same as Warrior, there will be some groups who don't run a skald but most will)
- Tri-spec Healer
- RM
- Savage

Always wanted for groups:
- Bard
- Druid x2

Usually wanted for groups:
- Blademaster (Unless running heavy caster virtually all groups will run a BM)
- Eldritch (Same as BM, this is usually the first caster added to a group so unless the group is all tank/naturalist..)
- Hero
- Enchanter
- Mentalist (Most hybrid or tank groups won't run this class, but most caster groups will)

Always wanted for groups:
- Mind Sorc
- Cleric x2
- Minstrel (this is up for debate but the class is amazing if well played, should be in every group except maybe for keep fights)

Usually wanted for groups:
- Armsman (almost included this in the always needed category, you're always going to have atleast 1 caster who needs guarding)
- Cabalist (another class that should probably be in every group)
- Theurgist
- Mercenary

Any class not mentioned still has a role to play in RvR groups but its more situational so I wouldn't recommend making one your main.

Casters are tougher to play than tanks/heal classes, so if you're not very good on caster but want to play one still I'd recommend the enchanter or theurgist. Their jobs are more straight forward than the other casters who have more spells to use to maximize their utility. If you can play caster well though you'll often have a spot in a group, a good sorc/caba/rm/eld is worth its weight in gold.

I'd recommend a Druid or Cleric, they're easier to play and you need two of them for every group so you have better chances of being needed to fill a spot. Also tanks/casters are often perceived as being more fun to play so finding a dedicated heal class is tougher.

Good luck.

Thank you very much!

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Postby Nef Melody » Dec 20, 2016 10:09

Infinitum wrote:How do you think Infinitum will fare as a Shadowblade on Uthgard 2.0? <3

Best SB without a doubt but you'd perform better on Hib side as my presence in your realm would lift you up to new heights :oops:
Nefcait : Bard
Gua : Enchanter
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Postby hazelhimself » Dec 22, 2016 01:03

Will "Druid Druid Bard Warden Hero BM BM Eld" be a thing in pugs?

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Postby Falken » Dec 22, 2016 07:46

hazelhimself wrote:Will "Druid Druid Bard Warden Hero BM BM Eld" be a thing in pugs?

Warden is boring as hell at this patch level, great perks to a group but to have enough of them to suggest it as a common pug group I doubt. Everything else seems pretty consistent, if you can't find a warden then a 2nd bard/ment would be good for 2nd demezz.
Hib - Falken (BM) / Sneakster (NS) / Kalfen (Enchanter) - Currently Inactive

Alb - Djfalken (Minstrel) - Inactive

Mid - Tooeasynothanks

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Postby Kazyo » Dec 22, 2016 08:17

hazelhimself wrote:Will "Druid Druid Bard Warden Hero BM BM Eld" be a thing in pugs?

I'd say a better "tank" setup for Hib would be 2 Druid / 2 Bard / 1 Warden / 2 BM / 1 Hero... or whatever tanks you prefer

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Postby bonerot » Dec 23, 2016 14:17

I had a question for those with experience with Uthgard. Myself and 2 friends will be playing at launch. we have not played in a very long time but are looking forward to classic daoc.

I dilemma is coming up with the best 3 classes that compliment each other to play together. our intent is pve to 50 then small man or guild group rvr end game. None of use are "caster" types as we tend to not have patience for cloth armor :lol:

If anyone is willing to chime in this is what we are thinking at the moment. Realm is not a huge thing as much as having fun together. thanks in advance for the input. there is some GREAT info in this thread!

Midgard - skald, warrior, shaman
Albion - Paly, friar, minstrel or tank?
Hibernia - hero, warden or druid, tank?

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Postby teddie » Dec 23, 2016 14:27


Minstrel, Paladin, Merc (Friar).
Problem is, that Minstrel and Paladin a classes with autotrain, so either you have a hard time in PvE, or you lose speccpoints.


Shaman, Warrior, Skald


Bard, Fian, BM/Valewaker

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Postby bonerot » Dec 23, 2016 14:44

thanks for the input teddie,

what is the class you listed after bard on hib? cant make that one out?


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