Groups and Guilds on Uth 2.0
It's no surprise as Hibernia is second only to alb when it comes to having strong group ra's. Heck even the solo ra's for Ns/Ranger are pretty strong. I still think mid will be more populated but it wont be the strongest realm for 8v8 when alb/hib start getting those strong Ra's.
Mid will be overpopulated. Not everyone posts on these forums or cares to tell you where they are rolling.
Mid is the PUG powerhouse for this setting. I know of atleast 6 guilds that are not on this list that are undecided between alb/mid. [url=]link[/url]
My body is ready. |
Yes mid ll be overpopulated some french guild are not in the excel
Lot of hibbies it seems. Love seeing more realm mates to group and fight with.
not too concerned for other realms as it has been stated multiple times that at least mid will be pretty over populated. Just glad to see all the excitement from everyone about getting started on a fresh server. Keep the hyper train going! <Blood Feud>
Druid - Bubbler Hero - Cramit Enchanter - Rounder Bard - Melody BladeMaster - Crunch Mentalist - Dottie |
wtb /realm 4 on my characters tbh
![]() RR5 Ownage!
im setting up a group for the alb 8v8 guilds as a sort of temporary alliance while there are no guilds/alliances in the beginning. i would like people from winkz/daoj/darkdawn/paper daoc/prime to contact me so i could invite/promote then you can invite the rest of your people, if you are interested.
thanks this is what it looks like so far: ![]() Koochi made the beta quit.
Critical is a USA guild.. if we can get the USA Flag next to our name, that would be cool
![]() retired
Pretend to Extend is a NA/USA guild if you wouldn't mind changing the flag. Thanks!
See you soon Hend xoxo
Rabenfrost (Hibernia) German Guild.
Hey whats up pma, see you on uthgard baby ! |
I'm getting a group together on Alb. Can toss us on the list.
We will be albion friends! |
Baguette, French rvr guild on Midgard will be there too.
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