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Postby pweet » Dec 23, 2016 14:52

Hero. Do don't do a VW if you also want to do grp rvr. Bard +2x det tank (bm or hero) is a good choice to start small men action while being able to evolve to a grp.

In Alb minst cleric +det tank (arms or merc) would be good so you can also do 8V8. Autotrain on minst might be important for 1v1, for 3+ small men it is not needed.

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Postby bonerot » Dec 23, 2016 16:09

thanks pweet, I was wondering about the VW, have not had much experience with that class. As a bard is it pretty much expected that you drive all the time? or will others drive so you can focus on the important things like mezz, int, heals etc?

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Postby Nef Melody » Dec 23, 2016 17:17

bonerot wrote:thanks pweet, I was wondering about the VW, have not had much experience with that class. As a bard is it pretty much expected that you drive all the time? or will others drive so you can focus on the important things like mezz, int, heals etc?

Either the Bard or a Det Tank should drive, however, it is usually not a good idea to /stick while roaming in rvr.
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Postby mogdude » Dec 24, 2016 02:50

Best race/stats/spec(at included)/ra for RVR Warrior? Thanks for thee help!

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Postby isocleas2 » Dec 24, 2016 03:16

mogdude wrote:Best race/stats/spec(at included)/ra for RVR Warrior? Thanks for thee help!

Best race = Troll
-Strength > better defenses of the other race options

Starting stats:
-15 str, 10 quick

50 hammer, 50 shield, 30ish parry
-Hammer is essential for a warrior with the side + back snare, you can spec lower in hammer and raise axe or sword. 50 sword, 29 hammer, 42 shield, xx parry is another spec but imo ragnarok is not worth it better to just go high in hammer.

-Spec axe or sword while leveling and autotrain hammer until lvl 40, then respec. It should get you enough extra points for 2 more parry, 3 if you would autotrain to lvl 48.

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Postby Qorth » Dec 24, 2016 06:47

From viewtopic.php?f=65&t=13665

Heli wrote:One special thing about Warriors: If you want to use the autotrain points you MUST level without any weapon spec because all 3 weapon spec lines are autotrain. :D

Does this hold true?

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Postby Ilerget » Dec 24, 2016 10:46

Qorth wrote:From viewtopic.php?f=65&t=13665

Heli wrote:One special thing about Warriors: If you want to use the autotrain points you MUST level without any weapon spec because all 3 weapon spec lines are autotrain. :D

Does this hold true?

yes, go full shield+parry spec and respec later
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Postby mogdude » Dec 24, 2016 17:23

isocleas2 wrote:
mogdude wrote:Best race/stats/spec(at included)/ra for RVR Warrior? Thanks for thee help!

Best race = Troll
-Strength > better defenses of the other race options

Starting stats:
-15 str, 10 quick

50 hammer, 50 shield, 30ish parry
-Hammer is essential for a warrior with the side + back snare, you can spec lower in hammer and raise axe or sword. 50 sword, 29 hammer, 42 shield, xx parry is another spec but imo ragnarok is not worth it better to just go high in hammer.

-Spec axe or sword while leveling and autotrain hammer until lvl 40, then respec. It should get you enough extra points for 2 more parry, 3 if you would autotrain to lvl 48.

Thank's for your reply! But the at is wrong imo! All 3 weapons are at, so if you skill just one like you said it kills it all. Need to train shield/parry only untill lvl 48 to get all at points. Correct me if i'm wrong here...

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Postby Nef Melody » Dec 25, 2016 06:09

Autotrain will only be disabled for the line you've skilled and only if you have the points spent in that line when you would get an autotrain point.
It is even possible to respec before you hit the lvl that would grant you an AT point if you're rich enough to afford the respec stones
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Postby Tacos » Dec 25, 2016 07:17

Does snare nuke cause immunity at this patch level?

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Postby Ironicles » Dec 25, 2016 08:28

Solo PvP questions...

1. How will Hunters do in solo PvP?
2. How will BD's do in solo PvP?
3. I know this would be very difficult, but solo aug healer in PvP? :) Speed, insta heals, insta mez/stun, celerity, buffs, damage shield, etc.
4. Sorc or Theurg for Alb solo PvP?
5. Does ATing a minst make it much better for solo PvP?

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Postby imamizer » Dec 25, 2016 09:13

isocleas2 wrote:Autotraining:
-Spec axe or sword while leveling and autotrain hammer until lvl 40, then respec. It should get you enough extra points for 2 more parry, 3 if you would autotrain to lvl 48.

I doesn't work like that at all. You can go for hammer all the way to 48 and your final spec will be the same. So no need to waste a respec stone.

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Postby Larko » Dec 25, 2016 09:19

People say you only need base weapon spec up to 51 composite but if you go higher you gain more weapon skill. What benefit does this give you and if it's beneficial why not go over 51?

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Postby Dromina » Dec 25, 2016 09:59

Larko wrote:People say you only need base weapon spec up to 51 composite but if you go higher you gain more weapon skill. What benefit does this give you and if it's beneficial why not go over 51?

As long as you use only styles from a "spec" line your base weapon spec defines your base damage. E.g. Leftaxe styles for berserkers or shadowblades with composite sword spec, weapon skill and skill damage will come from the leftaxe skill and base damage from base weapon skill. If you want to use styles from the base line the base line skill also defines your weapon skill and skilldamage. So warriors need high sword/hammer spec to get the highest weapon skill and damage.

The 51 holds true for RR5 (your own level is treated as 51 at RR5 for damage calculations -> 16.5 dps usable from weapons instead of 16.2 till RR4L9). But higher than 51 will only benefit you if you want to use skills from that spec line.

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Postby Liss » Dec 25, 2016 17:42

To AT warrior is usually useless, since you only really benefit from it if you go dual-spec or solo. Not to forget that 1-48 without a single point into any weapon spec is harsh, both to you, and whomever you play with.
There is however one small exception.
If you AT to level 8, you can go 50/50/29, instead of 50/50/28 xD

RAs: lw1, det5, purge, block2, lw2, block3
Det and Purge is super cheap as a warrior.

You also want at least 10 in both str and dex at start.

Snares that are not primary do not add immunity.
This includes melee-snare-styles, and nukes with a secondary snare component.
It should also hold true for pf, twf, and pulsing snare spells.

Left Axe is probably the worst possible line to use as an example, because of how it works. It is better to use alb or hib lines to illustrate this.

In general the reason you want your 'base' on par with your level is to make sure the damage variance is at the highest tier possible.

Note: It was later on proven that what Wyrd presented was flawed.

3. 80%+ of your damage will be from swings landed, and not from damage shield, because it ****** poor how it works here.
If you consider how def pen works now, it will be rough, but not impossible.
There is no more silly viper-monkies so it should be easier that way, however you no longer have 5 min purge and bof 3 :(

However to accomplish it you need to switch gear a lot. chain->studded depending on what damage type the enemy uses.
I would advice you to get to rr6 before going solo. You will benefit a lot from it.
This is also probably the only reason to ever pick a Norseman healer :p


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